
I carried backpack and/or 4-yr old all four days and still set the pace

I love the input you all got from the Canadian you posted on the front page.

Mine is not as sexy, but a few times in the past you have asked for input from us out here on how we are doing. If you are still interested, here goes:

1) Unloaded step-ups I went from 893 on 24 NOV to 985 today.

2) Last 1RM Bench Press was 210# which is most ever and is over my body-weight for first time in life. 8xBP get to 155#, which again is most ever.

3) Last front squat (which I used to HATE) is up to 130#. Again most ever for me.

Last weekend in Rome, Italy we walked MILES doing the tourist thing. I carried backpack and/or 4-yr old all four days and still set the pace.

Overall, I am in the best shape of my life, I am losing weight while gaining muscle, and I look better than ever.

Thank you both. Let me know if this is good stuff or not. I can send something every quarter or so if you like it.