I strongly recommend this


“I previously completed On-ramp twice (second time with more running), 357 Strength+Run Improvement (alternating days), then your chassis integrity sessions from the subscription, before moving onto Fortitude.  For someone as unfit as I was, I strongly recommend this or a similar progression of programs for true beginners.  It built everything nicely to begin Fortitude.”

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I am very excited for this spring climbing season


“It has been close to a year now since my injury and I wanted to say thanks for your help and programming. It was hard getting back into the groove of working out and not being afraid of re-injuring myself, but your low back training plan allowed me to get back to doing the things I love. I am happy to report that this January I was able to summit Cotopaxi, Cayambe, and Chimborazo in succession (~19k, 18k, and 20k feet respectively) with no problems whatsoever! I have also been able to begin pushing myself on sport and trad again. I am very excited for this spring climbing season.

Just thought I’d share, and wanted to say thanks once again.”

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I jumped feet first into the Bodyweight Training Program


“I took your advice I jumped feet first into the Bodyweight Training Program and one week in I have been completely humbled. Honestly, I was worried about losing the strength gains I had made through Starting Strength, halfway through my first mini leg blaster I could care less and I realized how out of shape I really was. If anyone doubts the effectiveness or difficulty of this program, please feel free to refer them to me! Thank you again!”

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Keep It Simple Stupid


“Love love love LOVE your Body Weight Foundation so far! Today was Session 14 and I did not think 800s would EVER be that easy for me. Your program is AMAZING and follows the KISS principle of “Keep It Simple Stupid”. Thank you SO much for creating these. I’m looking forward to the Body Weight 1 Training Plan when I’m finished with the current.” – C

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I appreciate your vision of training

“I’m a Spanish fan of your website and methods and Master of Kinesiology (Exercise Physiology) student at the University of Calgary, in Canada and I’m also studying to take the CSCS. And I also try to be a mountain athlete (even though lack of time and money are important limiters to my time spent in the mountains).

I really enjoy the articles you share in your website and I have learned a ton from them and I appreciate your vision of training: train for mission performance, fluid periodization and efficient programming, the unorthodox way in which you plan training. I think you definitely are onto something and you and the MTI will help move the field forward” – F

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Thank you for providing an outlet for individuals to tap into your skill set


“I’d like to lead off by saying thank you. Thank you for providing an outlet for individuals to tap into your skill set, as it pertains to a deeper level of fitness knowledge. Myself and several of my friends and colleagues have utilized several of your workout routines, and the nuggets of wisdom contained within, to pass selection programs, train for personal improvement, and better ourselves for the mission sets we prepare for.” – K

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I’ve the confidence I had lost after my injury


“I went through the post rehab leg injury training program. I’ve the confidence I had lost after my injury and am back to where I was at before the injury. Thanks a lot for your program.”

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Wishing you well from Iraq


“Its given me a great boost in strength, overall performance, and confidence in moving heavy weight. All my lifts increased. Ill send you my final numbers once finished. I am very happy I have a year subscription to Military Athlete. Wishing you well from Iraq. Thanks.”

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The push up pull up improvement plan is great!


“The push up pull up improvement plan is great! Just 20 mins per day and you can greatly improve your upper body strength in such a short time. It’s week 1 but am already making progress”

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Thanks for a great program!


“I just wanted to give you guys so more kudos. I am a female Army Officer and I consistently score in the 280s on my PT test. I have never NOT maxed my push ups and setups, its always the run that gets me. Anyway I am REALLY busy and I needed a run program that wasn’t going to keep me tied down too long during the day. So I took a PT test 6 months ago and ran a 18:25 on the 2 miles. I signed up for your Running Improvement Program and was able to do about 50% of the workouts each week. The first two weeks I did all of the workouts but then my schedule got crazy and I only ended up doing the intervals and the 3-4 mile runs each week. I worked through the first 6 weeks and just took my PT test after doing the program and dropped my 2 mile time to 17:04. So even only doing 50% of the program each week I was still able to greatly improve my time. I have to admit though during my intervals I worked to be as far under the range time that I could. So if my recommended 800m time was 4:08 to 4:25 I was pushing harder in that a majority of my interval times ranged from 3:33 (fastest) to 3:50. Thanks for a great program! Maybe if I get time to follow it as prescribed I will see even bigger improvements!”

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