
“4 Weeks on Keto” and “MTI Diet Guideline”

I recently re-read your “4 Weeks on Keto” and “MTI Diet Guideline” articles. For some historical context, I am 38, and a medically retired Army officer. When I was younger, I attended the Military Athlete course at Fort Bragg, and used so many of your programs I lost count. You have gotten me through Ranger School, Air Assault, helped me play rugby, and helped me to stay “strong, swift, durable”. For the last several years, I have been mountain biking 3-4 days a week, and snowboarding in the winter. MTB wise, I spend most of my time in the bike park, or training for Enduro. I finally achieved that work-life balance I dreamt of.

On November 21, I had surgery on my foot, from a small break. I have spent the last two months obsessing over what I eat, fearing gaining a pound or two as I recover, to the point of causing some unhealthy levels of anxiety and added stress. After reading your articles (again), I realized the answer to my problems. I can eat a lot more of what I want (eggs, avocados, etc), and can lay off the special diet “fill you up so you don’t eat” crap I have been downing, in an attempt to stay lean (5’9, 155lbs). I know it may sound trivial, but I am looking forward to lunch for the first time in almost two months, knowing it isn’t going to be another death-by-shake meal.

Sorry for the rant. I have always been a huge fan of your work, since the program came out years ago. I am just starting the bodyweight core program, and mentally, it’s a huge boost. Two months of recovery down, four to go. Here’s to getting back on the bike, and continued training.