
We cuss your name out on some of the workouts

aI just wanted to thank you for all your hard work in programming your operator sessions. Myself and a few other guys have been following your operator sessions now since the beginning of our deployment back on July 2012 and now we are coming to a close of this deployment (10 days left). Your program has really changed us, one guy couldn’t understand why we were doing the things we were doing because it didn’t relate to anything the magazines say, so I had to constantly remind him to just follow the program. He did and now he is preaching Military Athletes to others. As for me I believed in the program since I was introduced to it from an old platoon sergeant, but never really stayed focused on it day in day out. So during this deployment I followed the program to the “T”. At the age of 35 I must say I much stronger than I was when I was in my 20’s and I have also lost 30 lbs!! Again me and the guys are grateful for you, even if we may cuss your name out on some of the workouts.

– R.



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