Arete 5.4.17

How the IED Won: Dispelling the Myth of Tactical Success and Innovation, War on the Rocks
High Tension in North Korea and U.S. Options on the Korean Peninsula, CNAS
U.S. Foreign Advisory Missions: Rich History – Mixed Results, Small Wars Journal
Thinking Through a North Korean “Downfall”, Modern War Institute
Afghanistan’s terrorism resurgence: Al-Qaida, ISIS, and beyond, Brookings Institute
CIA’s Longest Serving Operative, Hugh Montgomery, Dies at 94, Center for Security Policy

America’s Security Clearance System Is Broken, Former Spy Chief Clapper Says, Defense One
Empowering ISIS Opponents on Twitter, Rand
Criminal Networks: A Gateway for Terrorists, Small Wars Journal
Want to improve border security? Seek better relations with Cuba, Brookings Institute
Fear Beats Civil Liberties, Every Time, Cato Institute

USAR: How radar tech can help canines find trapped victims, Fire Chief
Never doubt yourself: A SWAT cop’s lesson learned from Columbine, Police One
Has the Fire Service become it’s own patient? Fire Chief
First Steps of the Journey, Fire Rescue Magazine
Share Building Resiliency: A Protective Leadership Strategy for Increasing Performance , Police Chief

The ABC’s Of Foot Care On The Trail, Gear Junkie
Ueli Steck, Renowned Mountain Climber, Dies Near Everest at 40, NY Times
Man Claims Record Snowkiting Up Mount Saint Helens, Gear Junkie
My First Backcountry Rescue, Backpacker
The Results Are In: Half Of Americans Don’t Play Outside, Gear Junkie

Nine Lessons from a Year Living on the Road, Outside Online
Remote Power Management for Prolonged Field Care, Soldier Systems
Inside Goose Gear’s Custom Tacoma Camper, Outside Online
The Bow Test, Outdoor Life
My Kit: Nine Tools for Ski Mountaineering in Montana’s Tobacco Roots, Backcountry Magazine

The Best Thing to Eat Before a Workout? Maybe Nothing at
We’re still treating these ancient diseases,
Does Gluten Intolerance Exist?
The Impact Of Training And Diet On Cognitive Performance, Breaking Muscle
Good Fat, Bad Fat: A Paleo Perspective, Breaking Muscle
Is Running a Marathon in Your Genes? Science Dialy
Yes, Women Are Really Better Endurance Athletes Than Men, Outside Magazine

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