I’m finishing up Humility and it’s been a complete smoker. I loved it


“I’m finishing up Humility and it’s been a complete smoker. I loved it! My overall fitness is the best it has ever been and I can definitely feel that “hardening” effect that you’ve mentioned a couple of times. This is my first real taste of your more difficult (but kick-ass) programming and I’m definitely hooked. Thanks for the work that you and the other coaches do!”

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Thank you for the excellent, specific, and well designed program


“I’ve been following  the Humility V2 program to T.

Currently, I’m working through week 4 of the program (the week in which you reassess your fitness), and I’ve never had such large improvements to my fitness in such a short period of time.

Thank you for the excellent, specific, and well designed program.”

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I just took my APFT after running the 6 week program


“I just took my APFT after running the 6 week program. It might not sound like much, but I broke 80 points in each event. I haven’t done that in almost 8 years since I’ve been in the national guard. I just wanted to thank you for putting together the program. This is huge for me. I can’t wait to try Humility next.”

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I have been runnin’ and gunnin’ nonstop since 2003

Rob, Thanks!! I have been doing your program since 2009. Won’t deviate too much from it. I know that you came to work with C Co. at 1-10 in Germany. I was and now am in the other companies. Outside of an instructor gig at Fort Bragg, I have been runnin’ and gunnin’ nonstop since 2003. This program has been the one that has fit me the best. I am now currently pulling some duty here in Afghanistan at a higher HQ.  Btw, the last stamina cycle-brutal, especially at 6000 ft in one of the dirtiest cities in the world.

Thanks again.

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Not only did I never fail, experienced no injuries

Rob: First off, I want to pay it forward to what you are due. I myself utilized your training methods to prepare myself for BUD/S. Your dynamic training sessions mixed in with extra running and swimming that followed closely to the training periodization that your program follows, (varying the intensity in which I executed the extra running, swimming, lifting, rehab exercises, etc. rather than attacking by body group) assisted me in achieving great results. Not only did I never fail a physical evolution throughout this past year and a half, I was able to excel in them and experienced no injuries. It’s true that BUD/S is a mental game, but I can remember several times thinking to myself, “I could not have trained or prepared any better for this”. In any event, thank you for your program. Now I am in SQT, the PT portion is mostly on your own, and I find myself utilizing your program again. Respectfully

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Light Infantry and Ranger communities


My name is Owen. I am an Airborne and Ranger qualified Army Medic currently stationed at Fort Benning, GA. I started doing your Mountain Athlete and Military Athlete workouts about 2-3 months ago after doing Crossfit for about 2 years, and I can say without any doubt that I am in the best shape of my life. Since starting your programs and adding some Gym Jones and Crossfit I have lost 15lbs and my Strength and Endurance have both improved as well as my Cardio. I can easily run my 2 Mile in under 13 minutes and run 5 miles over a hilly course in around 37 minutes. I routinely jump from Airplanes and while others get hurt, I walk away and I know its a reflection of the tough and austere style of training.

I will be deploying to SW Asia in the Spring and will continue using your programs and passing the knowledge to my platoon. Thanks for what you do for the Military, it is very much appreciated in the Light Infantry and Ranger communities.


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M/A really helped me bounce back

Rob, I just wanted you to know its been almost a year since you gave our team the membership, since then M/A has really caught on in 3rd group. The guys still following the program are all extremely happy with the results. I personally have never been stronger. I really have reaped huge benefits from the program. When I started I was physically broken down (bad) from Lyme disease that went undiagnosed for about a year. M/A really helped me bounce back

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They are balanced athletes, not just meatheads who can lift a lot of weight


Last night Ryan (my XO) and John (one of my PSGs) competed in a Push/Pull
competition on our COB.

John’s BW: 203#, Ryan’s: 207.

Ryan benched 335 (PR for over here) and dead-lifted 495 (a PR by 80#!)…his
1RM for DL when he started training with me 5 months ago was 335#…an
increase of 160#!

John benched 295# (tied PR), and dead-lifted 455# (a PR by 40#).

Both of their performances show the benefits of your programming as neither
had ever trained seriously as an athlete (besides the standard beach muscle
workouts) before this deployment.

Attached is a photo of them locking out their max dead-lifts.

It was also interesting to note amongst the competitors here on Taji that
while John and Ryan did not ‘look’ the biggest in their respective weight
classes (Ryan missed the lower weight class by #2), their performances and
relative strength to BW is incredible.

Also, after having trained with these guys and understanding there’s more to
fitness that just strength, I knew looking at the other competitors, that
while they may have all been strong, none of them possess the lung capacity,
endurance, or stamina as John or Ryan.

They are balanced athletes, not just meatheads who can lift a lot of weight.

Ryan recently ran a sub-35 5-miler and John will likely run in the low 34s or
mid 33s on his 5-miler next week.

Take care and thanks for what you and your team do.


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Keep up the great work and thanks to the Labs rats as well

Dear Rob,

Just wanted to say thanks for all the effort into a functional and rigorous program. I used to be a heavy crossfiter, but as an operator I need to be strong and maintain a high endurance. I was introduced to your site by a fellow operator and good friend this past year while I was in Afghanistan. I must say that it has everything that I need and want. I recently did OP Ugly for the first time after doing MA exclusively for four months ,with one of my team mates and as 155lb guy I scored a 170. Just a testament to how well the program works keep up the great work and thanks to the Labs rats as well.


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You’ve done some outstanding work

On a side note, I have been following your website ever since you had the Military Athlete tab on the Mountain Athlete website. Your workouts are great. The coolest thing has been seeing how fast the word has spread across all of special operations. I am a Green Beret and I was introduced to it by a friend during the Q-course. I am deployed right now, a few years later, and it seems that everyone I meet, Navy Seal, Green Beret, Combat Controller, even support troops have been choosing Military Athlete as there workout of choice to prepare for combat. Not just that, but it has been working for all of us. Anyway, thanks for helping us out. You’ve done some outstanding work.


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