Arete 5.20.23

…War on the Rocks U.S. Major Combat Operations in the Indo-Pacific, RAND SOF Week 23 – USSOCOM Weapons Update, Soldier Systems SOF Week 23 – Crye Precision G4 Aviation Uniforms,…

Arete 7.5.23

…drug “Tranq” devastates Florida county, APB Magazine Appellate Court Upholds Denial of NJ Firefighter’s Disability Pension, Fire Law Blog Firefighter, 24, Dies in Rioting in France Battling Parking Garage Fire,…

Daily Urban Fire/Rescue Training Subscription

…as important as equipment maintenance, communications and firefighting tactics. “Professional Responsibility” = the responsibility of the individual athlete. Don’t expect command support for equipment or training time. It’s on you….

Arete 10.25.23

…a Disc Herniation, Barbell Physiology Strength Training Tips for Runners, Training Peaks Interesting AI Will First Come for Women, Foreign Policy Why are women in ‘feminist paradise’ Iceland striking?, Al…

Owning My Marine Corps Leadership Failures

By Anonymous In many military, fire, and law enforcement tragedy events, we can find deviation from basic principles as a common denominator in the after-action reports. Similarly, as a young…

Arete 4.27.24

…Loses?, Economist ‘Israelism’: How deep do indoctrination and Israeli army glorification go?, Al Jazeera Public Disputes Undercut Officer Class, RealClearDefense Can Studying Combat in the Black Sea Improve the Chinese…

Arete 5.18.24

…article comes from. I search far and wide for articles/links, and I find the Russian or Arab world takes on current events interesting, especially when juxtaposed with the US media…

Arete 7.20.24

…Military Could Be Robotic, Axios Air Combat Command Boss Makes the Case for Uniform, Ops Inspections, RC Defense Could creatine be coming to MREs?, Task & Purpose For Putin, the…