MTI K9 Handler Fitness Assessment

MTI’s K9 Handler Fitness Assessment

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
1) Max Rep Bench Press – Women @ .75x Bodyweight, Men @ 1x Bodyweight
Use this protocol:
8x Bench Press @ 40% Bodyweight for Women, 50% Bodyweight for Men
4x Bench Press @ 60% Bodyweight for Women, 75% Bodyweight for Men
Then …. Max Rep Bench Press – Women @ .75x Bodyweight, Men @ 1x Bodyweight
***** Rest 3-5 Minutes
2) Max Rep K9 2-Box Step Over with Dog in 7 Minutes
Set two 20″ Plyo Boxes up 6 feet apart. Add a cone 6 feet from each box – so in a line you have:
        Cone … 6ft … 20″ box …. 6 ft … 20″ Box … 6 ft … Cone
On “Go” Handler and Dog start behind the cone a one end, move up and over both boxes, circle around the cone at the far end, and return. Each length = 1x Rep. Max reps in 7 minutes.
***** Rest 3-5 Minutes
3) Max Rep Pull Up (women unloaded, men weighted @25#).
For Men, it’s easiest to load a backpack with a 25# dumbbell and us the pack for load.
***** Rest 3-5 Minutes
4) Max Rep Sandbag Get Up in 7 Minutes @ 40/60# (women 40#, men 60#)
***** Rest 3-5 Minutes
***** Rest 3-5 Minutes
***** Rest 10 Minutes
7) 1.5 Mile Run in 25# Weight Vest or Body Armor – with your dog

So far, one K9 Handler has completed the assessment. His results are below:
Age- 42
Height- 6-0
Weight- 190lbs
Age- 6
Weight- 65lbs
1) Max bench body weight- 10
2) K9 two box step – 48
3) Max pull in 25#vest- 11
4) Sand Bag Get Up (all I have is 95# bag) – 39
5) Gi Grip Strength Assessment – 8
6) MTI Work Capacity Assessment – 51
7) 1.5 miles in 25# vest- 14:02
Total time : 1:16:00
Questions? Please email me:

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