QOD 6.28.17

Watch Rob answer the Question of the Day with a video.

Original Question:

“I have some questions on how to select your programming for my needs, since you have so many that seem applicable. My current background is that I am a climber and ski patroller. Currently I am following the training beta route climbing program, but I feel like I could use some additional strength and fitness training. I just started your bodyweight core program to my routine to start.

So the big events I have coming up are Goruck ascent in the end of August, the AMGA SPI course sometime after that, and the start of ski patrol as well as ice climbing probably in December. I will also probably be doing a lot of local cragging and gym climbing.

What would you suggest for the Goruck Ascent program? I was thinking the peakbagger program? In the time between then and the start of winter I will probably be doing more sport and trad climbing, and hopefully fitting in the SPI course. What are your thoughts on programming during that? And finally I was thinking the 30 min dryland training to get ready for ski patrol in Nov. I am wondering if you have any thoughts on that, or if I should add something from the FR end as well since in addition to the skiing there is the patient lifting component to that as well?

Thanks for your help!”


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