I am planning on competing in the USMC Recon Challenge May 2014. I was curious what training package I should purchase to follow for my training? Endurance training Cycle? What do you think?
This was last year’s event:
Recon Challenge
• 1¼-mile ocean swim
• Weapon disassembly/assembly
• Two obstacle courses
• Grenade throw
• 35-foot jump immediately followed by an underwater swim
• Rifle/pistol shooting
• Obstacle course backward
• Underwater machine gun disassembly/assembly
• All components of the challenge are done along a 23-mile hike through rugged Camp Pendleton terrain.

– S

12 weeks out from the Comp you should complete our Recon Challenge Training Plan:

I developed this last year. 

Between now and then you should subscribe to and complete the Operator Sessions, and begin with the last strength cycle. 

– Rob

Hey Rob. I’ve signed up for a goruck heavy scheduled for December 6th.
I’m just finishing up week 3 of 357. Do you recommend finishing 357 by substituting rucks for the lsd runs? Or should I use the bodyweight or endurance plan for the next 4 weeks? Prior to 357 I completed the one-arm plan.
I already have your GR Heavy training plan, which I’m scheduled to begin on October 25th (6 weeks pre-event).
Thanks again.
– C

No on the ruck subs. Stick with LSD. 

I’d go with bodyweight ( it will be a good bridge into the GR Heavy plan. 

– Rob

Hey Coach, Just want to say that your programming is awesome! I’ve been doing the body weight plan, and it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. Only thing is that the core was a little too easy, but I just added weights to the situps and planks. Onto my questions

1) I’m now nearing the end of the body weight plan and am planning to switch to the sandbag and weight vest plan once I’m done. I don’t have a gym where I could do your programming, but I’m saving up for a garage gym. I should be able to get it around January, but that would leave a month after the weight vest plan with nothing for me to do. I was thinking I would do the body weight plan while wearing a 25# vest. but was wondering if there’s a plan I could do with somewhat limited equipment. Here’s what I’ve got: 3 sandbags, 90 60 & 40#, dumbells from 10-50, pullup bar, 25# weight vest, adjustable bench (flat, incline decline), tractor tire, and ghd.

2) I live in Idaho, and I get up at 5 to train before school. It’s starting to get really cold and dark at that time, and soon it will be snowing. My question is if there are any substitutions for running that I could do inside, jump rope,step ups, just tons of burpees, etc?

3) also, while I like the bodyweight plan, it is kinda monotamous, is there more day by day variety in your other plans and operator sessions?


– C

1) You should be able to do the Squad PT Training Plan with that equipment:

2) Step ups. 50x Step ups = 400m Run.

3) This a new complaint. Not too sure what to tell you, other than you’ll likely won’t like step ups….

– Rob

   I am going to attend SFOD-D selection next September. With 11 months to train up, how do you suggest I structure my training? What is your suggestions for how I should train. I am in decent shape now, and I am going to purchase the SFOD-D selection training plan from you. Just needing a good 11 month training plan. Thanks.
– E

First, I’d recommend taking our Operator Ugly Fitness Test:

If you score "Good" or higher based on your bodyweight, subscribe to the Operator Sessions and complete these until you start the SFOD-D plan directly before selection. 

If you score below "Good" on Operator Ugly, I’d recommend starting with one of our strength plans, – Rat 6 Strength:, then join the Operator Sessions. 

– Rob

I’m recently starting out into a Riverine Combat Boat community and I know a lot of guys in this community have a lot lower back, knees, and other lower extremity problems which I would love to avoid as much as possible . Also I will be apart of a Riverine Security Team requiring me to do some disembarking, patrolling, recovering personnel, and normal security missions. I’m 27 5’9 175 my Operator Ugly score is 130 my 2 mile/14:30. Which program would you recommend to best fit my needs?


The key to durability is strength – esp. for the lower back. 

Best would be to join with the Operator Sessions and start with the most recent strength cycle. 

Next would be to start with one of our strength plans. I’d recommend the Rat 6 Plan:, then follow up with the Operator Sessions.

– Rob

Hey Rob,
I was told by my 1SG that you have really solid PT programs, and was
wondering what program you would recommend. The open time to fill will be
morning PT between 0630-0730 for Tues, Wed, and Thurs. During these days I
would like to look at all around PT minus running or ruck marches, those
will be scheduled for Mon and Fri. Any help you can get me would be awesome
so I can get this schedule done.

Thank you,
– A

I recommend all new athletes start with strength. The Rat 6 Strength Plan is what I’d recommend:

Also, please click the "Start Here" button ( on the site to learn more about what we do. 

– Rob

I am with ——- out of 3d MSOB. I have been doing Seal fit now for about 6 months and am looking to change it up. I am in charge of my teams workout programs and I am looking of some good operator work outs. I’ve looked at your free operators workout, and I am looking for something a little more demanding that can answer two hour workout session. If you think you might have or know of any programs I would greatly appreciate the help  thanks.

– Sgt M

I’d recommend one of our selection programs. If you have access to a pool, a great one to try would be our MARSOC A&S train up:

If not, I’d recommend our Ruck-Based Selection Training Program:

– Rob

I was rocking along with the Big 24 the past couple of weeks. We were doing night jumps Monday and my landing in a rut resulted in a broken fibula. Needless to say squats and lunges are out of the picture for a while. Question is, is the leg injury program able to be followed while the injury is healing or is it meant for after it has healed for the most part?

Thanks for everything you do. I try to spread the military athlete gospel every chance I get.

– T

Sorry about your injury. 

The Leg Injury Plan ( is designed to train around your injured leg – it’s not a rehab plan. We’ve had guys in non-weight bearing casts complete the plan. 

– Rob


Sir I have heard about the Afghan Program through various friends in the Marines and Army. I do not have orders down range, however, I have aspirations to go to Ranger school. Through my research I’ve come to find that there is to be a great deal of ruck/forced marches through the duration of the school. Would it be possible to receive a copy of the workout for training purposes? It would be greatly appreciated.

– M

I’m sorry. You need orders to receive the plan for free. It’s available from the website store for purchase:

However, for Ranger School, I’d recommend the Ranger School Prep Plan:

– Rob

what standards would you say need to be met before someone should try the ruck based selection workout, push ups? running distance/time? etc

– M

The plan is no joke. The first week includes a full APFT, 6 mile run, 3-mile IBA Run, 10 min Sandbag Getups @ 80# for reps, timed 3-mile IBA run, and timed, 10 mile ruck @ 60#. Later in the plan this is considered an "unload" week. 

– Rob



How are you? I first want to say thanks for everything. I have been
following MA for a few years now and it has helped tremendously. I also
train on and off at Atomic Athlete in Austin. I used Ruck Based Selection
Program v1 for Ranger school back in 2011. I am now getting ready to attend
SFAS in the end of NOV. My rucking, relative strength, and work cap are
solid. Running is my main issue right now, and it is something I feel I
should focus on. I was curious at about 8 weeks out if I should do the new
RBSP, the Endurance training plan, run improvement plan, or apft plan? You
just have so many products and so much content now that it is hard to choose
and also people can tailor to their weaknesses with these new plans which is
great. Let me know what you think. Thank you.

– M

Do the new Ruck Based Selection Training Plan. Start at the beginning of the plan. It will train your running ability in addition to APFT work, rucking, work capacity smokers, etc. Here’s the link:

– Rob


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