Rucking Improvement Training Plan
- 15 Weeks, 6 days per week
- 5-week training blocks for short, moderate, and long distance rucks
- Use as stand alone program, or concurrently with the daily training sessions (subscription), or a strength plan
- This training plan is one of the 190+ Plans included with an Athlete’s Subscription.
This 15-week training program is sport-specifically designed to improve short, moderate and long distance (3–12 mile) rucking performance with a 45# rucking load.
This training program has 3 general objectives:
(1) Increase speed over ground
(2) Increase rucking-specific leg strength, core strength, and upper body strength
(3) Increase rucking aerobic base and efficiency for longer distance rucks
This training plan deploys ruck assessments (3, 6, and 12 miles) and uses assessment performance for the follow-on progressions. In this way the plan automatically “scales” to the incoming rucking fitness and speed of each individual athlete.
The plan is designed so athletes who have different ruck improvement needs can begin the plan in different places to address their specific deficiencies.
– Working on improving your 3-5 mile ruck time, and/or are new to rucking? Begin the plan on week 1.
– Working to improve a 6-mile ruck time and/or have some rucking experience but need lots of work? Start at week 6.
– Working to improve a 12 mile ruck time and/or are an experienced rucker wanting to be pushed? Start at week 11.
This is Version 2 of this plan, updated July 2017.
• We created different start points based on the individual athlete’s ruck assessment distance, ruck fitness/experience, and/or overall rucking goals.
• Plan increased from 4 days/week to 6 days/week.
• We Added rucking-transferable leg, mid-section and upper body strength work
• Overall rucking volume is increased
Speed Over Ground Work
This 15-week training program is divided into three, 5-week blocks for the speed over ground rucking work.
• Weeks 1-5 deploy multiple 3-mile ruck assessments and 1-mile repeats based upon your assessment times
• Weeks 6-10 deploy 6-mile ruck assessments and 2-mile repeats based upon your assessment times
• Weeks 11-15 deploy 12-mile ruck assessments and 3-mile repeats based upon your assessment times
Aerobic Base/Longer Ruck
While the Speed Over Ground work in the plan is anchored in 5-week blocks, the longer ruck in the plan progress steadily throughout. Easy distance ruck volume increases throughout the plan and the pace is based upon your most recent speed over ground assessment.
You’ll ruck easy, long distance two times/week on back to back days (Friday and Saturday). These easy rucks start at 4 miles on week one and progress to 16 miles on week 15.
Total rucking volume in the plan begins at 14 miles total in Week 1 and finishes at 47 miles total on week 15.
Strength Work
This training plan includes focused, rucking-specific leg, mid-section and upper body strength training deploying bodyweight and/or dumbbells.
This program is designed to be completed as a stand alone program, but it can also be completed concurrently a strength-focused MTI or other strength training program by starting this plan on Week 6 and dropping the Tuesday and Thursday strength days from this training program.
Too complete this training plan concurrently with a strength-focused plan, either do 2-a-days (gym-based strength in the AM, rucking program in the PM) or by alternating training days (gym-based strength Monday, rucking program Tuesday, gym-based strength Wednesday, etc.)
- Mon: Assessment or Speed over Ground Intervals
- Tue: Strength Training
- Wed: Speed over Ground Intervals
- Thu: Strength Training
- Fri: Easy Distance Ruck
- Sat: Easy Distance Ruck
What is the Required Equipment?
- Ruck and 45# Filler
- Stop Watch
- Pull Up Bar
- Pair of Dumbbells (15# for women, 25# for men)
- Foam Roller
How Long do the Sessions Last?
1-4 hours depending upon your rucking pace. Longest days will be the Friday and Saturday long, easy efforts.
What if I miss a day?
If you miss a day, make up the session you missed the next day and follow the programming as prescribed. The programming is progressive – it builds upon itself. Don’t skip ahead.
Where do I find unfamiliar exercises?
See our Exercise Library HERE. The Ruck Calculator is listed as an exercise.
What about nutrition?
See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.
Can I see sample training?
Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming.
Required Equipment
- Stop Watch
- Pull Up Bar
- Ruck/Pack with 45# of filler
- Pair of Dumbbells (15# for women, 25# for men)
- Foam Roller
Sample Training
Obj: Ruck Assessment
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
5x Push Ups
5x Walking Lunge
Run 100m
Instep Stretch
(1) Ruck 3 Miles for Time
Load: 45# Ruck
(2) 2 Rounds
Hip Flexor Stretch
Instep Stretch
Pigeon Stretch
Frog Stretch
Obj: Strength
(1) 10 Rounds
Mini Leg Blaster
5/10x Push Ups
2/4x Pull Ups
(2) 15 Minute Grind
5x Dumbbell Halfmoon @ 15/25#
5x Kneeling Slasher to Halo @ 15/25#
3x Turkish Get Up @ 15/25# (alternate hands each round)
10x Hinge Lift holding dumbbells @ 15/25# (mid-shin to full hip extension)
(3) Foam Roll Legs, Low Back
Obj: Speed Over Ground Intervals
Warm Up:
4 Rounds
5x Push Ups
5x Walking Lunge
Run 100m
Instep Stretch
(1) 2 Rounds
Ruck 1-Mile at per mile interval time using your SESSION 1 3-Mile Ruck Assessment and the MTI Ruck Interval Calculator.
Rest 6 Minutes between efforts
Load: 45# Ruck
(2) 2 Rounds
Hip Flexor Stretch
Instep Stretch
Pigeon Stretch
Frog Stretch
Obj: Strength
(1) 10 Rounds
Mini Leg Blaster
5/10x Push Ups
2/4x Pull Ups
(2) 15 Minute Grind
5x Dumbbell Crawl @ 15/25#
10x Standing Slasher to Halo @ 15/25#
5x Dumbbell Squat Thrust @ 15/25#
15/15 Standing Founder
(3) Foam Roll Legs, Low Back
Obj: Easy Distance Ruck
(1) Ruck 4 miles @ “Easy Per Mile Pace” using your SESSION 1 3-Mile Ruck Assessment and the MTI Ruck Interval Calculator.
Load: 45# Ruck
(2) 2 Rounds
Hip Flexor Stretch
Instep Stretch
Pigeon Stretch
Frog Stretch
Obj: Easy Distance Ruck
(1) Ruck 5 miles @ “Easy Per Mile Pace” using your SESSION 1 3-Mile Ruck Assessment and the MTI Ruck Interval Calculator.
Load: 45# Ruck
(2) 2 Rounds
Hip Flexor Stretch
Instep Stretch
Pigeon Stretch
Frog Stretch
"Just wanted to say thanks for what you guys do. I completed 2 months of the 4 week Run and Ruck improvement plan (I was safe about it). I did this to compete for slots in my unit for upcoming Ranger School. I blew away everyone and I had to tell 'em about you guys. Some had heard of it before, but now I guarantee they will look harder. Keep the company alive and keep doing great things. I am hooked on your programs. I am buying the Ranger Prep packet now, I should go in Fall 2015. I can't wait to tell you guys how it goes. Thanks again."
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