US Navy

Showing all 4 results

    Naval Special Warfare Combine Training Plan

    • 5-week plan, 5 days/week
    • Laser focused to maximize performance on the NSW Combine
    • Automatically scales to the athlete’s current fitness level
    • This training plan is one of the 450+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription

    Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) Physical Screen Test (PST) Training Plan

    • 5-week plan, 6 days/week
    • Laser focused to maximize your performance on NSWDG PST events: Pull Ups, Sit Ups, Push Ups, 3-Mile Run, 800m Combat Side Stroke for Time.
    • Plan deploys an initial, middle and end assessment and follow on progressions are based on the most recent assessment results. In this way, the plan automatically “scales’ to the athlete’s incoming fitness continues to push him/her as their fitness improves.
    • This training plan is one of the 400+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    US Navy PRT Training Plan

    • 5 week, 5 days/week training plan with the sole objective of improving your score on the PRT.
    • Includes 1 taper week and should be completed 5 weeks directly prior to PRT
    • Assessment-based training plan that scales to your incoming fitness
    • This training plan is one of the 250+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.

    US Navy PST Training Plan

    • 6-Week, 5x day/week training plan for the US Navy PST (Physical Screening Test)
    • Focus is the US Navy PST events – swimming, running, push ups and curl ups
    • Assessment-based plan automatically scales to the incoming fitness of the individual
    • This training plan is one of the 200+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
