Tactical Athlete? How to Best Use Your Subscription

By Rob Shaul

Last year I received an email from a young Army Captain. He began by listing how he had used our military-specific programming to this point in his career.

He’d subscribed to the website and began following the Operator Sessions at West Point,  and while there, trained specifically for the Sandhurst Comp using the Sandhurst Competition Training Plan.

As a Platoon Commander, he’d used the APFT Training Plan to great affect with his platoon, and the Operator Sessions and finally, Ruck Based Selection Training Plan to prepare for and pass SFAS.

After SFAS he used the Q-Course Training Plan, then Busy Operator for one of the schools when he didn’t have time to complete the Operator Sessions.

If I remember right, he was writing about a bodyweight plan, or the Stuck in a Motel Plan for another school or training evolution where he wouldn’t have a full gym.

Reading his note was the first time I realized how we have become career partners for many of our tactical athletes. And it’s one of the reasons we began including many of our most popular sport specific training plans in the website subscription and continued to design sport-specific training plans for more and more PFTs, course plans, fitness-specific plans (strength, running), life situation plans (motel, busy operator) and injury/re-hab plans.

Our day to day programming – Operator Sessions for military – is what I want most guys using.

Then, when PFT’s, schools, or deployments are on the horizon, shifting to one of our sport/activity specific training plans. As well – sometimes, because of the burden of constant fitness, you just want to get out of the weight room and do something different.

Currently with a subscription, athletes get all of the daily sessions, as well as 50+ sport/life/school/PFT-specific training plans and we’re adding more and more all the time. Of these 50+, over 25 are tactical specific, another 4 are injury/rehab focused, and 11 focus on a specific fitness attribute – like Fat Loss, or running improvement.

In essence, your subscription is a fitness toolbox full of sharp training plans you can pull out and deploy depending upon your need at the time.

I know there’s a lot here, but please know I’m just a quick email away from offering specific plan advice. rob@strongswiftdurable.com.


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