We’re excited to announce that MTI’s new App will be launching this week. Built on the foundation of MTI programming and MTI Athlete feedback from previous surveys, we’re confident this will be a major improvement to the MTI training experience for athletes worldwide.
We will send out an email when the app is launched this week for Apple and Android users, including a quick video tutorial on how to get the most out of the new features. In the meantime, below is a peek at the new app and its functionalities.
*Important Note*: We will be manually updating all of our training plans to this new format in order to be capable of all the new features. We’ll work our tails off to get this done, but please give us some time… 450+ plans is a lot. All of our Daily Programming starting in April will have all of the features, and we will be working down the list of individual plans.
Improved Format & Navigation

The app unveils a new look. This includes an easy toolbar for navigation to all of your plans, chat, notes, and more.
On the home screen, The plan you’re currently working on will be accessible under “Next”, and will bring you right to your next scheduled session.
Under “Active Plans”, you can list out your next plans for easy access. Great for Athlete Subscribers who don’t want to navigate through our 450+ plans every time.
“Notifications” will allow MTI Coaches to announce the launch of new or updated plans, improved app functionalities, call outs for Lab Rats, or anything else that needs a notification to MTI Athletes.
“Assessments” will allow you to record new assessment results or maxes. This will also be featured within a session. With this feature, the app will record your results and provide graphing to monitor your assessment improvements over time.

In-Session Assessment Capture and Pre-Populated Loading
The most significant feedback we received was that it’s simply a pain in the ass to pull out a calculator every session to figure out your loading on strength training. With our in-plan assessment capture, your loading will appear throughout the plan. No more calculators, just get to work.

Embedded Timers
No more navigating away to set up a timer. Instead, use the pre-populated timer specific to the assigned programming, which will run within the session. You can also create your own timers as needed.

Embedded Exercise Demo’s
Another major pain point was being forced to navigate away from the app to view MTI Exercise Demonstrations. With the updated app, simply click on an exercise, and an in-app exercise demo will appear. Additionally, we’re in the process of re-recording all exercise demos to improve video and audio quality.

Improved MTI Chat
We’ve improved the chat functionality for athletes to post results and talk a little friendly trash. You can post from within a plan, or from the home screen. We intend to add a function to notify MTI Coaches with a “@coach”, to ask questions and be notified when the coach responds.

Traditional Text Format Still Available
We know not everyone wants all the bells and whistles, and prefers the tried and true text format. Fortunately, we’ve made sure that it’s still available for you.

Questions, comments, concerns? Email coach@mtntactical.com