Q&A 1.6.22


I am a former GS athlete looking to get back into it after a break for a few years. Is your High Rep Kettlebell Snatch programming designed to coach someone through a 10 minute kettlebell sport set? Thanks!


No … This program would be a great way to build snatch fitness prior to starting a focused 10-minute plan. I don’t have one of those, however. I might consider building one but have never been asked.
– Rob


Somewhere on your website, I remember seeing a training calendar that showed example plans throughout a year (i.e ski prep training, then a strength training plan, then something to get ready for running season, etc.). Do you know where I can find that resource?


I couldn’t find the article you saw … so I just put together a quick calendar which would be used by most recreational mountain athletes, – Rob


Hi there i am looking at buying a few of your programs. Just a few small questions. I am looking at the pre wildland season. and one of the trainings is. 15 minute Grind 2/4x Hand release push ups. What does the 2/4x stand For? Also there is one that is 300x step ups. would that be 300 each leg or 300 total? Thank you.


2/4x = 2 for women, 4 for men
300x Step Ups = 300x total, 150x each foot.
– Rob


Which wild land package can you recommend with more of an emphasis on building body weight as well as endurance and hiking.


Blackwater – the first plan in our Wildland Fire Packet.
– Rob


Just signed up for your site and I’m hella impressed with the quality. I also have no idea where to start, so I’m hoping for some guidance 😀
I want/need to improve cardio, work capacity, and upper body strength to qualify for military recruiting. I have a decent strength base, but my engine sucks.
I’m also working around a shoulder and hip injury. This also sucks.
BUT – I know my way around a gym and am very comfortable with scaling things, making substitutions, etc. Cozy and happy with all the big lifts. I think I just need some suggestions on where to begin the search among the programs you have… because, you know, jumping into a JTF2 program tomorrow would probably be a stupid idea.
Notable: I have full access to just about any toy anyone could ever want in a gym/strength facility (including a pool), so equipment isn’t an issue.
Thanks so much!


Apollo from our Greek Hero Series. Strength is barbell based, and includes bench press and pull ups.
Intense, 20-minute work capacity efforts to build your engine.
Moderate paced runs to build overall cardio.
If it looks too intense, start with the Military OnRamp Training Plan, then move to Apollo.
Also – fix your diet if you aren’t already eating clean. Here are our recommendations.
For everyone, and women especially, bodyweight has a huge impact on upper body strength performance for pull ups and push ups.
– Rob


My wife and I are looking to climb Mt. Katahdin in Maine in July 2022. I am a runner with some background in backpacking and harder hikes. My wife doesn’t do much exercise other than walking the dogs daily. What would you recommend for each of us to prepare for the climb? My research tells me it is a strenuous hike with some bouldering and climbing elements, but nothing that needs specialized equipment.


Peakbagger Training Plan for both of you the 7 weeks directly before your climb..
Have your wife complete the Mountaineering and Hiking Prep Plan prior to beginning Peak Bagger. Wouldn’t hurt you to join her.
– Rob


Question about training environment:
I’m in Fairbanks, where the temperatures in December-January are usually -15 degrees Fahrenheit.
For the Civil Affairs Selection plan, I sometimes run/ruck on an indoor track or treadmill when it is dangerously cold outside (below -20 for anything over 4 miles)
When it’s -15 outside, my run and ruck times are slower than they would be at Bragg when the temperature is in the 40s and 50s (selection date is early February).
Should I run/ruck inside for the speed? Or continue staying outside as much as possible, even though it is slower?


It doesn’t matter (track our outside) as long as it’s consistent. I.e. – if you’re going to ruck inside, make sure you do the assessment inside.

– Rob


I am a subscriber and am trying to get back into shape.  I am a firefighter, married with 2 kids and 2 jobs.  I am working on consistently finding time to workout, nutrition is my down fall.  Do you offer nutrition or meal planning services?  If not, do you have any recommendations?  I don’t mind cooking and am looking for a way to learn healthier paleo-ish meals.


We’re currently running a Mini-Study with remote lab rats and I built my first meal plan for the participants …. but they are not completed yet and I’m not ready to publish it.
Until then – here are our nutritional guidelines – on which the plan is based: https://mtntactical.com/knowledge/nutritional-guidelines/
– Rob


I have used your Spirits programs for a solid while. However, several weeks ago my situation changed and I now have much less time each day to workout. I haven’t been able to successfully carry out the full program within my available time.

As such, recently I started conducting Pavel Tsatsouline’s PTTP program in the mornings as it only takes me 30-minutes or less. You may know it, but it focuses on strength only and involves the Hinge Lift and the Bench Press as such:

  • Hinge Lift 1 x 5 reps, then 1 x 3, then 1 x 2 – 85% 5RM
  • Bench Press 1 x 5 reps, then 1 x 3, then 1 x 2 – at 85% 5RM

There are 3-5 minute rests between sets. I do this 5-6 mornings per week. Every few days, I increase the weight by 5 lbs. So far, so good. I am managing to constantly go up.

Now, I want to add a “fitness” aspect to my evenings—to improve my conditioning/aerobic fitness. Would one of your MTI running programs be sufficient or do you recommend another MTI program which can be done in the evenings, in conjunction my morning routine as above?


Running Improvement Training Program is solid, Abraham – though I’m hesitant for you to double up. Skip the strength programming in the plans.
From our programming I’d recommend the new Busy Dad Full Gym training plans. I built these in November.
– Rob


I’m a 34 year old SF guy and monthly Mtntactical subscriber. I have 13 months to train for a 45 day ruck based selection held in the mountains (not SFOD-D). I’m currently in a teaching billet and don’t have any fitness tests or operational fitness needs for the next 2-3 years.

I’m built more like a line backer than an endurance athlete (6’0 / 215lbs) and historically my mid distance run and ruck times look similar (60 ish minutes for both a 6 mile run and 6 mile ruck). I’m following the PE nutritional guidelines and hope to be 200ish by April and 185 by Selection Start.

Since I don’t have a pressing requirement for traditional military base fitness right now, should I follow the RBSPacket as prescribed or do something more endurance heavy first (greek Heroine/ ultra pre season/ whatever) since it’s a pretty glaring weakness?


Since you know it’s an issue and you’re concerned about it, I’d recommend dropping into a focused endurance cycle now – specifically the Run & Ruck Improvement Training Plan. 
This is a focused, 7-week, 6 day/week training cycle which includes 1 day/week of bodyweight strength and chassis integrity.
Email back on the other side with you status/improvement/bodyweight and we’ll decide together what you should do next.
– Rob


was wondering if you could replace step ups with the stairmaster machine that is like a reverse escalator in your programs, specifically, the Teton Grand traverse plan.


Not sure the transfer, but if you do this use vertical feet. So, if the plan calls for 500x step ups, 500 x 16″ = 8,000 / 12 = 667 vertical feet. So do the stairmaster for 667 vertical feet.
– Rob


I’m interested in the USCG program and was wondering does it include stretches and mobility work as well to prepare tendons and under used muscles such as rotator cuff?


The plan does include some mobility/stretches but this is not the focus of the plan. Event-specific is the focus.
– Rob

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