MTI Collective Responses: Fitness Wearables and Pro/Cons

We’ve been curious about the use of various fitness trackers and their viability for MTI Athletes. We’ve used fitness trackers for our own internal research with various units and teams within the military, fire, and law enforcement. The results have been mixed, and the feedback below seems to support our experience thus far. At the […]

Seeking MTI ‘BETA’ Newsletter Partners

MTI is on the lookout for partners to sponsor our bi-weekly newsletter, Beta. Boasting a distribution list exceeding 40,000 subscribers, our newsletter consistently achieves open and click rates well above industry standards. We deeply value the trust we’ve built with the MTI community and are committed to collaborating with partners whose products or services we […]

MTI Collective Responses: Your Standout Piece of Equipment, Tool, or Kit.

Fitness Equipment Pulk sled loaded with weight/equipment. Pulling a weighted sled strengthens different muscles than running or hiking alone.  Great for climb training if you live in a predominantly flat area or can’t hike on designated ski or bike trails on snowy months.  Can prepare you for amazing adventures such as backcountry winter camping or […]

Jiu Jitsu Roadmap: Fast and Furious to Enjoying the Ride

I’ve been an athlete of some variety for all of my post-pubescent life. It’s followed this path: Football –> Crossfit –> Boxing –> Military –> Fire/Rescue –> Jiu-Jitsu + Mountain Biking. Motivations have varied and matured, generally following a trend of extrinsic to intrinsic. At 36, I’m no longer trying to impress anyone. This has […]

Planning a Year of Training for the Multi-Sport Mountain Athlete

We often receive questions from athletes who participate in mountain sports year-round on how to schedule out their training to retain a high level of readiness and long-term durability development, as well as timing on when to drop into a sport-specific preseason plan. Periodizing a year of training isn’t easy, so let’s break it down. […]