Kettlebell Goblet Lunge

Pick up the kettlebell and hold it at the horns right underneath your chin and perform a lunge.…

Kettlebell Windmill

…kettlebell. Slide your hand down your leg starting at the inside of your leg, pushing your hips back, until you touch the floor or shoe. Then come back up.…

Kettlebell Swing To Goblet Squat

Start just as you would a normal kettlebell swing and at the top, catch the kettlebell and perform a goblet squat.…


…prescribed 8x Slasher – Do 8 starting from left hip, and 8 starting from right hip., 16x total. Slashers can be completed with a dumbbell or a kettlebell.…

Power Snatch

…Dip pushing hips back and shoulders over the bar. Jump and shrug. Catch the bar overhead in an above parallel squat postition (quarter squat) Stand up with bar overhead.…

Hang (Squat) Snatch

…Jump the bar up dropping into a full squat at the bottom with the bar overhead. Finish by standing up, fully extending your legs wihile holding the bar overhead.…

Military Press

…your chest, it’s hard to fill you lungs with air – it’s much easier when the load is overhead. Take a deep breath, hold it, and execute the lift.…

Good Morning

…chest up, slight bend in your knees, push butt back to the wall behind you until you feel your hamstrings tighten up then stand up tall. That’s 1 rep.…