Your programs have been just awesome


“First and foremost I believe the program is working. I’m currently deployed right now with the Army National Guard and a cop back home. I feel like this program (Operator Hector) has gotten me into the shape I need to be in to continue to be successful here and back at home. Prior to finding your workout programs, I developed one for myself. It was good, I was able to stay in pretty good shape but it was starting to get old and harder to find new things to integrate. Your programs have been just awesome. The workup and building up to the next program has been reasonable. There haven’t been a lot of workouts I haven’t felt like I could complete. For me the only improvement I could see is maybe in the military on-ramp program you could have introductions to the Olympic lifts. Prior to your programs I only had experience with back/front squats and RDL’s. It took a minute to grasp the power cleans. Most importantly the proper form. For that reason there were times were I couldn’t meet the suggested weight for the lifts. The Greek hero program can be pretty long and luckily I have time over here to be at the gym for 2 hours. At home, I won’t have that luxury so I bought the busy operator programs which I’m really excited to try.”

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Added nearly 20 reps to both my max push-ups and max sit-ups


“Mountain Tactical’s APFT training plan has been incredibly rewarding so far. In 3 weeks I shaved over a minute off of my 2 mile run time and added nearly 20 reps to both my max push-ups and max sit-ups. The results speak for themselves. The app is easy to navigate and all of the workouts are laid out in a very simple, easy to understand format. I went from feeling really down on myself for my APFT score to confident that I will max it out. I will be using the “Hector” program next to work on my overall physique and performance. The fact that I can reach out at any time and get a quick response from the program coach is also a huge part of why I am so impressed with Mountain Tactical. Thank you for the awesome programs and I will be recommending you to any/all of my family or friends looking to better themselves and improve their performance.”

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I just finished Fortitude… awesome stuff


“I just finished Fortitude… awesome stuff.  I was doing some swimming concurrently (only time I could get coaching) which when coupled with the Big24 progressions of bench and push press, was just murder on my shoulders (impingement).  I found the speed of my runs and rucks didn’t increase much throughout the program, but I definitely feel that it built a solid base ready for some future speed work.  I just did my assessments for Valor and my run and ruck times per mile at max effort have dropped considerably.”

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Thanks for great training plans!

HUMILITY”I need to take a moment to say thank you. I recently completed Humility. It took 11 weeks to finish your 7 week plan. At the time I finished I had dropped three minutes from my three mile time, I chalked that up to the possibility of it being significantly warmer than my last four time trials (from the plan and PT tests). Today I was given a short notice APFT and dropped 1 full minute off my 2 miler (I’m now 45s from maxing) and took my sit-ups from 66 to 76 (maxed out). I found this progress incredible considering the program was just building general fitness and not sport specific training for the APFT. I’ll be finishing big 24 soon and rolling into Fortitude; even with the change in run volume I hope I can continue to see progress on my run. Thanks for great training plans!”

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I could not have trained or prepared any better for this


“Not only did I never fail a physical evolution throughout this past year and a half, I was able to excel in them and experienced no injuries. It’s true that BUD/S is a mental game, but I can remember several times thinking to myself, “I could not have trained or prepared any better for this”. In any event, thank you for your program.“

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Keep doing what you are doing, the benefit cannot be understated

OPERATOR SESSIONS – “I just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you for the awesome programming. I just brought my company back from a very challenging 6 months in eastern Afghanistan. The bottom line is that without your program we would not have been able to accomplish half of what we did and we would not have brought home as many guys as we did. My Soldiers hated me when I first instituted mind numbing amounts of leg blasters, step-ups, and sandbag get ups, and training that was like nothing they had ever done before, but all these things became a rallying cry as the Soldiers realized how far ahead of their sister companies they were in their physical and mental fitness. Keep doing what you are doing, the benefit cannot be understated.” – B

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Just got home from SFAS, successfully selected


“Just got home from SFAS, successfully selected. I know you’ve got tons of athletes, but I’m going to run down a quick laundry list on how your program has had a direct and significant impact in my life:

In 2009, I was first introduced to your program as my USMA Sandhurst team used it to get ready for the 2010 competition. The training helped us place first in the nation that year. At the end of 2010, after working through operator sessions over the summer, I used your ruck based selection program to get ready for Ranger School. Day 4 of Ranger School, I blew my knee out on the Darby Queen.

Not knowing the extent of the injury, I got up, dusted myself off, and completed the next 59 days of Ranger School. I would later learn I had torn three ligaments and my meniscus. In November 2011, I had surgery on that injury and used your single leg program to get back in shape while my knee healed. With the help of the single-leg program, I recovered a month ahead of schedule and was able to assist in the rehabilitation of over twenty other soldiers in my unit dealing with leg injuries.

My unit used your programming to prepare for our 2013 Afghan deployment, to much success. In February 2014, I coached a Best Ranger Competition team from Fort Campbell- we used your BRC prep. The team, first time competitors, finished 21st out of 50 teams with zero training or competition injuries. Finally, I used your Ruck Based Selection Program to get ready for SFAS this past May- I placed in the top 10% for the course with zero recovery issues and zero injuries.

Thanks for what you do, from the programs to operator sessions to the forums and gear. Your work has helped me reach so many goals in this profession. Look forward to more.” –

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This is THE best workout program out there


“Thank you for putting together the training programs and Operator Sessions. Everyday is a challenge and a felt sense of accomplishment once completed. This is THE best workout program out there for those of us burdened with maintaining a constant level of fitness.”


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I credit your plans for giving me the physical ability, durability, and mental toughness to make it through


“Wanted to send you another quick note and thank you for the recommendations and advice over the past year.  As you know, I have completed several of your operator plans (Humility, Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell) and recently used the Pre-Deployment plan to prepare for a week-long backpack-style archery elk hunt in the Rockies.  Long story short, I was able to connect on a 5×5 bull on the last day of the hunt, with an hour of daylight left.  As you know, just covering ground in Rocky Mountain “elk country” is hard work — but doing that for 6 days straight and then spending the 7th day packing out and elk?  That is quite a bit of demand.  I credit your plans for giving me the physical ability, durability, and mental toughness to make it through a long week, hunt hard right up until the end, and then still have something left in the tank to get an elk out of the backcountry.  I killed the bull about 5 miles and 2,500 vertical feet up from the truck, so doing two round trips of that with a weighted pack made for a long day.  (Thankfully I had a great hunting partner and a few pack goats to share the load with!)  The Pre-Deployment plan prepared me for the climbing, as well as the weighted descent, and improved my core stability to bear the heavy pack.” – M

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Not only did I feel confident but I was selected out of a large pool of candidates


“Just wanted to let you know I followed your USAF TACP plan and supplemented some weight training prior to the ALO assessment.

Not only did I feel confident in my training during the extended training sessions, but I was selected out of a large pool of candidates.” – D

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