Lab Rats Needed to Test Hypertrophy Effect of Whole Milk

By Rob Shaul

MTI is calling for fit lab rats to test the hypertrophy effects of whole milk.

The training will begin October 3, 2022

The deadline to apply is 1700 Mountain Time, Friday, September 30, 2022.

Lab rats must be 20-40 years old.


All lab rats will complete the same, focused 4 week, 5 day/week hypertrophy-focused training cycle. The lab rats will be divided into to groups: Control and Test.

The “Control” lab rats will complete the cycle following MTI’s Nutritional Guidelines.

The “Testlab rats will complete the cycle following MTI’s Nutritional Guidelines, but in addition, drink 1/2 gallon of whole milk, daily, on the training days (Mon-Friday).

We’re looking to get 5-10 committed, fit, lab rats for this study.

Athletes must have solid free weight strength training experience and know their way around a weight room. This cycle isn’t appropriate for athletes new to lifting or strength training, or de-conditioned athletes.

You’ll work directly with MTI Founder Rob Shaul for the duration of the project and communicate through a group-only message board/forum.

What We Hope To Learn

  1. The effectiveness of whole milk to increase muscle hypertrophy

Required Equipment

  • Fully outfitted functional fitness gym (racks, barbells, bumper plates, dumbbells, sandbags)

Cycle Duration

This study project will take 4  weeks. It will begin Monday, October 3, 2022 with an initial weigh in and the first training session.

It will conclude Friday, October 28 with the final weigh in and training session.


To Participate

  • You’ll need to commit to training 5 days/week for 4 weeks, and follow the program as prescribed
  • You’ll need to commit to following only this programming as formal fitness training for the study project period. You can’t double up this training with any other physical fitness training.
  • You’ll need the required equipment (see above).
  • You’ll need to be 20-40 years old, fit, and a weight room veteran. This is intense programming, and not appropriate for functional training rookies or deconditioned athletes.

Want to be an MTI Lab Rat?

Please email, and put “Hypertrophy Lab Rat” in the subject line.

Please include:

  • Age, Height and Bodyweight
  • Verify you have access to the required equipment and have a solid strength training background
  • Verify you will commit to the 4 weeks, 5 day/week program
  • Note the MTI training plans you’ve completed in the past
  • Indicate if you’re lactose intolerant, and therefore can’t participate as a member of the “Test” group.

We’re hoping to get 6-12 lab rats for this project.



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