Q&A 5.9.24


First time using your plans.
1. When there is a stretch after a lift or strength movement, do I do the same amount of reps and for how long do I hold the stretch?
For instance,
3 rounds
Bronc complex
Instep stretch
2. During session 2, do I need to run 6 miles for time on flats and pavement, or should I run on my typical terrain? I usually run hilly to steep dirt trails.


You’ll do the instep stretch on each side for 20-30 seconds, so ~40-60 seconds total.

For the 6-mile assessment, you can use either. The catch is to do the follow-running progression intervals on the same kind of terrain.


I went through the Q course as a “on the smaller side guy”. 6 ft but around 170 lb. After the course and language ended I shot up to the high 180s(185-190) while doing resilience and then a body building program and then the hypertrophy for skinny guys over the span of 4 months. Gained a lot of strength and some weight, (ex: squatting 225 for 12 instead of the previous 225 for 3). I contribute the weight and strength gain to hormonal stability from the end of the stresses from the q course and dive prep and to the workouts. But the question is should I continue trying to get bigger to increase my base for getting stronger or switch to one of your operator sessions to work overall with the increased base I already have as I begin my time with my team? Any contribution would be appreciated, thank you!


6ft and 185-190# is an ideal weight range for your build. I would not suggest working on getting bigger, but instead working to develop your Relative Strength in base fitness cycles (strength in relation to your body weight). Start the Operator Sessions, which is the ideal daily program to employ at this stage of your career. Congrats on graduating and getting to a team!


I am looking for a training plan that would get me in shape for a mountaineering course in August on Mt Baker and Rainier. Is there a specific plan you would recommend?  My baseline fitness is pretty good right now but not mountaineering shape.  This would be for developing my skills as a beginner.


Got it, thanks for clarifying. I’d recommend the following plan sequence in preparation for Mt Baker and Mt Ranier. This will build your general mountaineering specific capacity, then jump into a Mountain specific training plan.

  1. Mountaineering & Hiking Prep (4 Weeks)
  2. 1-Week rest
  3.  Ranier Training Plan (7 Weeks)
You didn’t mention a exact date for your course, so if you have more than 11 weeks, jump into our Mountain Elite daily programming, which is base fitness for our Mountain Athletes. You can purchase/subscribe to these individually, or just go with the Athlete Subscription which includes access to our entire catalog.


I am now 31 years old and have been serving in the mountain infantry since 2016. Two years ago I decided to step up in the ranks and becoming an officer.

Fitness has been an incremental part of my live since I was a child, so staying fit and meeting the requirements of the officer training has never been a problem.

Two months ago I was confronted with my first bigger injury. Due to wear and tear my meniscus had to be repaired and I got surgery. This incident made me think about fragility and what that means to me. Honestly it made me anxious about how I will continue my path in the military. I still have so many goals I want to reach and I don’t want age, injury or anxiety be an excuse for not passing. But nevertheless I think that I have to tackle my training a lot smarter to take care of my joints so that they will serve me for a longer time to come.

That´s when you guys come into play. I have been following you for many years- I love your professional content and philosophy. Lately I have been using your „leg injury program“ to keep me away from „injury paralysis“ and still stay in shape during recovery time. Thank you for creating those plans, as the injured often get overseen in training regiments!

Today I am still not allowed to run but I am optimistic to do so, soon.

What is my concern?

1-2 years from now I will be facing a special 4- week training course. It is called the „Einzelkämpfer- Lehrgang“ in german and seen as quite hard.

Here´s a brief description:

“The lone fighter course 1 (EKL1) trains leaders and instructors for soldiers on their own to enable them to survive in enemy territory after being separated from their own troops and to fight their way back to their own troops. Under physical exertion and psychological pressure, the participants must later be able to lead a group on their own.”

Only a few people pass it. And my goal is to pass it (even though I will be a 34 year old female then). My other comrades joining me will be roughly 10 years younger- but that’s just on a side note.

Therefore I want to be prepared and fit as best as I can. There is a little entry test which is some sort of clothed swimming (no prob. for me) as well as a run (7k, 20 kg ruck, less than 52:00 min) and a mil. obstacle run.

Since many years I have been using the crossfit- styled training plan from „Street parking“ (you may know them). It served me fantastic, as it is extremely flexible, especially for the changing training conditions and absence of training equipment one faces as a soldier. 

My plan is to still stick with it and use the daily workout as my baseline. 

On top of that I want to work on my overall robustness, knee- friendly running capacity and other (fitness related) military capabilities. Therefore I want to additionally follow one of your training routines that prepare for special military needs. 

As I am not familiar with all the special tests and trainings you have in your armed forces- it is hard to for me to decide wich plan may fit my needs the most. 

So can you please give me some advice which training plan of yours would be the most suitable. Again here are my requirements: 

  • improving running capability (with additional weight)- and still be knee- friendly
  • extend my robustness 
  • 3x/ week protocoll
  • strengthen my joints, back and „chassis“

Also I am very curious if you also offer some sort of individual coaching? I really want to put my fitness on a sustainable basis even when getting older. 

So again: thank you for your fantastic work! I recommend you all the time- especially to my mountain infantry fellows. Please excuse the long text- I thought this information would be useful for you giving me advice. 


Thanks for reaching out!

Your best option would be to begin our Daily Operator Sessions. This is 5x/week fitness specific to Military Athletes and can be modified as needed to fit your schedule. The training will certainly meet your requirements of strengthening joints, back, and chassis while developing durability/robustness. With your 3x/week schedule, you can split the training as follows:

Week 1: Sessions 1-3
Week 2: Session 4-6
As you get closer to your course, I’d recommend the USAF SERE Specialist Training Plan. SERE is the US version of the course you sent the details on. However, don’t begin this training plan until you’re much closer to the course start date.
No individual coaching, sorry!


 I am an ROTC cadet who will be attending the Infantry basic officer leadership course on January 12th at Ft Benning. I will be commissioning and graduating from college on 19 May and then will return to my home in England from which I will be solely preparing for IBOLC and beyond to Ranger School. I have just developed an awareness of the MTI, and have heard great things, and was wondering if you could answer some questions for me before I commit to a subscription… I am a nearly broke college student after all.
If I get an athlete subscription would it be possible to work with a trainer to have a personalized training program made specifically for IBOLC and the events involved within that course?
I am a skinny wanker weighing 135lbs, and am looking to put on a good amount of functional weight, can a work with a trainer on nutrition and maximum weight gain in the time prior to my attendance?
Would a subscription allow me regular contact with a trainer to allow to me ask questions or seek further guidance on my progress when necessary?


We’re always available to respond to any questions about the programming or potential modifications.

Weight gain: We have partnered with a nutritionist, but that’s not included with the Athlete Subscription. Weight gain isn’t super complicated… eat a ton, focusing on clean carbs like white rice, protein, and veggies.


Thank you in advance for your assistance. I have a few questions included in this email.

Can you please assist with non-running substitutes (due to injury) for the busy dad daily programming (see below)? I’ve noted the running-based exercises for weeks 1 and 2 in May. My aim is to have a pool of substitutes I can reference moving forward…hopefully this covers a good number of them that I’ll encounter throughout the programming. I only listed an exercise once to avoid any repeats.
Week 1:
Session 1 – Run 200m
Session 2 –
Session 3 – 4x 40-ft Shuttle and Suicide Sprint
Session 4 – Run Assessment Run 3 Miles for Time
Session 5 – 4x Prone To Sprint and 2x 40ft Farmers Carry (can this be performed stationary? For example, hold hard but doable weights for x amount of time)
Week 2:
Session 6 – Run 100m and 5 Rounds, Every 4 Minutes Sprint 400m
Session 7 –
Session 8 –
Session 9 – Run 1-Mile @ Assigned Interval Pace
Session 10 –
Also, can the barbell complex be modified to use dumbbells instead? Thinking ahead based on equipment availability at times.
Is there a more appropriate programming stream or training plan(s) that allow for running substitutions and reduces heavy barbell movements (primarily BB squats) to accommodate for injury/wear and tear?
I’m open to whatever you feel is most appropriate…busy dad (original email) or any other programs/daily streams that provide a long-term path moving forward. Post military just looking to stay fit for my family/personal health.
Lastly, when beginning busy dad daily programming where should I start? May week 1? Week 2? Etc.


A few options…

  • We do have a Leg Injury Plan, which will work around your banged-up leg. Based on your note, this would be my top recommendation while you’re on the mend.
  • If you stick with Busy Dad, substitute running for rowing or biking by utilizing this Run/Ruck Substitution Resource. Simply reduce the loading of squatting movements, or substitute it with Hinge movements. For shuttles, do hard biking interval work for the amount of time it would take to do the shuttle work with the same assigned rest period.
  • Another option is our MTI 45+ programming, for high-impact athletes over 45. Less knee-driven work, although we do still program running endurance. This might be a better long-term option for you.


Hey team, quick question. I’m about to dig into the backcountry hunting build 1 and will not have time to get to the gym/weights every week due to life. How do you recommend I adjust squats? I have a 65lb sandbag.  Amrap and work percentages off that? Thanks for any tips.


We don’t currently have any simple equations for replicating the intended effect of barbell strength work with the sandbags. The simplest guidance for this specific plan would be to utilize a time scale… For instance:

Original Programming
5 Rounds, every 90 Seconds,
4x Back Squat @ 80% 1RM

Substitute with…
5 Rounds, every 90 Seconds
45 seconds Max Reps Sandbag Squats @ 60-80#
45 seconds rest

You may need to play around with the work time, but you should be able to complete relatively equal reps of the SB Squats every round.


I have used your training before and am looking to get into your mountain programming. I have had an ankle fusion since the last program so that takes runs and shuttle sprints etc. out of my wheelhouse or capability at this time. Do you have any recommendations on how to progress or interchange exercises. I am an avid swimmer and can be as creative as imaginable. Thanks for your time


We have two resources on the exercise menu page that will be helpful in navigating/substituting movements. See below. Happy to provide any additional context/info if you start running into issues (no pun intended). Run/Ruck Substitution – https://fitness.mtntactical.com/exercises/details.php?id=test Injury Exercise Substitution – https://fitness.mtntactical.com/exercises/details.php?id=-injury-exercise-substitutions-


For Peak Bagger Training I have been using sneakers for stepups but hiking boots for Ruck March. Should I also be using hiking boots for stepup workouts?


As long as you’re wearing your boots for the hikes, it’s up to you what footwear you utilize during step ups.


I just now started the USMC Pft plan. I enjoy it so far but was hoping to have more strength/time in the weight room. I got the athletes subscription so I was wondering what if any program you would recommend to ‘double’ to the PFT plan…if thats a bad idea that would also be helpful to know. Thank you!


Go with TLU Strength… you can plug those sessions into any day for additional strength work. I’d recommend plugging those strength sessions in on Tues/Thurs based on the USMC PFT Plan schedule.


Im looking into the TBS plan for before the school starts, but im curious what you would recommend for during the school with the busy and unpredictable schedule….?


Daily Operator Sessions is going to be ideal during TBS. It’s exactly what I did when I was there. Fit it in when you can, and follow the programming sequentially. Good luck


good afternoon, for both valor (barbell complex) and all the sets in fortitude, how much rest time should I be giving myself? Thanks


1-2 minute rest between sets

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