Q&A 11.11.23


I’m training with my 15 y/o son.  I can get him in the gym on Sunday and Wednesday.  The other days are hit or miss.  He’s got a good base of strength for his training age and we’ve been slowly building up his work capacity.
I want to use MTI programming.  Is there a particular program you suggest I pull from?  For reference his best lifts are:
BP:  115×8
SQ: 95 x 20
HDL: 215×2
Pull up: 6 @ bw
Push up:6 @ bw


At just 2 days/week, I’d recommend the strength sessions from 357 Strength. These are not progressive based on 1RM … but do include short, complementary work capacity sessions and overall will continue to build his base strength, and change it up some with work cap development.
– Rob


Do you have any programs for those with lower back pain? I had surgery about 10 years ago (microdisectomy) and, although my back is much better, I have always been prone to back pain since then. I like to push my workouts but it’s starting to flare up again and I still want to train. I’m a 35 year old woman. Played collegiate volleyball. Coached and trained CrossFit before back injury. Now I’m into functional movement and train young sport athletes.

I’ve been following you for over a decade and love your stuff. So, I’m curious if you have a program for those who deal with lower back flare ups and still want to train hard.

Thank you for your time.


Many have used our Low Back Fitness Training Plan with success. Low Backs are something of a mystery, and I can’t guarantee that this plan will help. But what we have found is for athletes who suffer recurring low back issues, at a minimum, this plan builds in some durability and perhaps most important, confidence that if they have a flare up, they can work back from it.
 – Rob


I’m interested in purchasing a training plan to help prep for the season and then one to continue to maintain and increase fitness throughout the season.
I’m a 32 year old woman, and the technical director at our resort, responsible for training and developing our ski instructors. This season I want to push my off-piste performance and avoid injury.

Until recently with child-care and study I have bee unable to train much but now I have some space.

Which program would be best for prepping for the season? And then which would be ideal for maintenance?
For reference I mountain bike in the summer and run a little although I have some knee pain.
I appreciate your guidance,
Take care


For prep, do the Backcountry Ski Pre-Season Training Plan. Once you’re in season, go with the In-Season Skiing Maintenance.


I shat the bed and got infatuated with aesthetics for a while. Weights only for over a year. I just turned 50 and want to restart getting back to MTI fitness levels. What plan, if any, to start the journey back to Fortitude, Valor, etc.?


Go with the SF50 Packet or any of the plans within. Made specifically for your age range, but still very challenging.


I’m expecting to go to Airborne school at the end of April 2024 then Ranger School right after.  Obviously, I’m mainly training for Ranger School.
Over the past few months I have been weight lifting and only moderately running so I started the 15 week Run Improvement program.  That program concludes ~Jan 1st.  If I want to finish the Ranger School program a few days before I leave, that gives me a start of ~Feb 26.
My question is; Between the Running Improvement and Ranger School program, I have 7 weeks (~Jan 2 to Feb 26), what should I be doing for those 7 weeks?
I am loving everything MTI has so far and I’m excited to get further into the programing.


Go with Gratitude. 7-week program, perfect fit to hit prior to the Ranger School Plan.


I am currently preparing for the SERE Specialist training pipeline in the Air Force. It is an extremely physically demanding pipeline that has to take the AFSW IFT (minus the swims), and I was wondering which MTI plan would work best to prepare me. I have around 6 months to train, and I’m hoping for a program that will increase running speed, increase strength, increase calisthenics numbers, and focus on rucking. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Do the Daily Operator Sessions until you’re 10 weeks out from the course. Then, complete the USAF IFT plan (remove the swim portions as needed), followed by SERE Course Training Plan.


I purchased your olympic training program — it is excellent.  As you can see from my prior email, I love and have purchased a lot of your training plans. I purchased some of your programs, prior to the launch of the website that has all the purchased programs accessible. I was wondering if there is any way that I can get any of the prior plans that I purchased on the electronic platform.   The main programs are the 357, Big 24 and DEA Fast Selection.  I have attached the cover pages of the programs to show proof of purchase.  Unfortunately, I purchased 357 and Big 24 as a guest so I can’t find the download link for them (I don’t remember which email account I used).


We have an Olympic Triathlon Training Plan – and it’s the one I’d recommend. If you wanted to supplement it with strength training, do one of the strength sessions in Foritude 1-2x/week.
– Rob


I was reading up on this assessment and noticed the two ruck events are called “ruck run,” and I realized I didn’t have a clear standard in mind when it comes to that. Does this refer to keeping intervals between running/jogging and walking, or does it mean keep the pace constant throughout (so basically a full run). Is there a standard you visualize for what good ruck running is, other than meeting the time standard on this assessment?


Don’t over think it. The goal of the assessment is to finish as fast as possible …. that means ruck running as fast as you can for the prescribed distances (3, 3).
– Rob


Do you offer a mountain search and rescue plan? I’m just curious if this plan was offered or if you would consider offering an SAR plan that includes backcountry/endurance/hiking/climbing/rescue training exercises?
I’m with Park County SAR in Cody, Wyoming, and I thought it would be a good addition to your monthly plans.
Thank you!


Our Wilderness Professional Training Packet of plans covers mountain these SAR fitness demands – except for the “rescue training exercises.” I’d consider those technical skill training and not fitness.
– Rob


I am just wrapping up the Core/Chassis Bodyweight only program and have really enjoyed it, not only for RESULT, but also for it being no-impact for knees/hips where I am having some quite serious arthritic issues.
My aim is to loop the program, starting from beginning again. On half the program, it make sense to stay in ‘as-is’ set up because it is capacity based in the max reps & percentage of for the reps.
On the other half – the isometric exercises on days between max reps @ x%……. there are times, and reps of certain exercises that I can be increased.
For example early side plank raises @ 5 on each side, standing founders & kneeling founders @ 15/15, plank @ 60 sec etc.
Is there a rule of thumb you like to go by to ‘increase’ the requirements of those exercises – when looping the program? For example, bringing the longer times/lengths from end of program and just carrying those over to start of new program?
I’d like to keep strength progression happening on both sides.
Thanks in advance for your always helpful responses. I don’t think its rocket science, and maybe just a matter of personal preference/intuition… but if there is a ‘best way’ to consider this, I’m interested to know it, as I have grown a great trust for your programs.


As you noted, the sit-ups, back extensions, Russian twists, and heal touches are assessed, so your assessment results will automatically scale the follow-on progressions.

For the isometric work, you can start the program with a 15-20% increase in the programmed numbers. This will continue the progression of the demand you’ve done already.
For example:

(1) 6 Rounds – Grind
15/15 Low Back Lunge –> 20/20
10x Plank Walkup –> 12x
30 Sec Superman Hold –> 35 sec
10x EO’s –> 12x


I am looking into becoming a professional firefighter and I was looking into your programs ( 7 week fire academy training, and just the firefighter workout) and I was wondering what program you would recommend for me to start out with. I am 17 years old. Have a great day.


I’d recommend getting started with the On-Ramp Fire/Rescue Training Plan, followed by The Daily Urban Fire/Rescue sessions. Once you have a date for a Fire Academy, that’s when you’d start the Academy programming. Give us a shout if you have any questions as you work through the plans.


I apologize if this is answered somewhere on the website but do you have a program that blends the Rat 6 strength progression with endurance training?

I’ve been doing mostly body weight and running this summer (lots of travel for work).
I’d like to work on building barbell strength while maintaining the cardio base.


Max Effort Strength + Aerobic Base would be a perfect fit. Let me know if you have any questions.


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