Plan Focus: US Army IBOLC Training Plan

By Charles Bausman

The first step for a newly commissioned Army infantry officer is completing the Infantry Basic Officer Leadership Course (IBOLC). Many Lieutenants will look ahead to the rigors of Ranger School after IBOLC, but the physical demands of the IBOLC curriculum should not be underestimated.

After multiple requests for a course specific training plan, we’ve developed the US Army IBOLC Training Plan.

The focus of IBOLC is on teaching small unit tactics up to the platoon level, including multiple small unit field exercises. It also includes several PT assessments which can heavily influence the overall student standing and GPA. The Army IBOLC Training plan will specifically train to perform on those gates, as well as create a physically well-rounded officer as they move towards Ranger School and serving as a Platoon Leader.

The Army Infantry Basic Officer Leadership Course (IBLOC) is a 6-week program including a 1-week taper to be completed the 6 weeks directly prior to the course start week.

This program gets progressively harder each week, until week 6, when the training tapers down into the start of the course. Don’t skip ahead!! The plan is designed to build upon itself. If you have to miss a training day, start up back where you left off.

This training program trains for the physical expectations of a newly commissioned officer at IBOLC based on the course curriculum. This includes developing rucking speed, timed 5-mile run, and APFT. The plan also includes an assessment based work capacity efforts, a work capacity effort designed to improve obstacle course confidence, a leg blaster progression to develop lower body strength, and chassis integrity work.

The plan includes 4 specific assessments and follow-on percentage based progressions which allow the training program to automatically scale to your level of fitness. You’ll take these assessments multiple times over the 6-week program:

  • APFT – Max Sit ups (2 minutes), Max Push ups (2 minutes), 2 Mile Run, and Max Pull Ups
  • 6 Mile Ruck for Time – 45# Ruck, 10lb Rubber Rifle or Sledge Hammer, Full Cammies/Boots
  • 5 Mile Run for Time, shorts and t-shirt
  • Tactical Athlete Work Capacity Test

Weekly Training Schedule

  • Monday: APFT Work, Chassis Integrity
  • Tuesday: 2-Mile Run Intervals for 5 Mile Run Improvement, Leg Blaster Progression
  • Wednesday: Tactical Athlete Work Capacity Progression
  • Thursday: APFT Work, Chassis Integrity
  • Friday: Ruck Intervals

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