
I have no doubt in my mind that I will crush the pipeline


“I just wanted to reach out and update you that I not only finished the 116th ASOS TAAP (TACTICAL AIR CONTROL PARTY ASSESSMENT AND ASCENSION PROGRAM) but I was selected. The group started with 6 men, 4 of us finished and after the interviews only 3 of us will move on to the pipeline for the Air Guard Unit. It was 4 days of grueling work, pain I had never experienced. It was my first military selection and it was brutal, very cold and miserable. But by following your TACP program, I was the fastest runner and fastest rucker. As a matter of fact, in the 4 mile pass/fail test, I actually lapped the entire class with a load of well above 80 pounds including helmet, rifle and LBV.  I was the only person in selection with no military experience but I was able to cope with the stress and never ending smoke sessions by following your TACP plan. It most certainly gave me an edge over the prior military ARMY/NAVY/AIR FORCE guys. I’m switching to the Big 24 plan as the cadre want me on a strength cycle prior to the pipeline to get me stronger. I have no doubt in my mind that I will crush the pipeline.”



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