
Thank you for the BRC Prep Program!  My buddy and I finished among the 26 teams out of the original 50 that started the weekend.  I'm already looking forward to competing again in the coming years.  Your programmed mini events and extended Saturday workouts especially prepared us to endure and perform over the long haul.  Inevitably, everyone was hobbling and hurting pretty badly at various points during the competition–especially as we transitioned from event to event, or really early in the mornings.  Despite moving 60 miles with lots of weight, my buddy and I felt really strong and durable throughout the 58 hours.  Needless to say, I am becoming extremely vocal about the concept of "strength equals durability."   


Now that we are two days out, we feel really good all things considered.  Did a light run the day following the comp and stretched out for a bit.  What do you recommend we do to ease back into a good training cycle?  Both of us would like to focus on regaining some of the mass we lost during the train-up, but coming out of an intense train-up cycle and competition, we don't want to do something that's going to set us back or injure us.

Thanks again.  



Contrats J!! Hell yeah. Best Ranger is no joke. 


Take a week off, total rest, if possible. Light runs/swims and stretching/foam rolling if you've got to do anything. 


I'd recommend the Ultimate Meathead Cycle:


But start out with a day of rest between sessions. You'll feel it when you're ready to start training hard again. 


– Rob





A couple questions.

1. Next week we start the endurance session with rucking and running, how should I continue the run improvement workout that I have been doing in the mornings? Should I cut it out during the upcoming session?


2. Is there a program that you offer that is more intense then the body weight ones? I bought both, and did the first one, I felt like it could have been more tough with the proper adjustments but I did not know where or what to adjust to keep in line with your programming. Also, I'm looking to workout twice a day, I do the run improvement or ruck improvement depending which one I'm in (I alternate them) already in the mornings and then the operator sessions in the evening. Would the body weight programs fit in lieu of the run/ruck improvement?


Thank you for your awesome programs and continued efforts. Military Athlete is the most amazing programing Ive ever done, and I am constantly trying to recruit guys for your operator sessions. Thanks for all you do, please keep them coming.







1) Yes

2) No. If you're doing 2-a-days, and one session is the ruck or run improvement, I'd like the second session to be strength focused – one of our strength plans – Rat 6 (  or Big 24 ( .

– Rob



What's your take on the horsemen training program?



Hey J- 


I've never seen the programming, but from what I understand is they took individual training sessions from some of my old stuff, CrossFit, and others and mushed it altogether. 


If so, the result would be working out and not training. You may get a good work out each day, but wouldn't know where you're going.


– Rob



Hi Rob,


What do you recommend for a soldier who will likely attend army sniper school sometime in the next year, though the dates are unknown? It is probably worth noting that lower body strength and rucking are probably where I need the most work in terms of overall fitness.





Hi B- 


Ruck Based Selection Packet:


– Rob



Mr. Shaul,

    Short background, I purchased your 6-week APFT improvement plan about a year ago right before enlisting 18x. At the time I was grossly over weight (245lbs), and completely out of shape. With the knowledge of your plan, I went from a PT score of 128 to a 235 in basic. I lost my contract, but that was ok for me at the time as after meeting with the SF liaison, I realized even though I wanted to, I wasn't anywhere near ready physically. So I was stationed here in Ft. Carson in December. My diagnostic PT test week two, I made a 232. Last test, I made a 250 (official as of last week). I've been doing a lot of thinking about my military career, and at this point, I'll be quite honest with you. 11B is a great MOS, but I want to do more. I've been contacted on multiple occasions now by SF recruiters, and after thinking about it now for a few weeks, I'm seriously considering it.

    The thing is, I know at this point I'm nowhere near in good enough shape for selection. I'm unable to drop a packet until the beginning of next year, but I want to start doing more and training for it now. I'm behind the power curve as it is. But after talking to a few friends who just left for selection, they suggested I contact you to see which plan y'all suggest to get me up to speed. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Hi T 


Purchase and complete our Ruck Based Selection Training Packet:


It's 9-months of progressive training which will prepare you for selection.


Good luck! 


– Rob





Two questions about the PST Improvement Plan and what program to select next. For the PST Improvement Plan, as the plan progresses (i.e. 30% to 35% to 40% of last PST's numbers) I find myself unable to complete the specified reps during the time limit. Should you finish the set then take a quick break before finishing off the remaining sets? For example, I'll finish the first three sets of pushups in the time allotted but while going for the fourth set I'll run out of time. I'll finish the set without breaking and then take a minute rest before moving on to the final sets. Secondly, I'm a Hell Week drop and I think part of the reason is that I failed to appreciate how much strength was needed for the program. I'm 5'11" and 170 and my thought is that if I'm lucky enough to get picked up for EOD or given another shot at BUDs I need to go back stronger and with a bigger frame. What program would you suggest for me? I'm planning on completing your Bodyweight plans after the PST Improvement Plan while I'm on a boat this summer. Thanks for your time. 




Hi R 


Progressions – Stick at 30% for 3-4 sessions before moving up. This will help. 


Strength. I'd recommend Rat 6 Strength to start:


– Rob



I am a US Border Patrol Agent of 11 years, 42 years old and I have made the decision to tey out for selection for our tactical unit, BORTAC.  My plan is to try out for next years selection, testing should be June 2015.  Currently I am 6'1, 250 but I am loosing weight at the rate of about 2 pounds per week.  Watch and changing my nutrition and eating habits.  I am looking for your advice on which of your programs would work best for my training.  I will be required to complete the following for selection:

1 1/2 mile run- under 11:00

40 situps- in 1:00

40 pushups- in 1:00

dead hang pull ups- at least 8

bench press- 100% body weight

ruck- 40# over 6 miles 1:45:00

tread water fully clothed including boots- 20:00

drown proofing- 20:00

swim- 100 meters


Any suggestions would be gratly appreciated.



Hi J-

See the Ruck-Based Selection Training Packet here:


This packet would be perfect for you … but the final plan doesn't include swimming. What I'd recommend is purchasing and completing the first six plans in the order described, and for 7th plan – the one right before selection, complete the USAF CCT/PJ/CRO Training Plan:


This plan includes rucking, bodyweight work, strength, and swimming/treading/water confidence.


– Rob





Is there any advantage to getting the packet over the individual components? I already have the SFOD-D program so it’s cheaper if I just buy them separately.


Also, when 2 different length programs are combined (ie Rat 6 + Ruck Improvement Plan), how are these programmed?





Jon  – 


I think you save 15% or so buying the packet.


Lift in the AM, Ruck in the PM.


– Rob



First, thank you for everything you do for all of us.  Cardio endurance has always been a weak spot for me, but thanks to your on-ramp program, I passed a hiring PFT yesterday with a 15:34 1.5 mile.  I haven't run that pace in 8 years.


The hiring agency stressed that if we are selected they want us to be able to complete a 10k at an 8 minute mile pace in late October.


I've got your run improvement plan, but I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the test-in 5 miles in 46 minutes or less.


If I'm not able to pass the test-in, do you have an intermediate plan that would bring me up to the run improvement plan?





Hi R- 


Good for you on your hiring PFT. 


Intermediate plan? I'm sorry I don't – but see how you do on the 5 mile first. Don't put the cart before the horse.


– Rob



Good evening Coach,


Just did my Operator Ugly test after 6 weeks on the sandbag/vest/rope program. Got the following score:


OU score

22 front squat

14 bench

19 deadlift

8 6 6 7 sprints

20 pull-ups

47 SBGU (90# sandbag)

2.36mi in 30:00

Total: 125.5pts

Failed the run


My stats the day of my Marine IST:

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 199#

Max front squat: 305#

Max bench: 275#

1.5mi run: 12:48

Pull-ups: 21


Obviously the run is a fail, need to work on that but I knew I wasn't going to do well. another 6wks in the sandbag program will bring me up a bit in that area. Haven't trained with weights in 3-4 months before the sandbag program.


Any advice for the next 6 weeks? Or anything else I should be doing? I know I need to work on running, sprinting, and benching. I plan in working that out in the next 6wks before testing again.





Hi L- 


Do the Operator Ugly Trainup Plan:


We Lab Rats just did this a couple weeks ago. It's awesome!!! 


– Rob





I'm a big fan your work. I just received orders for RTAC and then Ranger this summer. I purchased your Ranger Prep plan. I know its only 7 weeks long and it specifies that it should be completed immediately leading up to the report date. I report in July and have almost 12 weeks before I report. What would you recommend doing before that 7 week-out mark?





Hi S – 


357 Strength:


– Rob



Hi Rob,

Im wondering if its feasible to add some upper body strength training to the ‘old’ (2013) goruck program. Not looking to devote an entire workout to upper body strength, but just add on one or two exercises to maintain or slowly improve on stuff that might be useful during an event (push-ups, overhead movements specifically). Is this advisable? Is this doable? I am really digging all the core/leg/durability stuff and don’t want to sacrifice that!

Thanks again,



J – 




The "Prisoner Circuit" is one of our favorites. 


5x Pull ups

10x Dips

15x Push ups


Start out at 5 rounds, and every 4 sessions, add a round. This thing is no joke! 


– Rob





I'm in hopes you can point me in the right direction on which program I should choose. My current weight is 150 at 5'7 and 28 years old, feel like I should gain some weight and add some muscle. But I'd also like to be able to move up and down the mountains while hunting or during training events with a ruck. I have pretty decent level of fitness currently. Just would like to add some muscle and be mobile. I'm not sure if such a plan exists or if you have an idea of certain plans I should follow to achieve these goals. Thanks in advanced.




Hi R- 


Our go-to plan to increase mass is the Hypertrophy Program for Skinny Guys:


Here's the deal though, if you combine this plan with extra running or rucking, the mass gains won't be as great. So …


Best Option: Do this plan for 4 weeks and nothing else. Eat lots of protein and drink milk! Then, go back to your regular programming. 


Next Best Option: Do this plan in the AM, and our Running Improvement Plan in the evening:


Note if you chose option 2, the Hypertrophy Plan is going to make you wicked sore, especially at first. Running might be hard.


– Rob



Hey Rob, 


I had a question about which plans you would recommend, for about a four month time period (I will be away from my unit for about four months and will not have to do unit pt.) 


I am not training for a specific selection, but am just looking to get in all around better shape. I have the body weight training plan, and have completed it once. I have recently taken a PFT and that is really is all I have for stats at the moment.


Height: 5 '11

Weight: 165 lbs

Pullups: 20

3 mile run Run: 20:25


I was looking for something that would help with upper body strength, I feel that my upper body strength (outside of pull ups) is pretty underdeveloped. I was also trying to look for a plan that wasn't gym based. I really want to all around increase my physical fitness as much as possible.


I was looking at some of the selection plans, but wanted to get your opinion. What plan(s) would you recommend for about a four month time period?





Hi C – 


One option would be our Limited Equipment Training Packet: 


It combines several plans for 32 weeks of training


Other options would be…..

Sandbag/Weightvest/dumbbell (6 weeks):

Squad PT Plan (8 weeks):

Military Endurance (4.5 weeks):


Upper Body Strength – 

Best would be our Ultimate Meathead Strength Plan – but this requires a gym:


– Rob



Hello Mr. Shaul,


I have lost about 115lbs since July and have been following the operator sessions and completed the bodyweight and running improvement plans which have given me great fitness levels in terms of cardiovascular health.  My problem is my strength is very low for my size.


I'm currently 6' 3" (75in) and 185lbs. My Stats are as follows:


Back Squat: 265lb

Front Squat: 215lb

Power Clean: 150lb

Bench Press: 185lb


These are very low compared to the relative strength number of 4.0 you use on your site.  My question is should I eat a maintenance levels to keep my weight the same and try to increase strength that way, or should I try to eat at a slight surplus to gain a few pounds of muscle then cut the fat later on? Do you also recommend I get on a strength program? Or just continue with operator sessions?I don't want to get too heavy but I need to be stronger. Thanks for the help and all the programs you write!





Hi B – 


Diet – I'm not sure about your diet now, but my recommendation for everyone is to follow the nutritional guidelines here: Note there are no caloric restrictions – eat clean, and don't count calories. 


Also, with a couple exceptions, my programming isn't designed to add significant mass to guys. I'd recommend our Rat 6 Strength Plan for you now:


Finally, at 6'3", you're a little light in my opinion, at least when it comes to being a Military Athlete. I'd like to see you 210-215. 


– Rob




Thank you for your response, I apologize I haven't responded sooner but I wanted to say thank you for all your help and guidance with your plans.  I'm finally done losing weight and I'm finally starting to improve my strength.  I did have a follow up question though.


I will be attending an Army ROTC course on June 8th and will be doing your APFT Training plan starting April 28 so I'll finish just before I ship out. My Question is, would It hurt my performance in the APFT plan if I combine it with another plan such as the ruck improvement plan or should I do it all by itself? I know it's specific to do well on the APFT but I would like to keep my rucking abilities up as well as my pull ups. So could I also append Pull-ups to the end of the MWF sessions of the APFT Plan? 




You could work pull ups into the plan alongside the pushups and situps. Do an assessment and follow the same progression. 


Rucking – I'd limit this to 1 day on the weekend. You could go for 2 hours or so, but keep it relatively light (45#) and use a moderate pace. 



Good Morning,

Looking for a program for SFQC, what do you recommend?




Hi M 


The Ruck Based Selection Plan would be a great way to go in strong:




Hi Rob,


I'm hoping you can guide me as I prepare for SFAS. I will be going through basic & AIT from September-middle December. I then have until April to train for the NG SFRE tryout. If all goes well and according to plan, I will attend SFAS approximately 3 months from then.

How do you recommend I plan my training progression before basic/AIT, after basic/AIT before my first tryout (as I expect to lose muscle mass) & after the SFRE before SFAS?

Any guidance you can provide through your training programs is greatly appreciated! Thank you.





You want to go in strong S- 


Once you're in Basic, your training time and programming won't be your own. 


I'd recommend in the 8 weeks before Basic Basic, completing the Rat 6 Strength Plan (8 weeks, and then the last 4 weeks of Rat 6 lifting in the AM, and doing the Ruck Improvement Training Plan (4 week) in the evenings: 


So the last 4 weeks before basic you'll be doing 2-a-Days, 3 days/week.


– Rob





I am nearly 42, out of shape, and in need of losing 50lbs.  I've been focused on strength training with short metcons a few days per week.  Strength is ok, BS 350, DL 400, press 200, bp 275, power clean 205.


I've read many great things about your programming and would like your suggestions on where to start and what to follow it up with.


I'd eventually like to build into the operator sessions, but I'd definitely need to lose fat and significantly improve my work capacity and endurance.  


If you have a minute and could suggest which course to purchase first, then the follow-up courses that I'd need to reach the goal of doing the operator sessions, it would be greatly appreciated.


Best regards,



Hi J- 


Start with our OnRamp Plan:


Then do the Bodyweight Plan:


Follow with Rat 6:


They you could jump in…


You're weight …. – Fix your diet first. 80% of fat is diet related. You can't outwork a shitty diet.


– Rob



Mr. Shaul,

  I am currently using your busy operator 2 program and would like to thank you, I really enjoy the routine.  My question is what do you recommend with your workouts, after I complete the 6 week program should I repeat the program from day one or find another program to use.  Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy your weekend.  Thanks again.







1) Subscribe to the Operator Sessions.


2) Focus on Strength and Rucking. Do 2-a-Days: Rat 6 in the AM:, and Ruck Improvement in the PM:


– Rob





I bought the Delta selection workout and am going to start it when the time comes. In the meantime I'm doing the operator sessions with the ruck/run improvement plans in the morning. I noticed the SFOD-D packet that you have, and my question is which route am i going to benefit the most from, the plans in the packet you offer or the operator sessions with the run/ruck plan? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you do.





Hi J – 


The SFOD-D plan is no joke, and guys have to know their way around a ruck and be pretty fit to start it. 


Doing the Operator Sessions for several months ahead will generally ensure you are. 


We put together the packet for guys who were hesitant to subscribe, or perhaps weren't fit enough to jump in and do the Operator Sessions right away. 


I'd recommend you stick with the Operator Sessions, do some additional rucking, then just complete the plan right before. 


I'm excited for you!


– Rob



Hello Mr. Rob Shaul,


I am currently finishing up my sophomore year in the Naval Academy. Next year, there is an event called the SEAL screener for mids who wish to pursue a career in Naval Special Warfare. 


I've been following some of your programs the past few months, specifically the Ruck Based Selection Program and the PST Program.


A little background on the Screener: It starts around late October/early November and it is approximately 36 hours long. It's meant to replicate BUD/s and the first day or so of Hell Week. Sometimes, the Academy manages to get BUD/s instructors to run the Screener. Other than that, I don't know much else about it. 


I was wondering if you had any advice for other programs for me to follow in preparation of the Screener. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Very Respectfully,



Hi D- 


Do our BUD/s plan the 8 weeks directly before the screener:


– Rob





I am getting out of the Army and am looking into law enforcement and fire/ems.


All of the law enforcement fitness assessments I have taken have been easy–most being easier than the APFT.  Firefighting tests are a little harder.


What would be your suggestion for not only the tests but the training as well?  Operator sessions?  I have been doing your bodyweight plan and have done the operator sessions in the past.  The fire/ems would be mainly urban at this point but there are some wildfires here so I assume the depts cover down on that if needed.


Thanks for any advice you can give!



Hi C 


I'd recommend the Officer Sessions at


– Rob


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