Q&A 1.12.23

…been pushed to the right (Spring of 2024 instead of 2023). I am currently working through the ruck based selection packet and have completed military on ramp and humility. I…

Arete 1.19.23

…of leading with humility, FR1 Riverside County Sheriff’s Department (CA), Officer Down Memorial Page 26 learning points from watching a cop lose his temper, Police1 Jon Becker on the evolution…

Q&A 2.9.22

…plans such as humility and fortitude. I also want to improve my acft to give myself the best chance at being selected for schools while still in ROTC. Would you…

Q&A 3.11.23

…I can skip seeing how the program timeline is 52 weeks long. ANSWER Here’s what I recommend: Weeks Plan 1-7 Humility 8-15 Valor (Repeat week 6 to stretch this plan…

Q&A 3.18.23

…them. ANSWER Start with the Virtue Packet of plans, beginning with Humility. Email back when you return to the states and a pool. – Rob QUESTION I’m training to be…

Q&A 4.15.23

…Weeks Plan 1-7 Humility 8-14 Valor 15-20 Fortitude (Week 1-6) 21-30 GoRuck Selection Training Plan. – 10 weeks directly before selection. – Rob QUESTION I’m currently training for the DEA…

Q&A 5.6.23

…here’s what I’d recommend: Weeks Plan 1-7 Military OnRamp 8-14 Humility 15-20 Valor – Rob QUESTION First thank you for your effort and intelligence you put into your training plans,…

Q&A 5.20.23

…again indefinitely – you’ll plateau or over train. What I’d recommend until you get a timeline for SFAS is the plans/order in the Virtue Packet – beginning with Humility. Email…