I’ve found that I can now run a 10k on the trail with little pain

Dear Rob and MTI Team: It’s been about one year since I signed up for the Athlete’s subscription with Mountain Tactical. I’ve now finished BDFG 1 and 2, Mountain Base Helen and Artemis, SF45, and currently in the last week of Body Weight foundation. I’ve also fixed my diet, lost 30 pounds, and have started […]

Let me tell you that your program was fantastic!

I just returned from a fantastic trip with Angela Hawse (who sings your praises!) and three other women on which we climbed and skied Mt. Elbrus in Russia. On the advice of my daughter, who lives in Jackson, I followed your backcountry ski training program to train for this adventure.  I’ve been weight training on […]

I think what you have done here is a gift, and I thank you

I have completed numerous of your programs including Bodyweight, Peak Bagger, and have been recently incorporating Core Strength into my fitness routine.  I think what you have done here for folks whom, in my case, recreate in alpine sports is a gift, and I thank you.  I have turned-on many people to your work, and […]

I cannot sell this program enough to my friends and co-workers

Thank you for this (Freeski) program. I used to compete in the IFSA comps, coached the Winter Park Juniors and now patrol at Vail. I use this program for injury-prevention as well as to further enhance my working ability and skiing. I cannot sell this program enough to my friends and co-workers (though most of […]

Thank you for helping me come back stronger then I was before

I’ve been climbing the past 4 days, really the first time in 5 months since I’ve sport climbed (since the injury).  Yesterday I was feeling a lot better, mentally and physically, every 5.10a I got on I climbed clean. There was this 5.11a  route that I tried it a few times this spring and couldn’t […]



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