Hi Rob,

I was wondering if you could help me out. I am looking for a workout program to help me get prepared for my enlistment into the Australian defense force, starting early August.

I will be starting as a Rifleman and am looking at trying to get myself as physically ready as possible. 

I was looking at getting one of the programs off your site and would greatly appreciate some guidance. 
Thank you in advance.



Hi D-

I'd recommend starting with our Bodyweight Training Plan ( Don't be fooled by "bodyweight" – this plan is no joke! 
– Rob



I have recently been informed about your website and have been searching for a training program specifically for Army SFAS. If you could point me in the right direction that would be great. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you


Hi T-

Several have used our Ruck Based Selection Training Program successfully for SFAS:

Also – we just combined several of our training programs into a longer 9-month train up for selection. The Ruck Based Selection Training program is the last plan in the packet. Here's the link to the packet:
– Rob




 I was looking at your two Ranger training programs RASP 1&2 Training Plan and Ranger School Training Plan, How are they different I'm a fit athlete, I want a challenging program. Is one program harder then the other.

I will be attending RASP.



Hi J-

Ranger School Plan is Harder:
– Rob



Hey Rob, I was looking at your programs and saw that you have the ruck-based training packet would you  recommend this training schedule for BUDS?



Hi B – 

We have a BUD/s specific training plan here:

Or, for a packet, here are our initial thoughts … add in a week's rest or unload between training plans:
BUD/s Trainup:
Bodyweight + Swim Improvement
Big 24 + Run Improvement
PST Training Plan
BUD/s Selection Training Plan
– Rob





Hi Rob,

I just started looking into military athlete. A friend of mine told me about it and it looks awesome! I was doing Crossfit before, and I felt that it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. 
My question for you is that I was wanting to join the Nation Guard and then work my was to Special Forces. Besides doing the Ruck specific program before SFAS, what should I be doing? I have looked into your AFPT program and your BCT programs. Should I do something like that or should I just do the operator sessions? 
I want to destroy everything physical so that I do not get injuries and so that it will make the process that much easier physically so I can really focus on the metal toughness that I know I will need.
Any advice helps.
Thank you,



Hi C-

You'll want to complete the Ruck Based Selection Training Program ( directly prior to selection. 
A good place for you to start our stuff is with some solid strength training. I'd recommend our Rat 6 Strength Plan:
After the first 3 weeks of this plan, start doing 2-a-days, strength in the AM, and the Ruck Improvement Training Plan ( in the evenings 3 days/week. 
–  Rob




Hey Mr. Shaul,
I am attending Army SF selection January of next year and was wondering if you wouldn't mind pointing me in the right direction. I'm pretty quick on my feet and am not new to rucking by any means; my biggest concern is shoulder stability. I cannot snatch or bench-press without pain unless I use dumbbells. Is there a particular training plan you would recommend and a potential supplementation to shoulder stability? As far as the nature of my shoulder instability I cannot say, I had an arthroscopy early this year with negative results. Additionally a barrage of Physical therapist have all been unable to determine the origin of the pain. Ultimately I applied the age old science of doing things that make it feel better and stay away from things that hurt. If you could recommend any tips or a particular workout plan I would greatly appreciate it.



Hi F- 
You're asking me a medical question, and I can't answer it for you. I'm not a doctor, I'm sorry.
In terms of preparing for SFAS, several have used our Ruck Based Selection Training Plan successfully:
– Rob




Mr Shaul,
   I am heading down to 29 Plams in a month. We will be running range 400 and 410A, in full gear (flaks and packs) Would the Afgan Deployment plan be the best? We will be running distance, carrying heavy weight, and performing bounds (short sprints with alternate of a buddy, when charging to take a postion) we are coming from the North east and will not be aclimatized at all for the desert in June. From what I understand the course is several kilometers long, most of which we will be hauling ass.


Hi B-
Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Plan would be good – though I'm thinking you could skip the step ups in the plan and replace them with 200 or 400m repeats. Here's the link to the plan:
– Rob




Dear Rob,
I am a Dutch Army veteran and used your Afghan training plan when i got deployed. Really loved it and rucking was a lot easier,  thank you for this.
I am now in Paramedic training and will go back in 2 years so i want to stay "military fit".
I did the free operator sessions this week and thought it was awesome. 
I just had a few "bumps" during some sessions. I don't have a lot of weightlifting strength. I have a 90kg squat, 65kg shoulderpress,  150kg deadlift and a 85kg benchpress.
Do you think i could start with the Operator Sessions and just scale the weights if needed? 
Kind Regards, 



Hi N- 
I'm thinking more appropriate for you would be the Law Enforcement Officer Sessions at We just started programming for this unique group of athletes and I'm thinking the fitness demands of a paramedic more closely match those of a law enforcement officer than a soldier. 
The LE Sessions emphasize strength, explosive power, core strength, sprinting ability, and upper body mass/hypertrophy/grip. They don't include some of the mission needs for soldiers like extensive rucking and running work. 
To get your strength up, I'd recommend beginning with the Rat 6 Strength Plan( and then subscribe to the Officer Sessions at
– Rob




Mr. Shaul,
A friend of my referred me to your website in order to prepare for an upcoming set of training I have from 8JUL-24JUL. I will be attending the Basic Mountaineering Course at Fort Wainwright, AK this summer, and want to be in the proper physical condition for this type of training. BMC requires moderate distance movements with up to 60lbs through mountainous terrain. Is there a training plan you would suggest to prepare for this course? 

Very Respectfully,


Hi M – 
I'd recommend the Peak Bagger Training Plan from our Mountain Athlete side:
But modify the step up and rucking weight to 40#.
– Rob




I was looking over your training plans and would love some more info on the strength and honor plan. Specifically, type of equipment used and program design specifics. 



Hi Tracey – 
You'll need a fully equipped functional weight room – racks, bars, dumbbells and/or kettlebells, bumpers, boxes, to complete the plan. 
Plan is not only strength, but also includes some stamina an work capacity. 
– Rob





Would the run/swim/ruck improvement work with Wendler 5/3/1 strength system or are they specific to military athlete programs?

Thanks for your time,


Hi C-
You could lift in the AM and do our ruck/run/swim in the PM, however, note that you won't get as much strength gain from 5-3-1 as you would if you completed the strength program in isolation. 
– Rob





I am heading to SFAS in about 14 months. I am deploying to Kuwait in about 5 weeks. I was looking at your Ruck Based Selection Training Packet but it says to do the 36 weeks prior to week 1 of SFAS. I am looking to use the time in Kuwait to really get into great shape so that I can come home and cap off the fitness and head to selection. What would you recommend for a workout prior to doing the RBSTP? And will missing a few days or a week mess me up during the RBSTP when I redeploy to the states?

I also have a buddy who did your monthly program ($25/ month i think) prior to SFAS but I do not see that on the site any longer. Did you do away with that type of program?

Thanks for your time and for all you do to keep us fit to fight.



Hi M-

If you're fit, I'd recommend subscribing to the Operator Sessions – this is our daily training for Military Athletes, and is the program your buddy was doing. On the website, click the Operator Sessions tap here:
Another Option would be to do one of our strength plans in Kuwait. I'd recommend the Rat 6 Strength Plan:
– Rob




Hi Rob

Do you have a beep test plan yet?




Hi J-

– Rob

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