
Continue to do what you’re doing

My decision to cancel was an economic one. This fall, I’ll be starting seminary and I wanted to cut back on personal expenses in the short-term to take care of some debts that have accumulated. When my family is more settled financially and I go through the first quarter of grad school, I intend to re-subscribe. If you spoke to some of my friends and family, they would tell you that I’m a walking billboard for MTI. Often when people ask what I do, I tell them about MTI and encourage them to check out the website.

One of the many good things about the Mountain Tactical Institute is the self-awareness you all have in your approach in programming, researching, and reflection. While the programming has made me stronger, more durable, and well-rounded (the Virtue series is so awesome), it has been your reflections as well as from others that I learned the most from. I admit that one reason that I decided to start seminary and begin the process to be ordained in the United Methodist Church is you and the work of MTI. After I graduate seminary and get ordained, my hope is to approach my own ministry with congregations by asking folks about what they think they’ve been called to do and help them live into that with intentional practice and regular assessment/reflection. Working through the Virtue series as I go through the candidacy process for ordination has been very helpful as I have write and articulate why I’m pursuing this path now as a 37 year old. My only feedback for improvement is to continue to do what you’re doing – researching, experimenting, and sharing.

I apologize if my reply was more sermon than feedback. I don’t know if many people acknowledge you as a role model, but you’re one of mine. I can’t tell you how much MTI has influenced me at this stage of my life. In the near future, my wife wants to take our kids to Jackson for a family trip. If we do, I hope that I can stop by and shake your hand