Arete 1.14.21

Military / National Security / Foreign Policy

Machine Learning and Life-and-Death Decisions on the Battlefield, War on the Rocks
This Army Ranger-turned-Congressman was last out of the House chamber during the Capitol riots, Task & Purpose
New in 2021: Going to the field may look different for Marines, Defense News
Navy Secretary: US Plans Patrols Near Russian Arctic Bases, Breaking Defense
Unclear on unmanned: The US Navy’s plans for robot ships are on the rocks, Navy Times
Feds Can’t Buy Chinese-Made Drones Through GSA Anymore, Defense One
Multiple Missiles & Lasers Eyed For Navy’s New Frigate, Breaking Defense


Wildland Fire / Law Enforcement

The Authority to Lead versus the Decision to Lead, Wildland Fire Leadership
Quantifying merging fire behaviour phenomena using unmanned aerial vehicle technology, International Journal of Wildland Fire
New California law requires seller of home to disclose vulnerability to wildfires, Wildfire Today
DHS, NASA conduct field tests of technology to track FFs in buildings, FireRescue1 Daily News
FBI says it warned about prospect of violence ahead of Capitol attack, Police1 Daily News
This officer’s partner is a mental health counselor, Police1 Daily News



The Pyrenees Are So, So Underrated, Adventure Journal
An Introduction to Drytool Movement, American Alpine Institute
Content Currency: The real price of social media within the ski industry, FREESKIER
The New River Gorge is Now a National Park, Climbing Magazine
Mountaineer Hamish MacInnes Saved Hundreds of Climbers—And His Own Mind, Adventure Journal
VIDEO: Chinese Mountaineering in the Karakorum,


Fitness / Health / Nutrition

The Physiological Effects of Face Masks During Workouts, Breaking Muscle
When to Stop Strength Training Before a Big Race, Outside Magazine
These At-Home Exercises Build Just as Much Muscle as the Gym, Men’s Journal
Researchers develop a new treatment for spinal cord injuries, Popular Mechanics
What makes hard workouts so effective, Science Daily
How Olympic Athletes Are Coping with the Wait for the Postponed 2021 Games, Time Magazine
What a Fasting Diet Can and Can’t Do for Your Health, Everyday Health



Baby Megalodons Were 6-Foot-Long Womb Cannibals, Study Suggests, NYT
Video: Superstitions Help Athletes Perform Better, Red Bull
Nice phone: Bali’s thieving monkeys can spot high-value items to ransom, The Guardian
Another life-saving treatment is found for covid-19, The Economist

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