Last week my platoon scored a 276 average on the APFT… the BEST in the entire battalion


“Really love the website and training plans. I used the Ranger School prep plan and it got me through RAP week and the school straight through. I was very impressed how physically prepared I was by just following your plan and eating well. I use a combination of your plans now to make the PT plan for my platoon.  Last week my platoon scored a 276 average on the APFT… the BEST in the entire battalion.  So thank you all for your hard work in putting all these plans together.”

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I made it straight through with no injury


“I want to note that I followed your Ranger program leading up to the course. I made it straight through with no injury. I owe this to MTIs programming. So thank you again.”

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We now have 2(!) Ranger-qualified soldiers with your help


“I just spoke with a soldier that completed the v3 training and recently graduated Ranger school. He is in the process of mobilizing so I wanted to share what he told me in regards to the program:

The rucking was paramount to the training. He went straight-through and he mentioned that he didn’t start to fall off until the beginning of the Florida FTX. While in school, you’ll notice Ranger students have to get on the ground and strap up the ruck in order to even get the ruck on. His strength wasn’t sapped, so he was able to pick the ruck off the ground and get up get ready to move. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you’re the last one up before a movement or slower than everyone else, it does get noticed and will affect your peer ratings. The less tired you are, the more you can contribute. HUGE FACTOR!

He added mountain climbers to the work capacity based off of what I told him. Before you move into Darby, you do these in these in gravel in the company training areas. It is absolute murder on your hands.

You also do something called “Y Squats”. They are a smoker but he said it wasn’t an issue because of your programming.

Last thing he mentioned was how most of his squad asked him how he prepared, and mentioned the programming from your team. They all went off of the RTB’s programming which got them through Darby and then most of them were sucking starting out in Mountains. He definitely believed that your programming is what got him through the school in a first time go.

So, thank you so much for everything Rob. He’s a stud but that will only get you so far. We now have 2(!) Ranger-qualified soldiers with your help.”

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It allowed me to remain injury free while so many others got hurt


“I wanted to let you know that I graduated from IOC this past Saturday and I owe you and your staff a huge thank you for your IOC and CET plans. I was the smallest guy to graduate (5’7”, 150-160 lbs throughout the course) but I felt physically and mentally prepared every day, and I contribute that to simply being used to having to push way past my comfort zone during your workouts. The day of the CET I kept thinking to myself “my body has been here before a dozen times,” especially when we were around the O-Course, and that enabled me to stay focused mentally – a pattern that would repeat itself throughout the rest of the course as well. Your programming’s focus on chassis integrity and lower body strength were invaluable for the many miles of heavy hiking, and more important than allowing me to perform, it allowed me to remain injury free while so many others got hurt. Y’all do great work and make a great product, thanks again.”

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Your training is always solid


“Hope this message finds you well. Big time kudos to you and the Mountain Tactical staff on the USAF PFT training plan. Tested out last week and scored a 99.5 out of 100. My last three scores have all been 99 or greater thanks to your training. Running in the TX heat this time of year can be humbling and the intervals were the perfect form of preparation. I was able to crank out the 1.5 mile run in the 9’s…the running prep was of particular help when it came to the final 1/4 mile push. Your training is always solid. Thanks for all you do to support the tactical athlete. You guys are always at the top of the list when recommending a training resource.”

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I used your ruck based selection plan v5 and reached all of my goals


“I used your ruck based selection plan v5 and reached all of my goals. Thanks for the great training plan. You are the man!”

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Your PAST prep program was effective and sensibly laid out


I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. I am currently in a Battlefield Airman Development program with the goal of becoming a SERE specialist. Brett McKay’s site made me aware of you and I decided to give your program a try, because the one my recruiter had prescribed quickly became too much volume to make recovery feasible. Although I only had three weeks between beginning your program and taking my first official PAST test, my results were solid. Your PAST prep program was effective and sensibly laid out. Now I am following the programming of our coach, a former Air Force Special Operator and will be shipping off to basic in 3 weeks. MTI will certainly receive my business in the future.

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Big thanks on your ruck based selection packet


“Big thanks on your ruck based selection packet. Myself and two buddies used it to train up for SFAS, and all of us were selected. We all concurred that we were very prepared for the time under load as a result of your training plan. The only thing we noticed was that our pushups seemed to suffer during the actual Ruck Based Selection Plan, we did identify this 4 weeks out and supplemented additional pushups as a result.”


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Really looking forward to the ruck run tomorrow morning!


“I’m an engineering student here at the University of Arkansas. I was just wanting to tell you that I just finished the Humility program last week and saw great success in it. I lost about 12 pounds in the process and I’m able to run more now than I ever have in my life. I’ve always been a big advocate for more body building style workouts but I decided to switch it up and try out your program. I have been nothing but thrilled. Everyday I get to wake up early and go get after it I am grateful for. This week I started sample training for the Fortitude program as it was listed as a good successor to the Humility program. I am really excited about starting this plan because I love the tactical/functional aspect to it, especially since I do a lot of hiking and backpacking around in this area. Really looking forward to the ruck run tomorrow morning! But being a college student, the price of the program is of some concern for me as I am on a pretty tight budget. I was just wondering If you could allow me to use some sort of discount code for this program, so that I can continue to partake in the program. I would really appreciate it. I am extremely grateful that I found you all, as I find myself enjoying every day I get to do these awesome workouts. Keep up the great work!”

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Thank you for the Operator Ugly Train Up


“Just wanted to thank you for the Operator Ugly Train Up. Had my tryout this past week and all my numbers went up over the course of 3 weeks. +2 Front Squats, +1 Bench, +3 Deadlifts, +5 Pull Ups, and most of all went from 34 sand bag get ups to 72. Additionally, I got my mile and a half done in under 10 minutes. Looking forward to starting your gun maker series next. Thanks again.”

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