I took my pt test this morning and scored a 98.3 maxing out everything

Sir I just wanted to give you some feedback/testimonial to your USAF pt program. I took my pt test this morning and scored a 98.3 maxing out everything portion of the test except for pushups. Here are my scores from 5 weeks ago and today: May 20th June 24th 1 min pushups: 41 1 min pushups: 49 1 min sit-ups: 44 1 min sit-ups: 59 1.5 mile run: 10:05 1.5 mile run: 8:59 Again I was only able to complete 5 weeks of the program but for the most part followed the program to the T with only a few minor adjustments. Also note the version I had was not the most recent updated one but last years version. Leading up to starting the program I was following Atomic Athlete programming. Thank you sir for the program I will definitely be purchasing the most recent version for next years pt test.


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I couldn’t wait to write this email this morning

Rob, I couldn’t wait to write this email this morning.  A bit of a background on me,  I’m currently in the Army PSYOP-Q and earlier this year I suffered a lumbar muscle strain from crossfit so bad I was in pain getting out of bed, although I have used your rucking selection plan in order to get ready for selection, I regrettably stopped the operator sessions and moved to crossfit.  Now 4 months later after completing your operator sessions, I’m better than I was before my injury. Now two of my buddies in the Q (both are former infantry officers) have been kicking my ass on our weekly rucks, now I’m proud to say I was able to leave them in the dust this morning and beat them by over 8 minutes.  This is an attest to the operator sessions, and I don’t plan on stopping.
Keep up the great work.
– R

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If anyone doubts the effectiveness or difficulty of this program, please feel free to refer them to me!


I took your advice I jumped feet first into the Bodyweight Training Program and one week in I have been completely humbled.

Honestly, I was worried about losing the strength gains I had made through Starting Strength, halfway through my first mini leg blaster I could care less and I realized how out of shape I really was.

If anyone doubts the effectiveness or difficulty of this program, please feel free to refer them to me!

Thank you again!

Very Respectfully,

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Thanks so much for having an innovative program

Coach Shaul, Thanks so much for having an innovative program. I am an Airborne Infantry officer in an OPFOR battalion that spends 2-3 weeks straight a month in the field for 10-11 months a year. Using your Operator Sessions in conjunction with the Ultimate Meathead Cycle I’ve been able to maintain my fitness and actually make gains. With the focus on strength, mixing in work capacity,  I’ve been able to stay in shape for those long field rotations while being able to avoid injury (especially being on airborne status). The shoulder durability exercises are especially helpful, being that after separating my shoulder before and during Ranger School I had issues carrying a ruck for long movements and day after day. But after the Operator Sessions I no longer have such a rough time. Again thanks.-

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Your programming has kept me ahead of the curve

First off, I want to thank you for such awesome and innovative programing. It has throttled me into a whole other world of fitness that I never thought I could attain. From being an airborne infantryman to my current status as an Officer Candidate and full time Criminal Analyst in the Massachusetts Arm National Guard tasked out to the US Marshals Service, your programming has kept me ahead of the curve. Let’s just say my TACs’ smoke sessions are a piece of cake thanks to you.

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Thanks Rob, couldn’t have done it without the great programming!

I wanted to thank you for all the great programming and advice.  I recently attended my unit’s SFRE (a mini-SFAS based event that screens and selects candidates to go onto SFAS) and was one of several selected.  I owe a large portion of the success to your insights and training programs, specifically the ruck based selection packet and daily operator sessions.  We did multiple events virtually back to back over the four day period such as timed 2 mile and 4 mile runs, timed 6 mile and 12 mile rucks and also many team events.  Everything we did involved rucking over long distances as well.  Being able to perform to the standard was difficult given the short breaks between timed events and overall sheer volume placed on our bodies from the rucking. Thanks Rob, couldn’t have done it without the great programming! –E

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I am really benefiting off your programming

Today’s Operator sesh (12/30) was awesome! I hope to see more like these with a few tough strength circuits followed by a mini WOD to leave you smoked.

I am really benefiting off your programming. I’m seeing and feeling results in the gym and in the field.

The last few years I’ve struggled to find programming that directly correlates to my line of work (Border Patrol Agent). After years of following different CF programs I wasn’t seeing the results in the field that I should have. Decided to give this program a shot.

Since I jumped on Military Athlete I have more energy on a daily basis and I’m pretty sure I am more effective at my job. I feel good ending this year after only being on this program for a few months now.

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Hands down best program I have seen for fitness


“Hands down best program I have seen for fitness. Especially for those of us serving in the military with physically high demanding jobs. It gives a great knowledge base on how to achieve your goal. Would recommend to everyone.”

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Well.  I am hooked


“Well.  I am hooked.  My friend pointed me in the direction of MTI because he knew how excited I am about being athletic and outdoors.  I shopped around, I liked the smell, and I settled on a package deal.  I am so glad I did.  I am seven weeks into my Ruck based Selection Plan.  I am very pleased with my progress.  I really appreciate the scientific approach to measuring and analyzing of every effort.  I like the blog posts and Youtube content for when I am unfamiliar with a movement or need a little motivation.  I feel like the focus on standard military movements and ruck fundamentals really set me apart from my peers during a competition last weekend and I would like to very humbly report that I have won the honor of being 2018’s NCO of the year for the Oklahoma Army National Guard.  I am moving on to the Region 5 competition in May and will definitely remain engaged with my MTI Ruck Based Selection Plan.”

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I wanted to send along my gratitude for the programming


“I wanted to send along my gratitude for the programming and assistance you provided over the past few months. Last week I went through a USAF Special Tactics Officer Selection. The week was full of grueling workouts and leadership challenges. Your CCT/PJ/CRO Selection plan left me more than prepared to handle it all.

Each of the focus areas (ruck run, heavy ruck, swim work cap, PAST, etc.) was spot on for what we saw at selection. The workouts provided a meaningful and objective challenge each day, with logical progression towards improvement. I’ve used other selection workouts with success, but none of them matched the logical layout and sensible progressions for your workouts. All of this is to say that I was extremely successful at selection and was picked up. I couldn’t be happier with my Mountain Tactical Institute experience and will be returning to the site for tune up training as I get ready to hit the pipeline.

Can recommend some changes as someone who followed your program exactly and then went to selection? First, put STO in the title! It works perfectly for those of us trying to become STO’s as I’m sure it works for CRO hopefuls too. Personally, I was weak in my sit ups to begin with. Overall the PAST preparation was great, but I wish there was more of it. The once a week focus on calisthenics might not be enough for people needing work on their muscular endurance. I might suggest throwing in an extra day or workout for calisthenics. Overall the plan is great. These were minor things that I altered or fixed on my own, but might help another hopeful in the future.”

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