Q&A 5.27.16

2-Time Freeski World Champion Crystal Wright joined us for the Operator Session today.

I’ve been working out for a while now mostly all body weight until I came across your berserker workout in mens health. I plan on applying to the army in November and was wondering what training plan you’d suggest I do next?

Get into the weightroom and train some strength. I’d recommend starting with Rat 6 Strength: http://mtntactical.com/shop/rat-6-strength/

– Rob

I just finished up rehab from a right shoulder injury and left elbow injury, and I’m looking for advice on the best way forward to begin rebuilding upper body strength and conditioning. I was doing the Operator Sessions prior to the injuries – should I start there, but scale the weight accordingly or is there a different plan(s) you would recommend?

On a side note, when healthy, your USMC PFT plan has always prepared me exceptionally well to score 280 or better. Thank you!

We don’t have a post-rehab shoulder/elbow injury plan, and I’m not sure the Operator Sessions are appropriate off the bat. What I’d suggest is the Single Limb Strength Training Plan: http://mtntactical.com/shop/single-limb-strength-training-plan/

Don’t worry about matching loading, and don’t increase the reps for your recovering limb. It will come.

– Rob

I am a medial officer with a infantry battalion and I am looking for a good exercise plan to help me with overall fitness (strength and endurance) as well as some weight loss (10lbs or so). My overall fitness is mediocre at best, (1.5 mile run 10:30-11:00ish, pushups in 2 minutes 80-85, sit-ups in 2 minutes 65-70, 5-6 pull ups, 500m swim 6:30-6:45). I can do the nutrition aspect if I buckle down and allow a cheat day 1x per week but I am struggling with the exercise plan. My end goal is to be stronger and have better endurance but also to be able to out work the majority of my corpsman. What program would you recommend?

I’d recommend Humility: http://mtntactical.com/shop/humility/

– Rob

I’m 40, an MSG in the US Army, have had 10 surgeries, have never been shot, have all of my limbs and am still in decent shape. My unit take physical fitness very seriously and we are lucky to have a handful of very competent and responsive strength and conditioning coaches.
That said, at 40, I need to be more efficient in everything I do. If I need to train after work because I’m better fueled (hydrated and having had 2 meals), so be it. I also deploy alone. My fitness needs and requirements differ from those with whom I have served in the past.
I’ve completed your UBRR prep, Afghan Prep, Selection Prep, Busy Operation II and APFT prep programs and have found them all to have achieved gains. Thank you for that. My current situation is as follows:
* I am planning a 90-day program.
* I will begin on 15 June and finish 2 weeks later.
* I cannot do snatches, cleans or push-presses due to the absence of anything that even resembles a normal right shoulder…. I can deal with the pain, but if it stops working it would be less than ideal
* My goals thru the 90 days are:

— Run 400m in 60 seconds or less 5 times with a 120 second rest between sets
— Run 5k in 20 minutes
— Run 4 miles in 35 minutes
— Row 2000m in 7 minutes
— Max UBRR Push-ups
— Max APFT Push-ups
— Bench 75% of my bodyweight 25 times
— Squat my bodyweight 25 times (of the “big-three” lifts, this is my worst by far)
— Deadlift 125% of my bodyweight 25 times
— 25 Pull-ups
— Hold a plank position for 5 minutes
— Max UBRR sit-ups
— Max APFT sit-ups
— 15 “kipp-ups”
— Run 5 miles in 32 lbs of “kit” in 60 minutes
— Ruck 12 miles w/48 lbs in 3 hrs
— Ascend 20 ft of rope without legs
— Ascend 50 ft of rope with legs

I know all of this may seem a little nutso coming out of the blue from a stranger, who in the military context is essentially a senior citizen, but I figured I’d ask. I mentioned 2 workouts per day in the subject line because as I’ve begun my programming, I’ve found the need to include two workouts per day, not out of intent, but because as the plan progresses, 1 workout is not enough to do what I need to do daily. I’m trying to get 8 hrs of sleep per night, stop when my body says stop, adhere to the workouts, eat right and hike a local ball-buster at least once per weekend. I don’t mind losing something off the top end, if I can develop a higher persistent output at 75-90%.

I didn’t see a question or request in your note. I could have missed it. If you’re asking me to design a program just for you, I’m sorry, but I’m just way too busy to program for individuals.

However, I would recommend some changes to your assessment:

My Recommendations….

1) Eliminate “garbage reps” – light to moderately loaded squats/lunges. Specifically, replace your 25x BW Squats, 25x Deadlifts, 25x Bench presses, 25x Pull Ups with ….

a) Our Relative Strength Test: 1RM Front Squat + 1RM Bench Press + 1RM Power Clean divided by bodyweight. Aim for a 4.0 or greater.
2) 2x BW hinge or dead lift
c) 15x pull ups at 25#.

2) Unless you row for your job, I’d pull the row assessment.

3) Change your Core Assessments to Max Sandbag Getups @ 80# in 10 minutes. Aim for 75+

4) Change your 400m repeats to our Tactical Athlete v02 Max Beep Test

5) Eliminate the 4-mile and 5K run and replace with a 15K or 9 mile run.

6) Change your rope climbs to 1x 50-foot, with feet, wearing 25# Vest.

Here’s what the assessment week would look like:

Monday – Relative Strength Test, 1RM Hinge/Dead Lift, Max Sandbag Getups @ 80#, Max Pull ups @ 25#
Tuesday – Tac Athlete VO2 Max Test, 5 Mile Ruck
Wed – Rope Climb, 10 Mile or 15K Run for Time
Thurs – 12 Mile Ruck for Time
Fri – Rest

I’d assess every 6 weeks.

– Rob

So I am a Lieutenant slotted to head to Ranger School this Fall. Naturally for PT I go to the PreRanger program for my Battalion here at Campbell. Which program would be the best for me to use for my evening routing that Im not going to overdo my training with that will get me more prepared for Ranger School?

The general schedule of PR is that Monday is generally a long run day, Tuesday, Wednesday are some type of WOD at the gym. Thursday is a sprint day and on Friday we ruck.

Some of my personal stats are that I am 24, Im 6’2″ weighing in at 198. Im going to size up before I head to ranger school, Ive already upped the intake for that. Pushups are my trouble event, Im normally in the lower 70s there. I knock out around 80 – 85 situps and my 2 mile time is about 12 flat. My 5 miler is a 32:20.

With my full Ranger Plan you’d overtrain. However, you must be at a minimum able to pass the entry PFT Gate at ranger school. I didn’t see in your Pre-Ranger Program that you were focusing on these events? If not – I’d recommend following the PFT progressions in our Ranger Plan – and skipping the running/rucking in favor of your pre-ranger work.

If you are hitting it all in Pre-Ranger, lift heavy at night 3x/week: Hinge, Front Squat, Bench, weighted Pull ups. Keep it easy – 6×3 for each exercise. Strength will increase your durability for Ranger.

Good luck!

– Rob

So I am a Lieutenant slotted to head to Ranger School this Fall. Naturally for PT I go to the PreRanger program for my Battalion here at Campbell. Which program would be the best for me to use for my evening routing that Im not going to overdo my training with that will get me more prepared for Ranger School?

The general schedule of PR is that Monday is generally a long run day, Tuesday, Wednesday are some type of WOD at the gym. Thursday is a sprint day and on Friday we ruck.

Some of my personal stats are that I am 24, Im 6’2″ weighing in at 198. Im going to size up before I head to ranger school, Ive already upped the intake for that. Pushups are my trouble event, Im normally in the lower 70s there. I knock out around 80 – 85 situps and my 2 mile time is about 12 flat. My 5 miler is a 32:20.

With my full Ranger Plan you’d overtrain. However, you must be at a minimum able to pass the entry PFT Gate at ranger school. I didn’t see in your Pre-Ranger Program that you were focusing on these events? If not – I’d recommend following the PFT progressions in our Ranger Plan – and skipping the running/rucking in favor of your pre-ranger work.

If you are hitting it all in Pre-Ranger, lift heavy at night 3x/week: Hinge, Front Squat, Bench, weighted Pull ups. Keep it easy – 6×3 for each exercise. Strength will increase your durability for Ranger.

Good luck!

We were referred to you by an Army Ranger. My son is getting ready to sign up for either the Marines or Army with hopes of going to Ranger school. I bought the RASP program but I’m thinking that is not the right program to prep for Basic. What do you suggest? I don’t know if it matters but my son is 6’5”, 220 lbs. He is a muscular guy but is also got a little extra fat on him right now…. He is not a runner so he needs help with that.

A great place for your son to start is our Bodyweight Foundation Program: http://mtntactical.com/shop/bodyweight-foundation-training-plan/

Don’t be fooled by “bodyweight” – this plan is no joke. As well – it includes running.

– Rob

I’m currently a college student and plan on entering the military after I graduate in a few years. For a little background I was a powerlifting athlete for the past 6 years so I have pretty good strength numbers and my work capacity is okay, but my Endurance still needs some work. For the last year I’ve worked on improving my running ability working up to 30 miles per week of mostly easy paced runs and I’ve gone from dreading running to somewhat enjoying it. With that in mind I planning on starting the operator sessions, but I also want to continue running 4-5 days a week and was wondering if you thought it would be okay to do the operator sessions in the morning and an easy run in the evening or if that would be too much?

You could double up, Greg – but don’t do it randomly. Do the Running Improvement Plan (included with your subscription) in conjunction with the Operator Sessions.

As well – depending upon the cycle, we also run during the Operator Sessions. Substitute your session from the Running Improvement Plan for the Operator Session running.

– Rob

I’m getting ready to start the SFRE training plan after taking a month off from Thor 3 plan, my questions are can I some how add some gym lifting exercises to the plan on possibly the APFT+WORK days? Second question can I adjust weekly sessions so that the rucks are done on a Saturday or do the sessions have to stay in order? Thanks for your time!!!

1) No. Don’t double up.
2) Sure.

– Rob

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