Your programming really is the shit


„I will be working through Valor before then doing the USAF PFT programming (this suits Australian Army BFA training) before taking a test in March.  Not too sure after that but I’m thinking a gym based work-capacity program would be ideal.

I’ve gone from a complete functional fitness beginner to nearing your strength standards and nearing my own endurance goals (12km in 60 minutes) in only 10 months.  I cannot wait to see where I’ll be at in another 10 months.

Your programming really is the shit.  Quite often when looking at the next days programming it looks easy.  Then you start the workout and the lightbulb soon goes off that Rob Shaul won’t let you off that easily.  What I like the most about your stuff is that it is programmed, progressed and it works.  I trust it.  I don’t waste emotional energy worrying if the work I’m doing is what I really should be doing.  It’s not “working out” it’s “training” and that’s also one of the things that keeps the motivation so high. Keep up the good work.“

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Me and a buddy were consistently top performers


“Based on your recommendation I completed the DEVGRU program  (with a cut back in some ruck/run volume and adding in more bodyweight PT circuits) and it was definitely the right call for the SEAL screener.  It was 28 hours, 50% got medically dropped or quit, and even several that finished came out of it with stress fractures and joint problems.  Me and a buddy, who have been on your programming for a while, only experienced the muscle soreness of a really tough lift, and were consistently top performers.  We credit your programming with that, so thank you!” – K

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I’m a huge fan of your work


“I’m a huge fan of your work. I appreciate the scientific rigor you use to create truly inspired workout programs for military guys like me. I just (mostly) finished the Ruck-based Selection train-up and it helped me finish in the top 10 of a support company of over 100 Soldiers during a week of physical events that included the APFT, pull-ups, rope climb, CWST, 5-mile run, and 12-mile ruck.” – N

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I recently came back from SFAS and was completely prepared physically for what we faced


“Sincere appreciation for y’alls work. I recently came back from SFAS and was completely prepared physically for what we faced. I appreciate the support!” – T

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I attended SFAS in November of this past year and was Selected


“Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you’ve been doing in the functional fitness field. I’ve used your plans a few times in my military career. Most recently your Ruck Based Selection Plan. I attended SFAS in November of this past year and was Selected. I was definitely prepared for the physical aspect thanks to your programming.”

Keep it up! – A

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Thank you for your passion and ability in programming effective workout regimens

RUCK BASED SELECTION TRAINING PLAN”I recently was selected through SFAS to continue in the SF Q-Course as a hand amputee. The difference between success and failure in many aspects was your Ruck Based Selection Training Plan. Thank you for your passion and ability in programming effective workout regimens.”

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I appreciate what you do for our community


“I am a little late to sending this, however, I wanted to take a moment and let you know that I appreciate what you do for our community. I recently successfully completed SFAS at the end of January and was selected to start the SFQC.

A little background on me and your training program. I first found your Mountain Athlete in 2009, when I was a Sophomore at The Citadel in Charleston, SC. I stumbled upon your programming by doing some of my own research. I was initially extremely disheartened when the only programming I could ever find for Military (or sport specific) training was all body weight and running that included thousands of reps. I quickly became pretty burnt out conducting “Army” PT in the morning and my own lifting regiment that I picked up from high school sports in the afternoon. Anyway, I quickly began to follow some crossfit workouts, but I did not believe in the “random” training aspect. I wanted to get more sport specific. So I compared all different athletes and tried to figure out what sport is most closely related to “Military Fitness” needs. So I researched professional climbing workouts and coaches. I finally stumbled upon your website as well as Gym Jones. Since then, I have been following your Military Athlete programs to help me complete and exceed at IBOLC, Ranger, and most recently SFAS. I can tell you up front that I could not have been so successful without the training you and your team develops at Mountain Tactical Institute.

I utilized your Ruck Based V5 Selection program to prepare for SFAS. I will say, the programming was definitely pretty difficult and required some dedication at times (but anything worth doing does). At selection, I was able to finish in the top 1% for the rucks, including the trek. However, the runs I was finishing more in the top 20%-30%. I would like to believe that is because the younger 18Xs are just ridiculously fast runners. I would like to offer some feedback to you from my thoughts on your training plan and its effectiveness in preparing for SFAS.

– APFT – I maxed the APFT and ran a 12:25 2-Mile. Only thing I would recommend here is addition of some extra push up training during the week, maybe included in the 6 mile run workouts.

– 6 mile running workouts – the 2 mile repeats were probably the thing I dreaded the most each week. I definitely got use to the mileage and suck factor, however, I was just curious on the effectiveness v. the recovery factor every week doing those repeats at a 13:30 pace after an AM workout.

– Strength – I believe your sandbag focused strength training effectively helped with the “awkward” lifting of heavy shit that occurs quite often at SFAS. Only suggestion I would make is possible addition of some extra low carry training.

– Rucking – obviously your ruck training was on point. It helped me finish consistently in the top  of the class. I don’t really have a recommendation here just kind of curious to the need of 16 Mile and 18 Mile rucks. Of course, I completed them because they were on my training calendar and for some reason I just can’t skip something that’s written down, possibly my stubbornness. However, I just thought maybe it was a little excessive to go over 12 Miles when we are focusing on a training effectiveness v. durability for Selection aspect. These are just me thoughts here, and like I said, I still completed the 16 and 18 miles.

I just wanted to provide you and your coaches with some feedback. I logged every single one of my workouts on paper and I would like to send my data to you if you believe it could be useful for improvement in the future. It astonishes me that the Military and its personnel are not treated more like athletes when it comes to fitness, nutrition, and recovery. All the Army programs that are out there seem to me to be half assed and behind the power curve. Your programming is the closest I can get to having an individual trainer who knows what I need ( and I would not be against paying you for personal training). Again Rob, Thank you for everything you and your team does at MTI, keep up the good work because there are a lot of us out here that rely on programming like yours.”

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Up next is Big 24 and I can’t wait


“I just finished Humility. I had previously been doing a mix of different workouts from your Ruck Based Selection Packet that I bought a couple years back. I’m finally starting to prep for SFAS and your new philosophy on prepping for it caught my eye, especially with all the research you put in to back up your change of programming. I decided to get Humility and see how the new programming method was. I loved it.

The Quadzilla and Gorilla complexes thrashed me, as did the Devil Dog Circuits. Now that I’ve finished the program my “combat chassis” feels better than ever. The 7 mile IBA run and 12 mile unloaded run were once far off goals and are now a reality. Here are all my assessment numbers for Weeks 1 and 7. The program took me about 9 weeks to complete due to field ops etc.

Burpees 66  81

EOs 60  72

Box Jumps 38  40 (Week 1 done with 16″ box, Week 7 done with 20″ box. My bad.)

Hand Release Pushups 31  36

Jump Lunges 24  30.5

Pullups 23  24

3 Mi Run 22:14  21:29  20:49

Thanks for the great program. I really enjoyed it and made some great progress, especially on my lower body. Up next is Big 24 and I can’t wait.” Thanks – P

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I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for the SFOD Selection Course Training Plan


“I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for the SFOD Selection Course Training Plan I purchased on your site. I did the program twice in preparation for A&S and it proved to be quite beneficial and I know it contributed to my success there. I would have to say the only thing I would change is that I would have increased the frequency of step-ups throughout the program. Other than that, I felt I was more than prepared for selection. I will definitely recommend your site and training plans in the future.”

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Thank you for all you all do, and the support you give to the military and law enforcement communities


“I would also like to give you all some kudos. I graduated Ranger School on Friday (17OCT) and was able to make it through without any recycles. A large part of that I think is due to my training leading up to Ranger using your Ranger School Prep program. The program did an excellent job of preparing my physically and mentally for the rigors of Ranger School. I cycled through it once before our Brigade level Ranger Assessment Program, then cycled through it again before going to RTAC at the WTC in Fort Benning. I would recommend that you somehow incorporate more flutter kicks into the workouts as they seemed particularly fond of them in Darby Phase. Also, for those of us who are time-constrained, if push comes to shove between a workout and a ruck march on the plan, always pick the ruck march. During Ranger School you spend so much time under a ruck that rucking will serve you best instead of lifting weights. For the rucks in the plan, since you have two per week, I would recommend having one be for time (i.e. to prep for the 12 miler that weighs about 50lbs) and then one that is for distance and at a heavier weight (i.e. 60-80lbs). After RAP week, I can’t think of a time when we rucked with anything less than 60lbs (maybe through Darby if you didn’t carry any squad equipment).

Just some thoughts and comments. All in all, I thought it was a great plan, and am still an avid fan of Military Athlete. Thank you for all you all do, and the support you give to the military and law enforcement communities.” – J


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