The Operator Sessions have kept me relatively strong, fitter than my peers, and injury free for almost an entire career

“The Operator Sessions have kept me relatively strong, fitter than my peers, and injury free for almost an entire career. I’m 15+ years SOF officer. Now my work is far less physically demanding as I spend most of my time behind a desk and not in the field. Such is life, I suppose. I should probably transition over to your SF45 series, but pride won’t let me. I typically had been doing 3-4 sessions a week, but since March have the time to do 6 sessions a week. I know a little more than you recommend, but I tend to get irritable on “rest days” and find the escape to the gym helps to balance me out.”

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Please keep it up, I love the work you guys are doing

“I just wanted to say I love the operator programming. I’m from Australia, I’m no SF / Infantry soldier, however I do have command of troops and recommend all your programs to anyone that will listen. Your programs have been my consistent personal programming for the last four years and have helped keep me performing better across the board than many of my subordinates and peers.

Please keep it up, I love the work you guys are doing and would be keen to train with you one day should I be out your neck of the woods.”

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At age 62, I remain “hard to kill” because of the MTN Tactical way of life

Rob, I have followed your advice for a long time and have attempted and completed many of the programs.  I was a Force Recon Marine and Special Operator for 38 years.  I had over 65 months of combat and was wounded twice.  In my second career, I track down runaway juveniles and cold cases for law enforcement.  I have found over 300 kids all over the Northwest.

At age 62, I remain “hard to kill” because of the MTN Tactical way of life.  You have given me great advice – directly through email and in your updates and programs.  You told me to be the lightest I could be and remain strong and functional.  I dropped from 220# and 9-10% body fat to 205# and 5-7% and even with 2 hip replacements I feel as good as I ever have.  You were a MAJOR factor in that realization and result. I am heading to Africa as a Contractor to assist in an operation. I am familiar with the area.  I am very fit right now (I was getting ready for elk season) so I am good to go.  I am good to go because I follow your programs and methodology.  I just did a 10 minute SB Getup test and got a PR of 65.  I was ready to hunt and – though heading to a different place and hunting something different – I am ready for the mission. Rob, you remain a big part of my workout ethos.  Keep doing what you are doing.  Good luck in bow season as well.  This old leatherneck goes forward MTN Tactical fit into the fray.  Semper Fidelis

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I appreciate the extremely direct, clear and concise communication from the start

This off-season, I finished three programs:

1. Hypertrophy For Skinny Guys (to gain some weight back after a long season). 2. Ultimate Work Capacity. 3. Hotshot Pre-season This is my second off-season with MTI and I have loved it.

At 29, I and confident in saying its the fittest I have ever been. I set new personal records in all of my lifts, runs, and rucks.  I will absolutely be coming back once the season is over to rebuild and get fitter.

Thank you to Rob and your team for what you do, it works and we all benefit from it.  I just wanted to say thank you. I had been looking for something like this for a while and simultaneously forgot everything about “militaryathlete” which I used before in the military. I’m a veteran and was in Group but now living in Montana staying recreationally and athletically competitive while finishing my Econ. degree.

I have to say I was feeling really shorthanded using SEALFit which I was more familiar with in the past. But it’s always needed more and at the risk of flak from its supporters, it is nowhere near the full package for being a complete functional military athlete – on a conventional or SOF level.

More importantly though, I appreciate the extremely direct, clear and concise communication from the start. This is a problem with your competitors and something that your company prevails in. I don’t have to find myself going between different pages or platforms trying to figure things out. It’s simple and effective.

Please keep up the great work and I will continue to proudly subscribe!

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Fitter, tougher soldiers due to your programs

Really appreciate what you do and the mindset & fitness you arm athletes with.

I served 22 years with Ranger Regiment, 1st SFG and the SMU at Ft. Bragg. I followed your programs on and off since 2009 and working out with a MARSOC Buddy who was a mil athlete fan.

I ran several of the programs you train guys for and respect the mental & physical resilience your programs arm candidates with. Even if they don’t make selection, they are fitter, tougher soldiers due to your programs.

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Great for ‘hazing new lieutenants’!

Thanks for all the hard work and service to the fitness community.  I recommend your programs and subscriptions to every Soldier, NCO, and Officer I come by.  Great for ‘hazing new lieutenants’!

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Kudos and thank you

I wanted to say kudos and thank you for the work you do putting together all the plans/sessions.  I’ve used your programming on and off since being introduced while on deployment to Afghanistan ~2011 (operator sessions, Rat 6, APFT improvement, bodyweight foundation, etc.) and it’s been great.

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Your training programs got me in shape

Wanted to say thanks for the help over the last few years. Just began pipeline training for Air Force special warfare after your training programs got me in shape and ready enough to pass AFSPECWAR Assessment and Selection. I’ll be at tech schools for the next several months, but look forward to coming back to MTI in the future. You can count on me to spread the good word.

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Thank you all for the exceptional training plans

I wanted to reach out and thank you all for the exceptional training plans. I recently completed SFAS and am thankful to say I was selected. I followed a handful of training plans with the lead up time I had, including Humility, Fortitude, Valor and the Ruck-based plan. I think they all prepared me well with a base of strength and thought the Ruck-based plan did a tremendous job. I finished in the top 10 in all of our rucks and felt very comfortable under the weight for land nav week as well. Also, I found the sandbag work to be very beneficial and had direct correlation to success within a couple events throughout SFAS.

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Tried my best to keep it up

I started MTI programming a little over a year ago to supplement my training throughout Army BCT -> OCS -> IBOLC -> Ranger. I began your programming just as I was starting OCS, and tried my best to keep it up throughout the rest of my Army training. Where it paid dividends was the lead up to IBOLC. I completed Humility just as IBOLC was getting started, and it put me at the front of my class for our RPAs (Ranger Physical Assessment). Humility took my 5 mile from low 34s down to 30:15, finishing consistently top 3 in my class. All of my peers throughout OCS and IBOLC would hear me rave about MTI programming, and a few said they hopped on board as well.

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