Q&A 8-14-14


After finishing Bodyweight 1 I took a week off while I traveled California, did some kickboxing classes and played a little lacrosse this weekend. Starting Monday I want to get back into the gym and start the Strength Packet. I decided it would be a good guide for me to start back into lifting with Rat 6 then move to UMC and 357. My only question is: how should I add my sprinting work (suicides and 300 meter shuffles) and mid distance runs (1-2 mile interval runs of 1 minute sprint 1 minute jog) into this program? Everyday or every few days?


All of our Strength Plans include some work capacity training – so you could substitute what I programmed as one day for your own sprinting work. How much more? – hard to say exactly.

I’d recommend starting out 3-4 days a week, and see how you recover and if you are able to keep up the prescribed progressions in Rat 6. If you are constantly beat up, or can’t keep up with the progressions, pull back on the sprinting.



I am just about finished with your Bodyweight Program, it really was no joke. A little about myself: I am 19 years old, 6’0″ and 175 lbs. I also play collegiate lacrosse and have aspirations to join the military after college in special operations. Before I jump back into lacrosse conditioning I would like to put back some size on my body and improve my strength. I was wondering what the key differences were between “Hypertrophy for skinny guys” and “Ultimate Meathead cycle.” Which program would you suggest for an athlete trying to increase size and strength, while also staying in shape for endurance and speed events? Thank you for your time.


The Hypertrophy Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=35) deploys mass-building set/rep schemes for upper and lower body.

The Ultimate Meathead Cycle (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=79) deploys max-effort strength programming for the lower and total body exercises, and mass-building set/reps for the upper body.

The Ultimate Meathead Cycle does include some work capacity work, but it’s focus is on strength.

Of the two plans, I’d recommend the Ultimate Meathead Cycle, with some supplemental running/sprinting on your own.



I am following your ruck selection packet, although I am buying the programs separately because I already purchased some.

So far I’ve completed Rat-6, Hypertrophy program for skinny guys, Rat-6 again, Bodyweight training program and I am currently in the middle of the Sandbag/weight]}**vest program.

My question is in regard to push-ups. I have made significant gains in all areas except push-ups. To be honest my push-ups have actually decreased since I’ve stopped focusing on them. Do you have any training methods to increase push-up performance? I consider them a priority for my selection. I have not tried adding them into the programs or any other experimentation yet. Currently I can struggle through 35 which is way down from previous. My body weight  is 185 pounds at 5’11”.


The best way I’ve found to increase push up numbers is to do push ups… I wish I had a magic bullet for you, but I haven’t found one.

We’ve build push up progressions into most of our military fitness test plans and military selection plans. There will be a progression in the Ruck-Based Selection Training Plan you could follow if you have that plan already. Another option would be the APFT Training Plan: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=30



I found Military athlete and I am sold.  My only question is in regards to what is provided in the coaches monthly course.

Although I no longer compete myself I train both amateur and pro fighters through out the year and I see this program as being incredibly sound for developing the fitness, off season so to speak, to give a fighter that toughness and work capacity to get through the grueling 6 or 8 week ramp up before a fight.

Also, lately, I have picked up some older clients, over 50 who are interested in mountain hiking and climbing.  Japan has an incredibly high amount of healthy “silver” folks and hiking and trekking are big business here amongst that group. Although the season for that generally ends in September, I am interested in following up on this during the year and preseason next year.

In addition to that, Crossfit just got to Japan about a year ago and it’s being pushed hard. However, it is being marketed strictly for fitness and healthy gym types in their 20s and 30s.

I think your programs and your methods of programming design have a real place over here with fighters, aggressive endurance athletes and even  (obviously in an adjusted format) the middle aged who are pursuing very active hobbies outdoors.

So, what is offered in the coaches monthly fee?  I mean, I understand a good deal about fitness, weight training and cardiovascular development.  However, if the value is there I am interested in the Coaches account. I would just like to know what that entails.

Do you have any recommendations?

This is not only business but for me personally as well because I already did your free Operator Sessions posted and it blew my doors off. I’m hooked.

Let me know what you think is best and I will go that route: Normal operator account or the coaches account.


Our Coaches/Trainers subscription is designed for professional coaches/trainers who us our programming for their paying clients. It’s an honor system.

There is no more information or access to the theory or phone calls with me or anything.

If you plan on using our programming for your paying clients – i.e. we’re doing your programming – you should chose the Coaches/Trainers subscription. If you only plan on using the programming for your personal training, use the individual subscription.



Hey Rob I was wondering what you suggest for preparing for MARSOC I know you have the A&S screener but I was wondering what to do be4 that like 7 months out. We deploy in September and get back around march. Plans? Etc?


Two Options:

Option 1: Follow these plans in order with a 1 week total rest between…

a) Sandbag/Weight]}**vest/Dumbbell Training Plan


b) 357 Strength + Run Improvement:



c) MARSOC A&S Selection Training Plan


Option 2: Follow the Operator Sessions until 9 weeks out, then cancel your subscription and purchase/complete the MARSOC A&S Training Plan.



Did I read somewhere on your site that you’re coming out with a triathlon training plan?


It’s on the list, but I’ve got several plans to design ahead of it first.

In the meantime, one awesome event you may want to consider is the Operator Pentathlon:

1) 1500m Fin using the Combat Side Stroke

2) 6-Mile Run

3) Max Reps Bodyweight Bench Press

4) Max Reps Pull ups

5) 5 Mile Ruck at 60# + 10# rubber rifle, sledge hammer or dumbbell

Here’s the plan I developed for this event: http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=108



I’m currently in the USAF, and overseas. I somehow stumbled onto your website and after reading all of it you have my interest. I’m a Security Forces member but I’m with the Phoenix Raven program currently. Although it is nothing like the courses you are preparing others for, it has required me to be more than just meeting the PT standards. My questions is does the “Rookie packet” involve the “On-ramp training” or are they two separate packets. If not are both needed or recommended? Any advice on this will help tremendously.


The Rookie Training Packet (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=128) is a collection of five training plans designed to be completed in succession:

(1) Onramp Training Plan

(2) Bodyweight Training Plan

(3) RAT 6 Strength Training Plan + 4) Run Improvement Training Plan*

(5) Military Endurance Training Cycle

(5) Operator Ugly Train-Up

The OnRamp Training Plan (http://militaryathlete.com/page.php?page_ID=12&cart_category_ID=101&cart_ID=129) is a single plan – and the first in the succession.

Start with the OnRamp Plan.



I just picked up this training plan. Looks like a good one. I had a question on diet, sorry if it sounds like a bad question. I’m open to any kind of eating style and in this plan you say eat all the meat, veggies, fruit, seeds, nuts I want. No starchy carbs veggies, candy, alcohol etc.

Could you be a little more specific for me? What about dairy, eggs, quest protein bars etc.

If you have a slightly larger list or a website to help Id really appreciate it.


No milk. Eggs are good. Skip the protein bars and eat meat.

Purchase and read “Why We Get Fat” by Gary Taubes.

Don’t make this more complicated than it is.



I have been doing your sessions for awhile. But I have a question on the current cycle, it says to get your three rep max till it’s hard but doable. Do the reps have to be completely unbroken, or can you put it down and readjust your position every time on the hinge lift and squat cleans?


You can drop the bar between reps on the Craig Specials and Hinge. This requires you to re-position.



What is the difference between the base fitness mountain athlete and the operator military athlete workouts.  I am trying to decide which one to pick.  I do a lot of climbing/hiking in the summer and skiing/some backcountry in the winter.  I won’t be skiing until January this year and was going to try the backcountry ski plan starting in December.

I have experience with the Sealfit program over the last year and the last month followed your program that was in the climbing magazine for the Traverse before I went climbing in the Tetons last week which really helped.


Our programming is driven by the fitness demands outside the gym. All that matters for us is outside performance. This is what we consider when designing the Base Fitness for mountain and military.

Mountain Athletes need climbing fitness (rock/ice specific), endurance for hiking up and down hill under load, core strength, etc.

Military Athletes need load carrying ability (more strength – since they carry heavier loads), sprinting ability, more upper body strength.

In general, the Operator Sessions at militaryathlete.com are more intense, and loaded heavier. Sprinting is more important – and they don’t include any climbing fitness (rock/grip), and less uphill and downhill training.

You should do the Base Sessions at mountainathlete.com.



Do you have a training program for the FBI HRT selection course?


Yes. It’s over at leathlete.com: http://store.strongswiftdurable.com/collections/le-athlete/products/fbi-hrt-selection-training-plan



I have recently completed the On-Ramp program and I am now in week 4 of Rat 6 (already seen great gains). I plan on moving into the APFT program before I head out to my BOLC B. I purchased version 3 back in 2012 and it has been great. My question is: Would you recommend getting the newest version (5?) or is there not much difference?


All of our programming is evolving, as we learn more, and this includes the training plans. We update them as we get better. So the newest version of the APFT Plan is different, and I believe, better than your version.

Should you buy it? No. You’re version has worked for you – save your money and use it again.



Just have a few of questions for you about the operator workout. I currently bought the 6 month subscription and started the endurance phase at the begining of this year 2014. My first question for you is on the “step ups” How tall does the platform have to be to complete this event? I currently use a 14 inch tall platform with my 40 pound vest. Also when you ask for 20 steps ups is that per leg or a total 20(10 each leg). Second question is on nutrition. I follow your guidelines on basics, staying off the carbs and junk food for 6 days. I have currently been doing that and I have lost some pounds but at the same time I feel drained somedays before my workout. I don’t eat potatoes is that one food off your list or do you recommend to eat them. I get most of my carbs by taking my protein between meals. What you think. Last question is the pace for each workout. Never got into crossfit but have done it before and it’s a fast pace with does workouts. What pace do you recommend?


Step Ups Bench Height -16-18″

Step up Count – Prescribed reps it total reps, so 20x Step ups = 20x total, 10x each leg

Post Work out – Try baking sweet potatoes a head of time and after training eat a baked sweet potato with some almond butter

Training Session Pace – “briskly, not frantically” – unless the part of the session is “for time” – then go all out.



Would you recommend doing Rat 6 and Rucked Based selection  programming simultaneously? Strength in the morning and ruck based in evening.


No way. The Ruck Based Selection Training Program is too intense to double up.



Currently looking to go through your RASP program while deployed before a shot at RASP 2 back in the rear. Since I won’t have a pool available should I just drop the swimming intervals from the plan or do you feel I would be missing something worth trying to make a substitution for?


Yes, drop the intervals. We know there is a simple pass/fail swim test …. but wanted guys to get practice anyway.

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