

I want to thank you for all the help your website has given me. I followed the Operator Sessions for 1.5 years and received my Navy SO contract back in February. I'm currently not doing Operator Sessions anymore and focusing more on sport specific exercises. But your program gave me a great base to build off of and receive me contract. Thank you again for all you do






Hey mate,


Training for SASR selection course in Australia this year (July). What I am after is 3 training sessions a week based on strength volume and high cardio type workouts. I got referred to you guys by a bloke who has used your website last year.


I was wondering if you could give me some examples of the training sessions you have available? I am keen and probably will sign up but want to make sure that these training sessions will focus in on the weaker areas of my fitness before I commit.


To give you an idea of the training sessions I have been completing so far this is one I completed this week:


25 burpees

400 mtr run

70 kg casualty drag – perimeter of rugby oval

25 burpees

400 mtr run

bear crawl – perimeter of rugby oval

jerry carry – – perimeter of rugby oval

25 burpees

400 mtr run

tyre flip – perimeter of rugby oval

jerry carry – perimeter of rugby oval

100 cadence p/u


all up took 1h 14mins





Hi J – 


For what your asking (3 sessions/week, strength and cardio) I'd recommend the 357 Strength Plan:


This is a 5 day/week plan, but you could cut it back if necessary. 


However, this plan, and your current training – based on what you emailed, won't prepare you for SASR. It's not nearly sport-specific enough. You need to be rucking, lots. It could be your high volume work capacity sessions like you sent will prepare you for all the rucking you'll face at selection, but I would't trust it if I were you. 


I build the SFOD-D plan specifically for US Delta and UK SAS selections – and I'd recommend it to you also. The plan is 10 weeks long, and designed to be completed directly before selection:


– Rob






I am one week into the On-Ramp program and was considering adding the Core Strengthening. Would you recommend this or should I wait until I finish the On-Ramp program


Thank you.




Finish the OnRamp first. 


– Rob





First the Kudos – thanks for the great programming. I have gone through the Bodyweight Program and the Sandbag/Weight vest/kettle bell program. I am a week from finishing the 357 Strength training plan. I have seen increases in overall strength just as I had hoped. If nothing else it has re-engaged my mind and body despite the "burden of constant fitness."


As I previously described to you sometime back I am a Federal LEO that can end up doing a great deal of hiking in diverse terrain carrying somewhere in the neighborhood of 45-50lbs. of tactical "necessities" and the possibility of a gun fight around every corner. At 5'9" and 175lbs. I think I am over weight for my frame and when you consider that I have never benched over 150, I feel under-powered. My agency standards require that I only "participate" in the Physical Efficiency Battery test once a year (a sad fact about the agency) but at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center we are required to have a cumulative score of at least 70% to pass the PEB (link takes you to the PEB score sheet for my age group). Granted if I loose weight my bench press score instantly goes up, but thats not really an improvement in strength…


So to my questions:

Since I would like to continue to improve over-all strength should I move to the Rat 6 Strength or try something else?
Can I also do the Ruck Improvement plan, or, since I have never rucked for fitness, do something like the Afghanistan Pre-Deployment plan after Rat 6?


I hope to move towards the Operator Sessions after some more strength training, but I really think the best thing I can do for myself right now is to build base strength (that 80% of durability that you talk about).


Thanks in advance for any suggestions,



Hi C – 


1) Rat 6 would be a good choice:

2) You could do the Ruck Improvement plan concurrently – lift first, then ruck:


– Rob





Currently working through the "Ultimate Meathead" plan. How long do you typically hold the stretches imbedded in each couplet?







10-15  seconds. Aim to finish each session in 60 minutes. 


– Rob



Hi Rob,


I was wondering, which program would be better to choose for the selection I’m training for.

The selection will consist of the following:

– Cooper’s test (2750m or more in 12 minutes)

– Core test (side planks, planks, lunges, and more)

– 70 km rucking with approx. 10 kg rucksack

– 15 km trail running

– 300m Swimming in maximum time 8 minutes

– 25m under water swimming

– various team-exercises.


I’m looking at both the SFOD selection, because of all the rucking, but also the USAF CCT/PJ/CRO selection program, because of the swimming and rucking.





Hi S- 


I'd go with the USAF CCT/PJ/CRO Plan:


It includes plenty of rucking, running, and work cap for your team exercises. Plus, it includes swimming and prep for water confidence stuff. 


Good luck! 





It seems you have options in starting points for your fitness plans. 


What's better to start with, the “On Ramp Training Plan” or the “Bodyweight Training Plan;” and, which is easier?


Thanks – A


Hi A- 


On Ramp is easier:


Bodyweight …. don't be fooled by the name. It's no joke!


– Rob



Hey Rob, long time fan of the site and the work you guys do. I have a question about what plan might be appropriate for me. I am 21y/o, 6'4, 212lbs and have really no access to olympic lifting equipment or form training (bumper plates, coaches, etc). I am pretty weak in the three big exercises – bench 1rm = 230, squat 1rm = 240, deadlift 1rm = 260. And my cardio is middling – 3 mile = 24 minutes. I see you recommending the bodyweight program as a starter for getting into your more taxing programs and I am unable to figure out what is right for me even after examining all your other program descriptions. I want to increase my strength such that i am hitting at least 300lbs for a 1rm effort on the 3 aforementioned lifts, hopefully within a year or sooner. And I'd like to drop my 3 mile time to at least 21mins, ideally as close to 18 as possible. Plus I think I should probably pack on another ten-ish pounds or so. Is there a plan or progression of plans that could help me achieve these goals within 12 months or are they mutually exclusive? Thanks very much for your time and sorry for the lengthy message.



Hi D – 


In general, aerobic training will hurt gains made from strength training, if done concurrently. Strength training doesn't hurt aerobic training the same way. 


Strength is most important right now. 


From our stuff, I'd recommend Big 24:


This plan revolves around these exercises: 


– Back Squat

– Hang Squat Clean

– Bench Press

– Push Press

– Walking Lunge


Given your equipment restrictions, the Hang Squat Clean might be an issue. I'd recommend substituting the Front Squat, and following the same progression. 


This plan is super intense – it's the closest I've ever come to throwing up in the gym …. and is strength focused. It'll make you hungry – eat clean, but lots, and you should add some mass. 


If you're determined to work on your running at the same time, you can complete the Running Improvement Plan concurrently with Big 24. Lift first, then run:


– Rob



Coach Rob,


First, I have been following your operator sessions since last September and have thoroughly enjoyed your program. Thank you for all that you do in regards to putting these workouts together.


Second, I have recently signed an “18 X-ray” (Special Forces) contract with the military and look forward to shipping to boot camp in the near future. Unfortunately, I have yet to be given an exact ship date, however, I have been given a rough estimate of 2-4 months.  


Ideally, I would like to lose some excess weight while improving myself physically (strength, cardio, ect.) before reporting to training.  In hopes of achieving these aspirations I have decided to consult the Military Athlete Guru, yourself.  


What plan, series of plans, or combination of plans do you think would help best in preparation? 


Below are my Relative Strength Test and “Operator Ugly” Test scores which I completed last week:


Relative Strength Test (3.64)

Height: 6’1

Weight: 210 

1RM Front Squat: 280

1RM Power Clean: 220

1RM Bench: 265


Operator Ugly (138.5)


Max Reps Front Squats @ 185: 22

Max Reps Bench @ 185: 15

Max Hinge Lift @225: 28

25m Sprints: 29

Max Pull Ups: 19

Max Sandbag Get Ups: 51

3 Mile Run @ 25: “Pass” (25:07)


Any and all suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated. 





Hi P – 


I'd recommend you roll into the Ruck Based Selection Training Plan:


I build this specifically for SFAS and similar selections. You'll lose some fitness during boot camp, but this plan not only trains physical – it also trains mental fitness. You'll be far ahead of the other 18x guys. 


Good luck! I'm Jealous!


– Rob



Hey Rob,

I was looking at the Bodyweight training program and had a quick question. About how long do the workouts take?  I have about an hour to an hour and a half during the day to get a workout in, and am hoping that your Bodyweight Training program can fit into that schedule.







The sessions are designed to be completed in 60 minutes. Link to the plan:


– Rob



Mr. Shaul,


First i'd like to tell you that your programs are awesome- i've got a few over the years and have been subscribed to your operator sessions for awhile now, all are freakin sweet.  I was wondering if you could give me some quick advice on the next few days for me here.  I was told by my leadership on Friday night that i would be taking off for Sapper school onthis Thursday, so my mind has been going 1000 mph ever since.  I have today, Tues, Wed, and Thur at home then fly out Thur afternoon and start the course on Friday.  How should i workout, run, and eat up until i leave on Thur afternoon?  I seem to remember an article on here and i can't find now about selection prep, and if i remember right he said to take  it easy the week before you leave for that.  I was just wondering if you had a few minutes if you could give me a little advice.  Thanks so much.


Hi M- 


It's too late to train now. Keep doing what you've been doing, and take 2 days total rest before the course. Take the time to get your gear squared away. 


Good Luck! 


– Rob



Hello Sir, I’m going out for SFAS this year. Is your delta selections program the same as the one for ODA? If not would it be more beneficial to use deltas, since the requirements are harder?


Hi R- 


No – the SFOD-D plan is sport-specific for Delta Selection. It would have too much rucking and not enough general work for SFAS. I built the Ruck Based Selection Plan specifically for SFAS:


This it the plan I'd recommend. 


– Rob 




I'm interested in purchasing either the bodyweight 1 or bodyweight 2 program.  Could u highlight the difference between the two programs please.  Also do you have any bodyweight programs that include rucking.  Or would I be able to add rucking into the bodyweight program (switch a run for a ruck every now and again?) Thanks a lot.



Hi J – 


Start with Bodyweight I:


Neither includes rucking, but you could complete the Ruck Improvement Training Plan concurrently:


– Rob



Mr. Shaul,


Sorry to bother you again, but I wanted to ask you one more question/piece of advice for future training/rucking.


What, in your experience, have you found to be the best ruck to use for rucking? There are a lot of really expensive ones out there, so I just wanted to ask you before I make a decision to get one. I have heard a lot of good things about the GoRuck bags, but they seem pretty expensive. Let me know. Thanks a lot.





Hi D- 


We use medium ALICE packs – $50 or so. They work fine.


– Rob



Im 90 days out from a GORUCK Heavy event. I had planned on starting the Heavy program this saturday.. but I realized I will have 1.5 months with no programming then.. What do you recommend? 


HI J- 


Complete the 357 Strength Plan (, , then the GoRuck Heavy plan directly before your event:


– Rob




I few questions: 

1) If I'm lifting in the AM, and running in the PM, and the program lists a run as that day's workout (like in the 357 strength program) should I still run that morning? 

2) for athletes who will be attending basic & AIT or OSUT before their selection courses, what do you recommend for training? Often times they won't have the opportunity to complete a 6-8 week program right before their selection. 

Thanks for the awesome products, I love what MA is becoming,







1) Yes

2) That really depends upon daily schedules and fitness demands of the training. In general, you'll lose strength after Basic, and likely AIT/OSUT should have your rucking/running plenty. This tells me you'll need some strength and perhaps, short intense work cap to supplement – if you have time. 357 Strength would be a good choice:


– Rob



Mr. Shaul,


I have been in the Army for 8 years.  I was

introduced to your programs through some friends in Afghanistan and used

your Mountain Athlete free sessions for awhile and liked them.  Currently I

am on voluntold orders for recruiting in SE Idaho.  I have been trying to

work out in Gold's Gym with all the other recruiters to stay in shape but am

losing it.  I have slowly fallen off the train of staying in shape since

becoming a recruiter.  It used to be so easy when I had my squad to hold me

accountable.  Basically I am interested in starting your program.  I am by

no means a beast.  I weigh 160lbs and am 5'7". I squat and dead lift right

over 200lbs and I find that tough sometimes.  I can run pretty good.  Where

do you suggest I start?  What programs would you start me on?  I don't want

to spend 25$ on a session that is not going to get me where I need/want to

be, which is doing the operator sessions without dying.  Looking forward to

hearing your response.  Thank you.





Hi J- 


A great place to start our stuff and kickstart your own fitness is our Bodyweight Training Plan:


It's no joke. 


– Rob



Hey Rob,


        I am doing the Ultimate Meathead Cycle right now and am about to be finished. I plan on starting the Core Strength Training plan here in a couple of weeks and wanted to know what other plan I should stack it with. I am looking to continue on getting stronger on my lifts and overall.





Hi B- 


I'd recommend 357 Strength:


– Rob



What type of equipment do you need for the On Ramp?


Sir – 


A fully-equipped weight room. 


– Rob



Hi Rob,


I started following your Body Weight 1 plan and I am loving it.  Using it with your dietary philosophy to jump start some weight loss (about 15-20lbs that have crept on over the last few years.)


One thing I was wondering – how do you feel about sweet potatoes and dairy?  As for dairy I really only use heavy cream in my coffee and the occasional piece of string cheese for an emergency snack. (Unless it's a cheat day then there is some frozen yogurt being consumed!)


Sorry if you've answered this somewhere – I tried sorting through the past QA's and didn't see anything.


Thanks in advance.


Hi D- 


Sweet potatoes are okay and encouraged. I love 'em! 


Dairy – a little is okay … some hard cheese, cream in your coffee. No milk, yogurt, etc. 


– Rob



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