Arete 5.25.17

James Mattis, a Warrior in Washington, New Yorker
The Pressing Need to Evolve the Kill Chain, War on the Rocks
Women: A NATO Special Operations Forces Force Multiplier, Small Wars Journal
Women in the infantry: How the Army is growing its first female enlisted grunts, Military Times
The Top Ten Things I Learned in Squadron Command, From the Green Notebook
How NATO Endures in the 21st Century, Modern War Inst.
Best and Worst States for Military Retirees, Task & Purpose
US SOF faces growing demands, increased risks, LA Times

Mexico, Columbia Meetings Show US Security Policy on Unsure Footing, Insight Crime
What would the Gvt do after a WMD Attack? We have no idea,
Why do some radicals become terrorists, and others not?, Homeland Security Newswire

Entire Maine Volunteer FD Quits, Fire Chief
Why is Fire Department Hazing Still a Problem?, Fire Chief
Has the Fire Service Become its Own Patient?, Fire Chief
Re-Defining Mexican Drug Cartels, Police Chief
2 Words that Should Never Appear in your Police Report, Police One


Kilian Jornet Climbs Everest for Speed Record, Gripped
The Best Backpacking and Dog Trip You’ve Ever Seen, Adventure Journal
The Hillary Step on Everest is Gone, Gripped
OR needs to go to Portland, Powder Mag
How to Build a Family Ski Dynasty, Powder Mag
Behind the Scenes of Jackson Record Winter, Freeskier
How to Climb V15, La Sportiva
On All Arounding, Arcteryx
Ueli, We Miss You, Patagonia
Mental Training – Skills for a Strong Mind, Black Diamond

Nemo’s Rave Sleeping Bag is Awesome, Adventure Journal
Best Rifles of 2017, Outdoor Life
2017 Father’s Day Hunting Gift Guide,
How Specialized Changed My Opinion of E-Bikes, Gearjunkie
Best Water Filtration Systems of 2017, Outdoor Gear Lab
Charting the History of AR Mags,
10 Hot Pieces of New Tactical Gear,

Is It a Good Idea for Adults to Take a Daily Multivitamin? The Wallstreet Journal
Is It Paleo? And Does It Really Matter?
Decision Fatigue: The Hidden
Physical Education To Counter Our Culture, Breaking Muscle
Break Free From The Tyranny Of Your Heart Rate Monitor, Breaking Muscle
How Your Oral Biome Influences Your Overall Health, Mark’s Daily Apple
New Advice to Move More After a Concussion,
Everything You Need to Know About Sports Drinks, Outside Magazine
How to Pick Your Jerky, Outside Magazine
Exercising can protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease, Science Daily
5 Things That Happen when you Stop Working Out, Outside
5 Memorable Shares from Strava’s First Billion Uploads, gearjunkie
How Vision Impacts your Shooting, Recoil

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