
Just a few questions about your program before I may purchase it. Does it have any upper body movements and if so how intense? And what can I supplement instead of sandbags for equipment? Thank you for your answers!!

– B

Yes on upper body work – it’s bodyweight focused.
Sandbags – not really. Get an old duffle bag and you can build your own for about $15 bucks. Invest in your fitness.

– Rob

Rob, I have been a Military Athlete buff for a couple of years now completing several of your workouts prior to deployments and while overseas.  Having had said that I’m currently working as a Deputy Sheriff and have transitioned from Active Duty to the reserves.  Well, I injured myself pretty severely about 3 weeks ago blowing out several tendons in my right ankle and foot as well as suffering a minor fracture. This has lead to me not working out minus some pool time once I was cleared by my surgeon starting this week.  I know you have workouts for injuries but was unsure if I would still be able to perform you workout for people suffering from lower body injuries.  If I can just let me know and I will purchase it if not recommendations would be great.

Our Leg Injury Plan is designed not as a rehab for the injured limb/foot, but so you can work the rest of the body around the injury. Here’s the link:

– Rob


I was out for the three mile IBA run during week four yesterday.  Someone snapped a shot and posted it.  I thought you might enjoy the good humored caption and some of the comments.  My run time improved by 5 minutes.
– T.

This is awesome – thanks for sharing!!! The "Thor" reference is classic!!

– Rob

Good morning.  I tried out you free operator sessions this week and was very impressed.  I’m getting ready to sign-up for these sessions but wanted to run something by you first.  I was surprised to see so little running in the programmed workouts.  From what I’ve read on your site, you seem to be focused more on short bursts of intensity and less on long-distance endurance (which makes sense from a tactical standpoint).  However, I really like to run.  I usually do two-a-days with a run/ruck in the morning coupled with weight work in the afternoon, and did the same with your free operator sessions.  Is this a good idea, or am I going to somehow jack-up the operator session efficacy?  I know you guys put a lot of work into your session planning, and I appreciate any advice you can offer.
– J.

The Operator Sessions are designed to provide a high level of deployment/operational "base fitness." In general terms, the focus is on the "combat chassis" – legs, core, lungs, sprinting, and movement under load. 

However, in recent months the programming has evolved to include more unloaded running, longer rucking, and endurance. We’ve moved this way for a couple reasons: (1) I felt endurance was a "hole" in our fitness, and wanted to improve it; (2) with the drawdown in Afghanistan, we’re moving to more of a peace time Army, the reality of which means many units put a priority on running. 

To address both of these we added an endurance cycle to our Fluid Programming model – in fact we’re starting a 3 week endurance cycle in week or two on the site. We also just published a Running Improvement Plan for guys like you who simply like to run and want to double up, or for guys like me who don’t like to run, suck at it, and need to work on it. Here’s the link to the plan:

In terms of doubling up afternoon running with morning lifting – or Operator Sessions. This depends upon a couple things – first being your level of fitness. Our sessions are no joke, and for guys starting off especially, expect to be sore. Second, studies have shown that lifting doesn’t negatively affect running performance, but distance running does effect strength gains – so extra running may delay you getting up to our strength standards. If you’re a supper skinny, typical endurance athlete-looking guy, who’s also pretty weak, I’d recommend you not subscribe to the Operator Sessions, but instead start with one of our strength plans – Rat 6 or 357 Strength, and stop running while you complete these plans. Then hop on the Operator Sessions and start back with your running. 

On the endurance side, we’re also nearing completion on a swimming improvement plan, and a "Military Athlete Triathlon Plan" – running, finning and rucking. 

– Rob


The recent stamina cycle for the operator session  is a cruel cruel
mother! The runs can be a long mental grind, however, for some reason I
enjoy the great satisfaction of finishing them. Great programming, I
love it.

Which weight vest do you recommend or which ones do you lab rats have
positive review about? I’ll be turning my plate carrier (redeployment
from Afghanistan!) so I’m look at getting one. Appreciate the help and
look forward to stopping by Jackson Hole for post deployment leave! Take

– M.

Stamina sessions are always full on. Fun in a "suffering" way. 

We use 25# Box Vest from

– Rob


My team and I (plus 1 ALT team) are planning on doing the Bataan death march next year (23MAR14) and the best Ranger competition (approximately 3 weeks later).  I have purchased/used your programs for my detachment (Squad PT cycle) and for myself (Ruck Based Selection) to great effect.  However I am unsure of how to approach this particular challenge that I will be facing next year.  I am deploying around the November time frame and will be back early march.  Would you recommend that I just do the best ranger program (I have yet to purchase it), or some combination of both?  Thanks and I truly appreciate all the hard work and effort you have put into the programs.

– A.

The Best Ranger Comp should be your focus – make sure you’re giving that event the respect it demands. If you do the Bataan Race, work it into your training for the Best Ranger Comp – the Best Ranger Comp plan I built includes long weekend events and a 2 week taper. You could work in the Death March as one of the last long weekend mini-events, before you start the taper to the Comp. In other words, you don’t need to purchase the Bataan Plan – just go with the BRC Plan:

– Rob

Hello Rob,
I saw that you released the HRT Selection prep program. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to reading it. Did current HRT Operators assist with the design? Thanks for putting it together.
– J.

Not current HRT Operators, but guys going to selection this year.

– Rob

Hello, I am a CA state firefighter.  After browsing your site and viewing your workouts and their intended audience, I see many similarities (i.e. hiking with weight, needing a strength component, etc).  Do you have any experience/recommendations for one of your programs best applied to, primary, wildland firefighting? (we are an all risk department, but generally wildland is our most arduous activity).

– R.

We’ve actually built a couple sport-specific Wildland Firefighter plans on the Mountain Athlete side. 

One for Hotshot Crews/Smoke Jumpers:
Another for Wildland Firefighters:

Both of these are pre-season training plans, and I know the season is close to being over, but they would be a great way to train your crew, bond, and get fit as the season winds down. 

– Rob

Hey Rob,

I recently found your website and I am interested in joining the community.  I constantly look for ways to improve myself as a soldier and after reviewing some videos and workout plans it seems you encompass a wide spectrum of abilities.  However I had a question on the workouts.  Given the rounds in a exercise, what kind of rest do you do in between each round (being that it is "not for time")?  What kind of rest is recommended in between each different workout set in the exercise? It is a lot different actually being there than doing the workouts from a computer, are there any particular things to focus on that I may not know?  Thanks.

– J.

Each Training Session has an objective, and is divided into parts. 

Unless the individual part of the session dictates "for time" – it’s not CrossFit-style frantic effort. 

Strength Training Session parts each include a mobility drill or a stretch – which act as a built-in working rest between heavy sets. The goal for strength efforts is to lift as much as possible for the prescribed reps, not finish as fast as possible. 

We advice athletes to work briskly, but not frantically, through these not-for-time parts or circuits. Most of our sessions are designed to be completed in 60 minutes.

Before subscribing, I’d urge you to do the free operator sessions on the site:

Another option is to do the Military Athlete for CrossFitters Plan prior to subscribing:

– Rob

I have a Ranger School date reserved for JAN 2013 I have once before heard that if I were to have a school date that you would give out the Prep program for free. If this is not so please let me know so that I can purchase it. Thanks a bunch.
– J

Sorry, its not free

Here’s a link to the Ranger School Prep Training Plan:

– Rob

Hi Rob

I’m a 27 year old 6’1 guy training for a ruck based selection in UK. Things are much more endurance based vs the US and as such candidates tend to be on the skinnier side – not many muscled up guys make it through. That said, I’m 210lbs and around 20pc bodyfat. What would you recommend as an ideal weight / bodyfat percentage for me?

Also, how fast so you think I’d lose weight (approximately) on your recommended diet?



195-205# – you’re not too far off. Seems you’re not too far off for your high body fat percentage – I’m thinking that reading might be off. 

Going into selection, I’d recommend 12% BF – I like guys to go in a little heavy – because you’ll lose it during selection and will have some fat to burn before your body starts eating muscle. 

How fast will you lose weight on the diet? I have no idea – it varies a lot by individual, but it’s not a crash diet, by any means. 

Our SFOD-D Selection Training Program would be appropriate for SAS – if that’s what you’re doing.

– Rob


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