By Roy Wollgast BLUF We conducted a mini study to identify whether load carriage has an effect on uphill skinning speed. Athletes were asked to ski up the same slope 2 times, once with a heavy but safe pack (25 lbs) and once with a light and fast pack (10 lbs). We determined […]
2018 Rock Climbing Pre-Season Cycle Results and Discussion
By Rob Shaul, Founder My Rock Climbing Lab Rats finished their 5-Week training cycle Thursday. I described the basic outline of this cycle in a post here a week ago, and today want to focus mostly on the results. Background I narrowed the Rock Climbing intensity in this cycle to focus primarily on strength. […]
Mini Study: Inconclusive Results on the Best Way to Improve Mobility…. Patterning vs. Flexibility vs. Combo
By Rob Shaul BLUF We conducted a mini-study comparing three exercise protocols to improve overhead squat mobility. Exercise Protocols: Patterning Only Exercises Flexibility Only Exercises (stretching) Combo – Patterning and Flexibility Exercises Several athletes demonstrated improved overhead squat mobility over the course of the 6-week cycle, however, no exercise protocol stood out as providing […]
Mini Study Results: Heavy Loading, Low Volume Beats Moderate Loading, Moderate Volume for Increasing Strength in Female Athletes
By Rob Shaul, Founder Background & Study Design In 2016 we conducted a “geek cycle” at MTI which tested two different set/rep schemes for increasing 1RM strength in female athletes. Anecdotally, in coaching strength sessions with women over the years at MTI, I’ve seen that in general, women are hesitant to push 1RM efforts. There […]
“Geek Cycle” Researching Female Set/Rep Schemes for 1RM Strength, Best Way To Improve Mobility, Campus Board Progressions
By Rob Shaul, Founder We started a triple purpose 6-week “geek cycle” with our local lab rats mid-December at our Wyoming Facility aimed at researching three distinct areas: (1) Female Set/Rep Schemes for 1RM Strength Until this cycle, we’ve never looked at female strength programming separately, and in our research, could not find another […]
Mini Study: Inconclusive Results on Varying Energy Gel Dosage and Carb/Fat/Protein Supplement Recipe Mix for Loaded Event Performance
By Rob Shaul BLUF We conducted a mini-study to identify a recommended energy supplement dosage and/or recipe for extended loaded movement, but our results were inconclusive. Background Much research has been completed, and entire nutritional supplement companies created around developing optimal event nutrition for long, unloaded, endurance events such as ultramarathons, triathlons, and […]
Mini Study Results: Post Workout Recovery Shake Has Negligible Effect in Assessed Fitness Improvement for Strength, Work Capacity and Endurance
By Rob Shaul Background One of the most common nutrition questions we receive from athletes is if they should consume a post-workout recovery shake. In MTI’s early years, following consensus thinking in the strength and conditioning world, we recommended a combo protein/carb post-workout shake, or chocolate milk. In fact, when we first opened, we […]
Mini Study: Threshold Ruck Intervals Best for Developing Short Distance Rucking Speed
By Charlie Bausman MTI’s Tactical Lab Rats completed another “Geek” Cycle, which focused on testing two progression methodologies for improving short distance rucking speed. The Lab Rats conducted an initial 3-mile ruck run assessment with a 45# load. They were then split into two groups for a 3-week cycle, each rucking 2x/week. Group A completed […]
Mini Study Results: Improving Heavy Rucking and Upper Body Pulling Strength in Females
By Jaimie Cunningham In a previous article, I discussed the background research and theory that led to the development of this study. The study recently concluded. Study background, design and results are below: BACKGROUND Females are entering combat roles as well as attending military schools and selections that were previously open only […]
Geek Cycle: Leg Blasters Match Front Squat in Building Lower Body Strength
By Charles Bausman The Tactical Lab Rats here at MTI just concluded our 3-week Geek Cycle which consisted of four mini-studies comparing different methods of developing the following: Lower Body Strength Push Up Improvement Loaded Pull Up Improvement Power Development Findings and Discussion 1. Lower Body Strength Question: How do Leg Blasters compare […]