Q&A 5.30.24


I purchased the general fitness daily stream. A couple of questions:
1. Since it is near the end of May, which week should I start on?
2. Just want to make sure I have selected the correct plan: I am a 41-year old fairly fit trail runner/mtber and want to make sure I am adding in general strength and chassis work.
I run 25-35 mpw, and usually ride at least twice per week (about 2 hours each time) of cross-country mtb.


Gotcha-  with your current endurance/cardio volume, the best plan would be the  In-Season Strength Training Plan for Endurance Athletes:
This plan is designed to maintain strength and durability for endurance athletes during their active season.


I am currently in the process of making a career change to firefighting. I have multiple applications out and interviews scheduled with fire depts.
I want to stay ready for any academy I may attend in the near future.
I just finished your Fire Academy V2, and 3 week push up/ pull up programs parallel to each other (good stuff!).
I guess my question is what would you recommend moving forward to keep my fitness at a ready?
I have a small home gym. Sandbags, rucks, dumbbells, pull up bar. I don’t have access to a full gym.
I was looking at the sandbag program next, or possibly even the smokejumper selection program.
Your insight would be appreciated.
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks for reaching out. It’s difficult to suggest the best plan without a defined timeline. I understand you are in a limbo stage, waiting.
1. The best plan for you and your available equipment is the Fire/Rescue On-Ramp Training Plan V2.
2. If you get access to a fully equipped gym, The Daily Urban F/R programming would be another good option.
Feel free to reach back out once you complete the above program.  Thanks.


My wife has been playing roller derby for various women’s leagues for about 10 years now.  While she works out consistently for events like the Spartan Beast and various ultra marathons, she has never specifically trained for roller derby.  Her natural size has let her play at a fairly high level as long as she maintained her general fitness.  She has, however, recently started playing for a men’s league (its really a mixed league, but is mostly men) and while she is still playing at a high level, she is getting knocked around a bit more.  Because of this, she wants to start an off skate training plan that would be more directly beneficial to her sport.  If it matters: a vast majority of the time, she is a blocker but occasionally she plays jammer.

We have a monthly subscription, so I was able to look through a lot of your plans and it seems like the prep strength, football plans would be good for what she wants.  I was wondering (1) do you agree, (2) are there some tweaks you would make to make it more sport specific, and (3) are there other plans that you think would be better?
Any advice/help you could give would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for reaching out. I have a couple of follow-up questions because your wife is a multi-sport athlete, and we want to ensure we cover all bases.
1. Does she have any overlapping Spartans/ Ultra Marathons that she will be training for during Roller Derby season ( I’m assuming her bouts run until August?)?
2. Would you say 75% Blocker/ 25% Jammer?
3. My assumption is that you have access to a fully equipped gym?


Follow Up ANSWER

1) she will not have any over lapping hobbies/events while training for the season.  Her league will have games through December.
2) her jamming is probably closer to 10%, however, she usually jams because she received a “star pass” from the initial jammer.  This means her team is already in a whole for that jam and she has to shift quickly from blocking to jamming mid jam while down.
3) we do have a full gym

Thanks again!


Awesome, thanks for the info.
Given that she is “in season” right now, the best option for her is the Football In-Season Strength training plan, which is geared toward strength maintenance. Due to the demand of the sport itself, it’s difficult to build size and strength during in-season.
However, for next season, if she wants to gain more strength and size, our Football Build would be the recommendation. Obviously, with strength and size gain, diet becomes important. Let us know if we can link her up with our nutrition coach.


Is the Ruck work in the Great Plains plan (ex: Apache) meant to be a “fast walk” or a shuffle/ruck running? I didn’t know if I would be deviating from the intended purpose if I did a ruck run/shuffle or if it was meant to be programmed as quick walking under load. I hope that question makes sense. Excited to work through this limited equipment packet.


Thanks for reaching out and good question.
Most of the time your rucking technique will be dictated by terrain or a specific goal.  Example: a fast walk uphill can be a moderate pace and once on flat ground a shuffle/ run can be your new  moderate pace.
For Apache, the prescribed pace is “moderate- comfortable but not easy” stick with a techniques that will meet this criteria.


Is it possible to become a trainer for your programs?  I am currently a CrossFit Lvl 1 trainer and would like to expand my knowledge.

I currently exclusively use your programming for training.  I am trying to get back in the shape I was when I was in the Military and Security Contractor.  I am also training to do 3 gun competitions and hopefully the Tactical games.


Thanks for reaching out.
We don’t currently have a certification process to become an MTI trainer. Attending an educational seminar is a potential possibility in the future. The best place to monitor for these opportunities would be our newsletter, Beta.
We are glad to see you using our programming. Let us know if you have any questions, and feedback is always welcomed.
A three-gun competition and tactical games are awesome. Give us a shout if you need any recommendations for future programs that would benefit these competitions.


What program do recommend for CQB DOS Security?I specifically have an issue with my shoulders burning out very quickly spending up to 30 minutes with the gun up clearing structures?
Morning: 45 Minute outdoor walk
Day: Shift
Night: 3+ x weekly
Traditional Full body lifting ( I sometime include your guys gorilla complex)
Sandbag Throws, Shoulder lift and carry, Gable grip walks
Treadmill sprints or runs
Speed bag work 3 X 3 minute rounds
Next CQB training cycle starts in a month


I recommend starting with our LE On-Ramp Training Program.  This will get you to a good tactical level of base fitness.
Once you’ve completed that plan, transition to our Daily LE SWAT/SRT Training subscription, which will help you maintain it.


I have been suffering with lumbar stenosis and some disc bulges for a while now and have been unable to train as I used to. As a consequence I’ve been putting on weight. I want to shift it. Which of your programmes would you recommend? Running is a no no for me also as I’m waiting for an operation to repair a meniscus tear ( I’m a bit of a wreck at the moment )
Hope you can help as I’m getting a little bit down, there seems to be a lack of information on training and stenosis…
Many thanks


The first priority is to prevent additional pain in your lumbar region. Can you give me a better idea of your limitations and range of movement?
Are you currently working with a physical therapist?  If so, what have they given you for recommendations?  This can help guide our recommendation.
Regarding the meniscus repair, what is the timeline for surgery?
There might be some back-and-forth questions before our recommendation to ensure we get you what you need.
Follow Up ANSWER
I’m was seeing a physiotherapist and they gave me pelvic tilts and glute bridges to do. I am pretty mobile with the back pain but walking long distances causes pain, I can bend forward with a little pain but it’s not too bad. I have some numbness down the left leg which goes I to the calf and foot.
With regards to the knee, that aches all the time but it’s manageable , running is out as it sometimes feels unstable, I do use my assault bike, anything over twenty minutes can cause pain the next few days.
I just want to be able to train to lose weight but can’t find a program that suits.
Thanks for all the information.  Understand I’m not a doctor – so take my recommendation here with that knowledge.
Start with the Bodyweight Beginner.  On Wednesday, for the endurance session, walk with a 25# pack and see how you recover.  If that is manageable, begin to add a gradual incline. If any of that hurts, drop the pack.
Here is a link to our injury substitution list if you need to swap out a movement.  We also have a nutritional coach that may be beneficial to talk with.


If I do not have the ability yet to run 5-7 miles (maybe I can jog 1-2), is there an alternative to the jogging portion of the program that will meet the same objectives? Hiking with a loaded pack uphill? A mix of jogging and fast walking?

I have a hip bone spur I’ve been trying to manage for backpacking practice sessions; not sure what it would feel like without weight just jogging but probably I can suck that up fine.
It’s just been several years since I’ve done jogging.


If you can complete everything else and just the running portion is the issue, I recommend completing this portion using run/ walk interval.
Week 1: Run 3 minutes/ Walk 1 minute until the prescribed distance has been met.   Pace: Moderate: comfortable but not easy.
Each week following, add an additional minute of running (example: week 2-  Run 4 minutes/ Walk 1-minute)
Please feel free to reach out with additional questions.


I am coming off of a surgery (fully recovered), and am searching for a plan that combines some weights/strength with weight/fat loss as the primary goal. I’m ~10 lbs over target weight.
5’ 10”
~185 lbs
39 y/o

Are there any programs you would recommend?  Fitness level is pretty good and am targeting 5 workouts per week (1 hour each) early AM.

P.S. I used MTN’s training program for the Bataan Death March Heavy back in March, and had fantastic results. Thank you.


Regarding the weight loss piece, you don’t have far to go.  If you are eating/drinking booze and carbs keep it to a minimum.
For the programming, start with Ultimate Work Capacity It is a 6 day/week program.  If you need to drop off a day have it be Saturday.
On Session 1 go with the 1.5mile assessment vs. the ruck assessment.  This will make sense if you decide to drop Saturday’s workout.
After completing this program, swap over to our Daily General Fitness.
Give me a shout if you have any questions.

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