Meathead Lab Rats Needed Starting November 18, 2019 for a Bench Press Progression Mini-Study

By Rob Shaul

MTI needs remote meatheaddy lab rats for an upcoming, narrow and focused, 3.5 weeks, 2-day/week  “Mini-Study” comparing the effectiveness of 2-3 Bench Press progressions to increase 1RM Bench Press strength.

This will be a focused study, just on the bench press and can be completed concurrently with your current training.

Specifically, we’re interested to see if we can identify which progression works best to increase bench press 1RM strength.


Details: Lab Rats will be broken into 2-3 groups: Group A, Group B, and Group C. All groups will complete a different bench press progression, 2 times a week, Monday and Thursday.

Required Equipment: Weight Room with rack, barbell and plates and bench for bench pressing.

Cycle Duration and Schedule: This MTI “Mini Study” will take 3.5 weeks. It will begin Monday, November 18, 2019. Lab rats will complete the bench press training on Mondays and Thursdays during the study period.

To Participate

  • You’ll need to commit to training bench press 2 days/week for 3.5 weeks, and follow the program as prescribed.
  • You’ll need to commit to only do this training for your bench press work. No other bench-press specific training is allowed during the study period as it will skew the results.
  • You’ll need the required equipment (see above)
  • You’ll need to be an experienced, fit athlete. This isn’t a cycle for unfit athletes, or athletes new to free weight-based strength training in general or bench pressing in particular.
  • The cycle will begin Monday, November 18, 2019, and end, Monday, December 9, 2019.

This is a focused mini-study which only involves bench pressing. You’ll be able to do other training as well, just no additional bench press work.

Want to be an MTI Lab Rat?

Please email, and put “Bench Press Lab Rat” in the subject line.

Please include:

  • your age
  • sex
  • height and weight
  • training experience.
  • please indicate if you already have an MTI account, and if so, the email for the account. Access to the cycle will be via the website.
  • Finally, please verify you can commit to the 3.5 weeks, 2 day/week training cycle.

You’ll be assigned to a Group A, and provided with further instructions. Training will start on November 18, 2019.




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