I want to thank you for putting out such good programming

“I want to thank you for putting out such good programming, in fact I have stuck to the same few programs for the last year due to their success. A week ago I competed in the Austin spartan super age group competitive heats. I finished 7th overall and 6th in my age group. 3 weeks prior I completed the hyner 50k, finishing 30th out of 268.”

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Have been seeing unbelievable progress

“Just wanted to mention how awesome things have been so far regarding the programs and training I have done through you guys lately. Have been seeing unbelievable progress in my workouts and work capacity! I have been at a plateau the past few years and going through your programming, I have already seen a difference and improvement in a lot of my workouts/exercises. I just did Murph today Rx and PR’d that as well at a 27:12! Thank you again for all the great content! Excited to continue my subscription and see even more!”

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Your programming and operation at MTI is top notch and professional

“First off, your programming and operation at MTI is top notch and professional. I’m enjoying the dumbbell program with much success. I travel a lot right now and a majority of the hotels I stay in have a solid set of dumbbells in order to train. Your programs are easy to navigate on the app. I’ve used several other programs with great results as well. Thanks for your teams commitment to providing quality training programs and information for the military/law enforcement/fire rescue community.”

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Your programming was key to the best shape of my life

“Above all, I wanted write so that I could thank you and your team for your awesome work at MTI. Your programming was key in taking me from a fully ruptured Achilles in the summer of 2017 to the best shape of my life this year. Your Chassis Integrity training has, in particular, been a game-changer, across every outdoor sport that I do (I’m primarily a skier and mountain biker)—I didn’t realize how weak my functional ‘core’ actually was.”

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You’ve truly created a “gold standard” for the tactical fitness

“I just wanted to give you a quick shout and thanks for the excellent programs and overall resource that MTI provides.  As a former licensed Athletic Trainer and collegiate strength and conditioning coach, I have perhaps more than an average appreciation for the amount of time, effort, and commitment to professionalism it takes to generate programming of such high quality.  You’ve truly created a “gold standard” for the tactical fitness community in particular, and should be genuinely proud of what MTI has accomplished thus far.  The ultimate effects might be hard to calculate but certainly will continue to include safer and better prepared agencies, units, individuals and communities.”

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I’m still hanging in a young mans world thanks to your training plans

“Just wanted to drop you a quick message about your program. Been hitting your plans for about 2 years now. I’m no young man anymore, 42 as a matter of fact. I’m still hanging in a young mans world though thanks in large part due to your training plans. I see many more years to come as well. Thank you sir.”

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The workout plans are perfect and suite my style and schedule

“I’m sure you get a ton of weekly questions and requests but I just wanted to send you and your team a compliment.

Great job to all of you on the mobile app and website. Having the app really helps with my busy schedule and being able to reference exercises is a huge plus.  Also your email posts with articles are super great! Keep them coming. Also — the workout plans are perfect and suite my style and schedule. I’ve been using them for the past couple of years and they’ve really helped me achieve specific goals surfing and climbing. I just wanted to say thank you and I appreciate your services !”

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From a Paratrooper in Alaska

“Just wanted to say that I respect the work you put into your programming and the methodology you’ve developed. Articles like the “failure resume” are what keeps bringing me back to learn more. I print your articles out and share them with my Soldiers all the time. Arete has become my go to list for the best news applicable to me. So while, you may not have had direct command time you wanted, you are still very influential to countless military members, moreso than if you did take command or joined the Army.

I’ve followed your Greek Hero series for a while now and it works! Minding the Grind is a real thing as I get older (only 33… but in the military that’s old already), I can’t take as many days off from endurance and have to be more strict with my diet than I used to be.

Again. Just wanted to let you know that are appreciated and respected for what you do. Not that you need that validation but sometimes it does a person good to hear.

From a Paratrooper in Alaska.”

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Continue to do what you’re doing

My decision to cancel was an economic one. This fall, I’ll be starting seminary and I wanted to cut back on personal expenses in the short-term to take care of some debts that have accumulated. When my family is more settled financially and I go through the first quarter of grad school, I intend to re-subscribe. If you spoke to some of my friends and family, they would tell you that I’m a walking billboard for MTI. Often when people ask what I do, I tell them about MTI and encourage them to check out the website.

One of the many good things about the Mountain Tactical Institute is the self-awareness you all have in your approach in programming, researching, and reflection. While the programming has made me stronger, more durable, and well-rounded (the Virtue series is so awesome), it has been your reflections as well as from others that I learned the most from. I admit that one reason that I decided to start seminary and begin the process to be ordained in the United Methodist Church is you and the work of MTI. After I graduate seminary and get ordained, my hope is to approach my own ministry with congregations by asking folks about what they think they’ve been called to do and help them live into that with intentional practice and regular assessment/reflection. Working through the Virtue series as I go through the candidacy process for ordination has been very helpful as I have write and articulate why I’m pursuing this path now as a 37 year old. My only feedback for improvement is to continue to do what you’re doing – researching, experimenting, and sharing.

I apologize if my reply was more sermon than feedback. I don’t know if many people acknowledge you as a role model, but you’re one of mine. I can’t tell you how much MTI has influenced me at this stage of my life. In the near future, my wife wants to take our kids to Jackson for a family trip. If we do, I hope that I can stop by and shake your hand

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Thanks for your commitment to, and level of engagement with, the end-user

“Thanks for your commitment to, and level of engagement with, the end-user. Overall very satisfied with the Athlete’s Subscription and ability to select programming for specific goals/events/milestones. I will continue to recommend to friends, family, and colleagues.”

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