
I am a member of military athlete.  I am looking to train more
specifically for an upcoming school.  My question is regarding the
pricing of your programs.  I am currently paying $25 a month to access
your daily workouts.  The price of the program I am wanting is $75.
It’s a 10 week program.  Why is the cost greater than a monthly
membership? Also, are you assuming that we will cancel our membership
while doing the specific programs?  I am trying to justify spending $75
for this program but its seems like a very steep price point considering
I already pay $25 a month.  I have paid $100 for a program before but it
was tailored to my exact fitness level, age, weight, goals, etc.  It
just seems like a very high price for a written program with no
specificity towards the individual athlete and no coaching included.


– C

Yes – you’d want to cancel your subscription while you’re completing the sport specific plan. 


If you’re looking at one of our selection programs, most assess the athlete out of the gate, and subsequent progressions are scaled to the fitness level of the athlete going in, while at the same time preparing you for the the work load you can expect at selection.  The actual selection is not individualized for the athlete. You’ll have to meet the standards regardless of your fitness level when you arrive. 

Our theory and programming method is constantly improving, and we subsequently update and improve the training plans as we learn more and get better. What you’re looking at is 10 years of me driving myself, my lab rats and my staff to design, test, improve, repeat. 

I believe our training programs are an incredible value. You may disagree.

– Rob


I am currently deployed in Africa and have started the Rat 6 plan.  By the time I return, I will have completed the Rat 6 plan and am trying to figure out what I should do afterwards.  I currently don’t have a definitive fitness plan or goal.  In the past I have completed your 357 plan and the bodyweight plan.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Very Respectfully,
– V

Best option would be to subscribe to the Operator Sessions. These are programmed and periodized training sessions designed as day-to-day work for military athletes, and will build your Base Fitness of strength, work capacity, stamina and endurance, and durability. You’ll transition from "working out" to "training." 

If not, now you need to address work capacity or stamina. I’d recommend one of two plans: 

1) Sandbag/weightvest/dumbbell Training Plan:

2) Work Capacity Training Plan:

– Rob


Hello my name is Christopher Ward I’m about to graduate from college and wanted to join into the active duty side of the military. I’m currently a reservist in the Coast Guard, and was looking to train so I can qualify for the Spec Ops CCT or PJ in the Air Force. I was trying to find out if there is a set training program that would allow me to prepare for the selection process? I have easy access to gym facilities. 

– C

We’ve build a 9-week CCT/PJ/CRO Selection Training Plan you’ll want to complete directly before selection:

– Rob

Oh- planning to report to basic January/February timeframe.

Hi Rob,
I just finished the bodyweight workout- it was awesome! 
Pt scores before: 72 pushups, 64 situps, 18:18 2 mile
Pt scores after: 92 pushups, 70 situps, 17:00 2 mile, 13 pull-ups (no pull-ups 1st time)
I’m not sure when I will report to infantry OSUT. I know you had recommended the basic training workout 6 weeks prior to shipping. What should I do in the meantime? My run is abysmal, but there was improvement. Should I do the bodyweight workout again and supplement with the running improvement workout? Maybe the APFT workout? What do you recommend at this point?
– A

I’d recommend you do one of our strength plans, and supplement it with the Run Improvement Plan. Then prior to basic, repeat the bodyweight plan. 

Strength Plan – Rat 6:
Run Improvement:

– Rob

My very dedicated 15 year old son is on the PT team for his USMC ROTC squad.  He would like to train to improve his PFT score, do you think your plan would be useful?  He is in good shape mentally and physically.  Thank you for what you do.
– L

The USMC PFT plan scales to the fitness level of the athlete. It would be perfect for him:

– Rob


Hello sir.  This is CPT Tony Somoza and not sure if you remember me but I was one of the officer "lab rats" you taught when you came up to Alaska with 1-501. I am now at Bragg and about a month ago I was hurt on a jump,which I am now recovered from. Unfortunately I gained about 12 lbs and lost some strength. I am getting back into the gym and of course going back to military athlete. My question is, which program do you recommend I start back with to lose weight and regain some strength and endurance?  Thanks for your time sir and hope all is well.

– T

Good to hear from you! 

If you’re recovered enough to lift heavy, I’d recommend the Military Athlete Plan for CrossFitters:

This plan includes gym-based strength, work capacity and stamina cycles. 

If your leg is functional, but a little weak to start lifting, I’d recommend starting with our Bodyweight Plan:

Don’t be fooled by "bodyweight" – this plan is no joke and will build some good strength on you, and is a great transition to gym-based training

Weight Gain – 80% of bodyweight is diet – start by fixing yours. 

6 Days/week eat only meat, veggies, nuts and a little fruit. Drink only water, coffee, tea. No bread, pasta, corn, rice, beans, sugar, alcohol.
1 Day/week: Cheat like a mother.

– Rob

I had a lot of success with your APFT plan, enjoyed it and I’m planning on transitioning to your Operator sessions.
Here’s my situation and I’m looking for a recommendation.  I have access to a full gym and pretty much anything you might need for PT.
I’m picking up a small section (10-14) guys in about two weeks and I’ll be responsible for their PT 3-4 days a week, this will last till about May.  This element will be a mixed bag, guys with an APFT range from 240-300.  Based on the free Operator sessions, I was planning on taking them through a portion of the session and then completing the rest on my own.  My intent is to maintain variety while challenging the guys with average PT abilities.
Thanks for any help.
– S

Because you’re not sure what your getting in terms of fitness level and lifting experience, I’m not sure the Operator Sessions is appropriate. Better might be the bodyweight program to start:

Or, the Rat 6 Strength Plan:

– Rob

It’s a in house TACP selection to augment the Special Tactics Squadron as a JTAC. The selection consistent of the following events:

CALISTHENICS: chin-ups, sit-ups, push-ups — exercise for full time limit or until muscle failure

* Minimums:
8 chin-ups in 2 minute
60  sit-ups in 2 minutes (max 4 minutes)
45 push-ups in 2 minutes

RUN: 3 miles non-stop

* Minimums:
3 miles completed within 24:00 minutes


12 mile ruck w/ 65 lbs.
Student movements up to 24 hrs.


– All the package info said about this was to be proficient w/ a kit on.

There is the normal physical "conditionings" during the roughly 5 days that the selection takes place. There is just a short swim test, which is pass/fail and I am not concerned about that.  

This is all I have to go on so far as each selection is a bit different, but it appears to be heavy on muscle endurance and rucking.

– D

Couple options: 

1) FBI HRT Plan with a few modifications – no need for the stair climbs:
2) Bodyweight Training Plan supplemented with the Ruck Improvement Plan:

Option 1 is better, but might be overkill. 

– Rob

 I’m a few weeks behind on the Operator sessions. I started back up and picked up from the Hybrid Cycle. I’m embarrassed to say, although I completed each workout as written (rx’d), I was very far behind from what I imagine everyone is at. I just started Day one of the Endurance cycle and I have to admit I couldn’t even finish the 6 mile run. Granted I live in an area of south Texas (Laredo) that has highly varied and hilly terrain. I DNF’d at 4 miles and came in with a terrible time of 49 minutes. My 5 mile recovery run last week was 48 minutes and it was at a recovery pace, so I don’t know what happened today. If I was doing this just for a good physical workout I’d be okay with it but I’m trying my damnedest here to get my running up for SWCC  Selection and its (running) the only thing holding me back. I don’t mind the hard work or the pain. I just hate how my running is. Should I bow out for a few weeks and focus purely on endurance, possibly your endurance protocol?

– N

The Operator Sessions include endurance, but aren’t endurance focused. That being said, I’d say stick with the hybrid cycle you’re in and then complete the Endurance Cycle. See how you’re doing on the other side of that. Embrace the suck along the way….

– Rob

   I have read everything on your site, and we are implementing a SOF specific screening test for our operators attached to SOF units.  Their initial scores will be written down and after 8 weeks we will give the test again.  If they do not meet the minimum score of 100 they will be removed from that team to fulfill other NON-SOF commitments.
   At this point we have ran the Operator Ugly twice with two different teams.  To be short the higher ups want to see data so we are gathering it.  Other units in our group are completing similar tests they received from the units they are supporting.  We changed the operator ugly by changing the sandbag get ups to 45lb kettlebells for 5 minutes(1 rep = 1 score) and adding a 1/2 swim with fins(20 minutes).  We didn’t have sandbags big enough and we have to have a swim in there.  Overall this adds approximately 15 minutes to he total time.  A few questions that came up were:

Q1.  How did you come up with this test?  Can you elaborate further on why you feel it is the best work specific assessment.

A1.Experience and the items I consider important for a Military Athlete: Strength (Bench Press, Front Squat, Dead Lift, Strict Pull ups), Work Capacity (Shuttle Sprints, Sandbag Getups, 3-Mile IBA run at the end), Mental Fitness (Sandbag Getups), Stamina (entire test) and Endurance (3-Mile IBA Run after all that over work). This, plus the simple scoring system and rankings based on bodyweight make this an awesome measure. 

Q2.  You mention you were your own lab-rats.  How do you prevent injury and ensure that proper technique is used during Operator Ugly?

A2. The exercises were designed to avoid injury. The only dangerous exercise is the dead lifts, and I worked to limit it’s risk with the 60 second time limit. I’m not sure how you’re doing your 45# kettle bells for the your getups, but if you’re doing turkish getups with them, 45# is too heavy. 

Q3.  I have seen your qualifications but if you can tell us, what units have already implemented this test and what are the results and feedback they have given back to you.

A3.This my test – and I’ve run units I’ve visited through it. I’m not sure how many have officially adopted it for their unit. I know of one company who used it downrange and another who used it as a pre-deployment tool, but have no official data. 

  I have enjoyed the benefits of your workouts, they definitely helped us in the mountains last winter (AFG for 8 months).  I look forward to hearing from you.

You should give your guys the option of running through the Operator Ugly Train Up (  between evaluations. The train up itself is no joke, and we had great results with it.

– Rob


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