 Just wanted to take some time to say thank you for all you have done.  I started following your programming in 2008 while deployed.  Since that time I have used your APFT plan to more then max the APFT on multiple occasions, I used your Ruckselection plan to get selected, while in the q course I got a stress fracture and used your one leg program to come off the injury stronger and faster, and I have recently used your run improvement plan to help me get better.  During all this I continued to follow the operator sessions and they have made me into a more stronger and more durable athlete.  So thank you for what you do and please continue evolving your training!
 – J.

Hi Rob,
Sorry had another quick question. I don’t eat a lot of dairy any way … mostly almond milk; so I guess my question is two fold
1) is almond milk OK; and
2) is dairy OK?
– P.

1) Yes – as long as sugar isn’t added. Look at the label for carbs. 
2) Yes – a little. Hard cheese is okay. Half and half in your coffee is okay. Milk is not – look at the ingredients in milk and you’ll see they add sugar – and it has carbs. Half and half and whipping cream – no sugar added. Eggs are okay and encouraged.

– Rob

Hi, I am interested in buying your Army APFT Plan. I am wondering what kind of gear I might need for it before I purchase. Does it require anything like weights, etc.?


– W.

No equipment beyond a stopwatch is needed to complete the APFT plan. 

– Rob

What type of shoes do you recommend for the operator sessions

– C.

The best all around shoes we’ve found are indoor soccer shoes, specifically the classic Adidas Samba. We find these work well for lifting, running, sprints, rope climbs, etc. Plus they are cheap. 

I’m not a fan of any of the minimalist/light shoes. These don’t offer the protection or support I think is needed. They were a fad and the fad is over.

 I’m also not a fan of Nike Free shoes – in fact I’ve banned Nike Free’s from the gym. These shoes have no lateral support – and lead to rolled ankles. 

I personally rotate between 3 pairs of shoes: 

– Trail Running shoes for running and rucking. 
– Oly lifting shoes for barbell work. We all love our Oly shoes (We use the Rogue brand) – and they are well worth the investment. 
– Indoor soccer shoes for multi-modal work cap efforts (i.e. sandbag getups to barbell squats to runs, etc.) and for sprinting. 

– Rob


I’m in the market for a new pair of training shoes. I already have a pair of Rogue Dowins Olympic weightlifting shoes and love them. However, when I bought them, the Rogue website said NOT to jump in them because it would compromise the integrity of the shoe (if that makes any sense). Would you recommend the Reebok Nanos?


Never used the Reebocks, but they look a little flimsy to me. For all around shoes I recommend indoor soccer shoes. We found indoor soccer shoes have a relatively flat heel, good cushioning for sprinting/jumping, and great lateral support for cutting. Specifically, we wear Adidas Sambas.

– Rob

Hi Rob,

   My wife and I are both active duty military stationed at Ft. Hood, TX.  We are nearing the end of your bodyweight program and have really been enjoying the structure/progress we both feel and see in each out.  We have a PT test coming up in about a month and a half and I read online that you offer the program free to military personnel, if this is the case we would love to try it.  Thanks for your time.

– J.

No longer. 

Here’s the link to the plan:

– Rob

Hello Rob,
I got some questions about how to string together some of your programs – before perhaps starting the Operator sessions.
But first, a little background. I am 27 years, 184cm and 85kg(187lbs). I am active military, but now my job is primarily as a rifle/pistol instructor.
In January I started a strength training cycle in hopes of gaining a strength buffer and a little mass. I did three months of this, with only lifting, no running and only a handfull of work capacity workouts. The result:
Backsquat: 115kg – 135kg
Bench: 95kg-100kg
and my weight went from 82kg-90kg.
Then a lousy period for me followed. Bad diet, training, recovery, with a lot of travelling and long working days (16-18 hours) irregular sleep etc.
I felt weak and no longer confident under the barbell, and also since I went a long time without running – that also went to hell.
So, I want to get my shit back together and my plan was to do some of your programs. I have purchased several, including bodyweight, Skinny Guys, Rat 6, and 4-week running program.
So to the questions.
1.) My plan is to now do Rat 6 followed by Skinny Guy and another cycle of Rat 6. Does that seem ok?
I am now in week 3 of easing into the Rat 6. Starting numbers were Power clean 75kg, squat clean 75kg, front squat 80kg, hinge 145kg, bench 95kg, militarypress 60kg.
2.) I would also start progressively increase running. Would the 4-week running plan be feasible? My plan would be to start with 2 run sessions a week, and maybe use a month or so to increase into the 4 sessions per week.
3.) I have the Bodyweight program for use when on the road/travelling etc. Is it ok to use a few workouts when on the road/travelling and then go back to the Rat 6 when I have access to a gym?
4.) I have had a shoulder injury. Basically my Serratus Anterior is partly paralized. Which means I should do some durability exercises on it. The exercises I have been recommended/prescribed is: Scapula push ups, "scapula" dips, rotator cuff both ways, shrugs and rowing exercises.
So what I have been doing could be something like this at the end of a workout, modelled after your durability cycles.
4 rounds:
10 scapula push ups
10 rotator cuff both ways, both arms
15 DB shrugs
On what days should I do this shoulder rehab/prehab stuff? Strength days? In the beginning of the workout or the end?
5.) Finally, how do you "rate" a 2 hour hike up a mountain, or going for a ride on the bicycle etc. as workouts? I dont want to exclude those from my life because this day I was scheduled to do a workout of …shuttle runs or something. Poorly put question, but I hope you understand.
6.) And a question about your lab rat, Nathan. I hope its ok to ask. Although I have no doubt he is strong and functional, he does seem to me a little skinny. Is that because he does not want to gain mass or has a hard time gaining? Can you tell me a little bit of the history about change in bodyweight, strength gains, stamina, endurance and work capacity from your Lab Rats?
Thank you for your work, and I must say that after fucking up with my programming/focus, I cant wait for the "fluid periodization".
– K.

1) A professional soldier is a professional athlete. You need to get after it and endure the suffering for 2-4 weeks – this is your penance for your "lousy" period. "Easing" in doesn’t work for me. I’d recommend layering the Running Improvement Program on top of Rat 6: If not, after Rat 6 you need to do a work-capacity focused program – and de-emphasize the barbell. The Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Plan would be awesome:

2) See above. Man up and run 4-5 days/week.

3) Yes. Do work-capacity focused sessions when on the road.

4) If you’re not fatigued, do this daily after training. 

5) These are endurance efforts. Add them in as a 2-a-day or on the weekends. Don’t substitute a hike for a Rat 6 Strength Session. 

6) Nathan is a prototypical "hard gainer." What’s important isn’t his appearance, but his performance. He meets all our strength standards with the exception of the bench press – and he’ll always struggle there. He’s the fastest runner of all of us, and can out ruck 3 of us with 60 pounds. The dude is a badass. In general, my programming is not designed to add mass to guys. We’re interested primarily in increasing relative strength and work capacity. 

– R
Hey Rob!

I haven’t read anything so far, in which you go into detail on what type of shoes you have your athletes wear. I wear Inov-8 for lifting & running. Love them. What do you recommend to your athletes? What do you consider to be no-go shoes?

– N.

1) I don’t like any of the minimalist, flimsy shoes like the Inov-8, Nike Free, 5-Fingers, etc. In fact, I am starting to forbid my athletes from wearing these. I think they are dangerous (esp for ankle rolling) and are not durable – they wear out fast. 

We’ve found the best all-around training shoes to be indoor soccer shoes. I personally wear Adidas Sambas.  For Barbell work, if you can afford it, invest in some Oly Weightlifting shoes. We use the Rogue brand. For multi-modal work cap efforts like front squats to a run to scotty bobs, I’ll wear my Sambas. For straight running and rucking, I wear La Sportiva Raptor trail running shoes. 

– Rob

Hi Rob.

A guy in the gym advised I give this a try as I’m looking to join the Parachute Regiment (UK).

I would say I’m in decent shape but I seem to be alittle bit light.

Im currently 6 foot and 165lb and wondering what would you recommend for weight would be.

Im wondering if you would recommend anything specifically to do until I head of basic training, Ive never done this type of workout before (crossfit type).

Thanks and cant believe Ive never seen the site, the info on it is great.

I’d recommend you begin with our Bodyweight Training Plan:

– Rob

I wanted to inquire about the squad PT program you have, I know it used to be free but It appears that you now need a subscription. I wanted to inquire if that is correct since I would like to use the squad pt program to train my cadets for the upcoming Raider competition. Thanks for your time
– C.

Sorry – it now requires a subscription.

If you don’t want to subscribe there are a couple options using our training plans:

1) Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Plan:
2) Sandhurst Competition Training Plan:
3) Squad PT Training Plan:

– Rob

Hey Rob,

I’ve been cruising your site looking for a plan to fit my exercise goals and I’m a bit lost. A little background on myself, I’m a 21 year old National Guard soldier, 5′ 10", and 185lbs. I am currently trying to improve my run time for the APFT from barely passing, to the 80+ point range. On my APFT I am able to max both the push ups and sit ups, but when it comes time for the run I barely pass. I am trying to increase my APFT score so that come October after the unit has their next record APFT I will be able to put in a packet for SFAS through either the guard or active army. If you could give me some guidance as to which plan I should start, I would appreciate it. Additionally, because I don’t meet the strength standards on your website should I possibly be supplementing whatever plan you think is right for me with some sort of gym work? Thank you for your time.


– B.

Couple Options:

1) APFT Training Plan – includes running improvement, pushups and sit-ups:
2) Running Improvement Plan – You could do this in addition to your current training:

– Rob

Have a dumb question that’s probably been answered already so I apologize for not finding it.  What materials/method have you determined to be the safest way to load a pack for rucking?

We use weight plates, barbells and chains to load our packs (I have a chain, plate and 2 dumbbells in my 60# ruck right now…) – the material doesn’t really matter – but we have found keeping the load as high as possible, helps greatly with rucking performance and impact. 

– Rob


I am planning on attending the Goruck selection in December.  I am in need of improving my running ability as I know there is a 5 mile, 40 mins and under test at the beginning.  Would it be wise to grab the 4 week run improvement plan?  Will that help me build my running ability up in a month to be able to do that?  Also I do plan on purchasing the selection plan as well and start that in October.  Let me know, thank you.

Yes – I’d recommend the Running Improvement Plan:

Do that now and then do the GoRuck Selection Program directly before your event:

– Rob

Hey man thanks for all the info! Your site is great. Im not on orders afgani land but have spent some time there but now i am a SFQC student. Just looking for a good ruck and run regiment for traveling long distances with lots of weight  a lot of the time. If you can help me out let me know? thanks a lot!
– L.

I’m sorry. You need deployment orders to receive the Afghan Pre-Deployment Plan for free. You can purchase it here from the website store:

– Rob

Dear Sir

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read this email. I’d like to start by saying thank you for the effort and ideas presented in your website and although I’ve only just been introduced to it I am very excited to see where your work can take me.

If you have the time, I do have a question that I’d like your advice on. I’m a 27 year old guy residing in the UK and I’m in the Royal Marines Commando Reserves awaiting to start part time training in approximately twelve weeks time. I passed selection recently and the PT side of it consisted of your standard body weight tests and a run, similar to the APFT with myself finishing in the top three in the group. However, I know that in training we can look forward to predominately long, heavy load carries and speed marches, running as a unit with in excess of 20kg of added weight over progressively longer distances and under heavier loads.

My question is, which of your programmes would you recommend to move myself from a predominately body weight focused programme, to preparing for part time training, which will last for a twelve month period with these different fitness demands?

Once again, many thanks for reading this email, it is much appreciated.

– P.

I’d recommend our Ruck Based Selection Training Plan:

– Rob


I have a copy of your Ruck Based Selection Plan from 2009. Is the new plan worth the sticker price, considering I already have the older copy? Thank you for your work!


– P.

We’re on version 4 of the plan, and you may have version 1 or 2. The latest represents the current evolution of our programming, and is even more sport-specific. That being said, plenty of guys used the copy you have successfully for SFAS. 

– Rob

Hi Rob,
I was wondering about your Goruck Challenge training plan.  What items are needed during training?  I dont’ have access to a gym so I do most of my workouts with bodyweight, running, rucking, kettlebells.  I’m doing a Light this september and looking for a good training plan to get me challenge ready in 2014.
– T.

The training plan includes gym-based strength training which can be completed in any commercial gym. In addition you’ll need a 60# sandbag (men) or a 40# sandbag (women), and a ruck or pack for rucking. 

– Rob


Thanks for the subscription, I am looking for some 8-10 week operator
training programs, where lifting in the 8-10 rep range is the primary focus,
but where endurance training such as running and swimming is included. Do
you guys have any of these types of programs available on your website, any
info would be great. Thank you very much.


– J.

Option 1
To get what you requested, you should go to paypal and cancel your subscription, then purchase the ….
– Hypertrophy Program for Skinny Guys:
 and the Running Improvement Plan:

from the website store. Do these concurrently – lift in the AM, run in the PM. We also have a swimming improvement plan (, but I’d recommend doing the Hypertrophy Plan and running first, and perhaps taking a long swim on the weekends. 

Option 2
Another option is to cancel your Operator Sessions Subscription, and complete the Operator Pentathlon Training Plan:, which includes running/swimming/rucking as well as bench press and pull up work. 

Option 3
However…… I suspect by your question you want to lift "endurance" in the weight room and train endurance (run/swim) outside it. My guess is your an accomplished endurance athlete. Rather, I’d suggest you lift strength in the weight room, and supplement it with some endurance work. Strength will help with your job performance, and also make you more durable. If you chose this route, I’d recommend keeping your subscription to the Operator Sessions, and going back to start at the most recent strength cycle. You can supplement it with running and swimming on your own in the PM, or purchase and run our running or swimming improvement plan concurrently, but it might be best just to do a hard 3 weeks of strength first. 

If you decide on Option 1 or 2, and cancel your Operator Session subscription, punch me a note and I’ll refund your subscription fee. 

– Rob


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