Fit Lab Rats Needed To Train for MTI’s “Apex” Fitness Test Standards


By Rob Shaul

MTI is calling for fit remote lab rats to train to meet MTI’s new “Apex” Fitness Standards. There are 5 events in these standards:

  1.  2x Bodyweight (men), 1.5x Bodyweight (women) Back Squat
  2. 15x (women) / 25x Max Rep Pull Ups (men)
  3. 5:30 (men) / 6:00 (women) 1-Mile Run Time
  4. 72 min (women) / 60 min (men) 6-Mile Ruck at 45#
  5. 50x Push Ups (women) / 80x Push Ups (men) in 2 Minutes

Lab rats will complete an intense, 3.5 week, 5-6-day/week training cycle.

The training will begin Monday, June 28, 2021.

The deadline to apply is 1700 Mountain Time, Friday, June 25, 2021.



These new “Apex” Fitness Standards were inspired by stories of athletes pushing for a 5 min mile and 500 -pound max effort dead lift. I thought it would be interesting and “fun” to try something similar, but more well rounded and with a more tactical focus.

The programming challenge for us is to train for all of these different, and wide-ranging fitness standards, concurrently.

Lab rats will all complete the same training plan focused on these events.

Programming will be consistent entirely of gym-based barbell strength and bodyweight strength endurance.

We’re looking to get 6-10 committed, fit lab rats this mini-study. This lab rat opportunity is not appropriate for unfit, deconditioned athletes. As well, it’s not appropriate for athletes unfamiliar with MTI programming.

You’ll communicate frequently together during the program which will involve a group-only message board/forum.

You’ll work directly with MTI Founder Rob Shaul for the duration of the study.

Priority lab rat selection will be given to current MTI customers and/or past lat rats, ages 22-40.

What We Hope To Learn

  1. How close can we get athletes to these standards in 3.5 weeks.

Required Equipment

    • Barbell, Rack, Plates, for Back Squat
    • Pull Up Bar
    • Stopwatch and repeat countdown timer (smartphone will work)
    • Ruck with 45-Pounds of Filler


Cycle Duration

This study project will take 3.5 weeks. It will begin Monday, June 28, 2021. Depending on results and how beat up the lab rats are, we may extend the study for another 3 weeks to 6.5 weeks total.

To Participate

      • You’ll need to commit to training 5-6 days/week for 3.5 weeks, and follow the program as prescribed
      • You’ll need to commit to following only this programming as formal fitness training for the study project period.
      • You’ll need the required equipment (see above)
      • You’ll need to be 22-40 years old, and fit.
      • Priority lab rat selection will be given to current MTI customers and/or past lab rats, ages 22-40.


Want to Lab Rat?

Please email, and put “Apex Lab Rat” in the subject line.

Please include:

      • Age
      • Bodyweight
      • Current fitness level and your current training plan/regimen
      • If you’re a current tactical athlete (military, LE, Fire/Rescue)
      • Which MTI plans you’ve completed in the past
      • If you’ve been a past lab rat.
      • Verify you have access to the required equipment

We’re hoping to get 6-12 fit lab rats for this mini study.



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