Adidas Powerlift 2.0 or 3.0 Weightlifting Shoes


We get asked frequently if it’s worth investing in a pair of weightlifting shoes. Our answer is an emphatic yes!! You’ll feel the difference right away wearing these shoes doing any squatting, Olympic weightlifting movement or overhead pressing movement. We even wear ours for lunging, and sometimes even doing bench presses and rope climbs- because we like the way the feel so much!

Most important, you don’t need to invest $200. We wear and recommend Adidas Powerlift 2.0 shoes. Adidas has updated these with a new Powerlift 3.0 model – but either will do. With a little internet searching, you can pick up a pair of 2.0 or 3.0’s for $55-70.

Mine are 5 years old, and still going strong. Rope climbs have chewed up the sole some, but other than than – they’ve been bomber. You wouldn’t want to sprint in these shoes, or run any distance at all, but I’ve done some of our TAC SEPA agility drills and plenty of box jumps fine. You won’t regret the purchase.



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