I was looking at your sandbags and I was wondering how much they can hold?  I have a canvas duffle bag and I am starting to get tired of it.  Right now I have anywhere from 80 lbs to 120 lbs in my bag.  Will yours be able to hold that much?  It sounds sturdy enough, I just thought I would shoot you an email and ask.  I do a lot of cleans, snatches, high pulls, etc with my bag.  I just want to make sure that the bag will last a while and will be able to hold up with the workouts that I do.  Thanks for any info that you can give me.



Hi C, 

We use wood pellets or rubber mulch made from ground up tires to load our bags. These are bigger then the typical bag you'll see for sale – similar to the size of the regular Army duty bag. 
How much you can load depends upon the material you fill them with. In my gym, we stop at 80# of wood pellets.
Will they hold up? In 6 years, mine are still bomber, and we've never had one returned. 
– Rob




I'm going to the USMC Basic Reconaissance Course in late June. I've been training up using your ruck based selection program so far but will be moving my family and I from North Carolina to California in May, all told, I will be on the road the entire month of May. Is there a plan out there that I can do while I'm on the road? I have a 55lbs and 35lbs kettlebells and a pack with forty pounds of weight. The last thing I want to do is lose my gains while travelling. Thanks.



Hi M 

Couple options …..
Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Plan:
Bodyweight Plan:
Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Training Plan:
Military Endurance Cycle:
Also – I've actually built a plan specifically for the USMC Basic Recon Course here:
Don't purchase it …. the Ruck Plan you have is okay – but for future reference. This BRC plan is one of the most intense I've ever built and includes swimming, treading and some water confidence.
– Rob


Hi Rob,

I'm interested in purchasing your Ruck based selection training packet, however I had a few questions first:

1. Can you buy all programs in the packet individually?
2. Are there benefits to purchasing the packet, i.e. programs not available outside of full packet or cost savings?
3. If I own some of the individual programs included in the packet, do you pro-rate, or do I need to still buy the full packet?
4. Can I supplement some strength training, i.e. deadlift, bench, while doing the body weight portion or is this counter-productive?
5. While doing the program, if needed is it possible to reach out to you or someone from MA to discuss questions pertaining to the programming?

Thanks for your time.



Hi S, 


1. Yes
2. You save around 15% 
3. Too complicated. You can buy the missing plans individually.
4. I wouldn't recommend it, but it depends upon your fitness level.
5. We answer email questions all the time. 
– Rob



I am an active duty Major, female. I am desperately trying to lose just a few lbs (I am currently at 135 and would like to be 125:130 stabilized. I have had 3 surgeries on my left foot, but still enjoy running, but distance is limited.


What program do you recommend? Do any of them come with nutrition plans?



Hi C-

None of our plans are designed for weight loss – but below are our nutritional guidelines:

6 Days a Week: Eat lean meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and drink water. Don't eat carbs (bread, spuds, rice) or sugar. 

1 Day a Week: Cheat like a mother! Beer, pizza, ice cream – you name it! We've found you can't eat clean over the long term without cheating. We've also found the longer you stick to this diet, the less you'll "cheat" on your cheat days, and the more cheating will hurt you – i.e. stomach ache, gas, etc.

Training Plan … Start with our Bodyweight Training Plan:

– Rob



Hey Rob,
I started your mil big 24 program two weeks ago and so far I love it.  On the 200 meter runs though I seem to have injured my achilles on my left leg and am experiencing a decent amount of soreness.  Normally i'd just drive through and not give it much thought but with it being my achilles i'm a little nervous.  Do you have any advice on how to handle this, both recovery and prevention for the future?



Hi D-
I'm not a doctor and can't give you medical advice. You're injury seems fairly unique. Could have been a pre-existing injury you aggravated, ill-fitting shoes, who knows. 
Smart to address it and not push through. 
If it's just the running that aggravates it, stop the running. Instead substitute rowing (200m) or stationary bike. Do the ice/ibuprofen routine … if it doesn't feel better, seek medical advice.
– Rob



Hey Rob,
I plan on attending SFAS within the next year and want to spend my time before making sure I am 100 percent ready physically. I've been recommended your programs by a few frieda of mine who all vouch for the effectiveness. I planned on starting with your Ruck Based Selection Program and was wondering if I could get a sample of the work out in order to make sure I will have the tools to complete it.
Thanks a lot,



Hi Z,

From the plan description on the website store….

The following equipment is required to complete this plan. Access to a full weight room is not required: 

– Stop Watch with Repeating Countdown Timer – Timex Ironman is best.
– 40, 60 and 80# Sandbags – or one adjustible sandbag
– ALICE Pack or same ruck you will use at selection, 60# of filler,
– 10# Rubber Rifle (No rifle? Use a 10 lb sledge hammer or a 10# dumbbell)
– Pair of 25# Dumbbells
– Pull up Bar

– Rob



Hey Rob,
I have bought multiple programs from you over the last year, but I am having trouble finding my access codes to them. I have purchased your Work Cap, Low Back, Navy PST, Core Strength, Bodyweight and many others. I am currently having trouble finding the code for the Navy PST plan (I have all the others). Would you be able to provide that for me (I can provide purchase orders if needed).
Also, I am looking to go the SEAL route come January when I graduate. I know you guys have been putting together training programs with the big goal in mind (9+ months of programs). I was wondering what you thought might be a good series of programs for me to do from your sight (with focus on the PST, as I will have to take it every two weeks over the next 8 months for a SEAL contract). I am currently already able to exceed your strength standards in all lifts, so I was wondering what you would recommend without focus on barbells (other than for work capacity)? Thanks.



Hi D-
Here are some fun, work cap/endurance plans to consider:
1) Operator Pentathlon:
Running, Rucking, Swimming, Bodyweight Bench Press and Max Pull ups!
2) Military Endurance:
Running and Rucking
3) Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell:
Great Work Cap without bunches of equipment
– Rob




First, I want to thank you for what you do for the Military, Law Enforcement, and Mountain Athletes. My background: I'm in the Air Force as Security Forces; I'm in a short notice deployment unit. While deployed I perform bare base set-up, conduct patrols of our specific AO, static security, etc. while in full kit. My daily routine at home station is training to deploy to various environments, but while on station I can perform Law Enforcement duties as well.  I've been following/completing your training sessions on Military Athlete and lately LE Athlete. I feel with my current unit I would benefit with a "hybrid" style training sessions between Military and LE Athlete. I like the upper body hypertrophy and sprinting from LE Athlete, and I like the relative strength, work cap, and stamina from Military Athlete. I don't conduct a lot of endurance training because I don't foresee the need in my current unit. I've been experimenting with both programming and trying to bring Military and LE Athlete together. I'm thinking of trying the following training cycles all 3 weeks in duration: Strength w/run improvement, Work Cap, Meathead w/Ruck Improvement, Stamina, Hybrid Strength/Work Cap, Endurance, and then repeat. Would you suggest a different approach? I appreciate any advice you have. Below are my Operator Ugly, Relative Strength Test, and my PT test:

Operator Ugly/2 Jan 14
Bench: 14
Front Squat: 9
Deadlift: 14
25M Sprints: 39
Pull Ups: 18
SBGU: 48
3 Mile Run: 26:36

Relative Strength Test:
Weight: 169
Height: 68"
1RM Front Squat: 235
1RM Power Clean: 190
1RM Bench Press: 275

AF PT Test:
Push-ups: 72
Sit ups: 65
1.5 Mile Run: 10:19
Waist: 33"

Sorry for the long email, but I've been thinking about this a lot.



Hi N, 

I'd drop the Strength/Work Cap Hybrid and the Endurance cycles. Simpler, the better…
– Rob



I'm currently an officer in the Army, and I've been following your Busy Operator plan recently since I have limited times during the day to workout. I've enjoyed the workouts and I can definitely tell I've made improvements in a lot of areas of my overall fitness.  I've recently come off of an injury that kept me out of the gym for a good portion of the last 12 months, so I've had a lot of inconsistency with lifting. 
I enjoyed doing the Operator Sessions, unfortunately I've had to cut too many short because of time restrictions, hence using the Busy Operator plan. 
I've definitely made improvements, however my base strength is still pretty low (my bench press, back squat, and deadlift are in the low 200s).  Also, I've just recently started to master the power clean and front squat, so my technique for the two definitely still need work.  
I was wondering, is there a plan that I can follow that would allow the gradual buildup of base strength, and do you have any advice on how to safely build strength on the exercises I'm still trying to master? 


Hi T, 

The Rat 6 Strength Plan is perfect for you:
– Rob



I am curious to hear your advice.
I'm about to start Army Traditional OCS (state based, as I am in the Guard). Instead of the federal, 12 week OCS, National Guard officers go through an 18 month long, one weekend per month program that replaces our normal drills. 
I'm a bigger guy (~22% body fat, right at the upper end for my age group) and I typically score between 230-250 on my PT test. I CrossFitted for a while until I tore my hip labrum. I'm hoping to make it through OCS as the labrum really only limits me when I squat. 
I'd like to find a plan that will basically improve my overall level of fitness, with an eye towards the OCS graduation events (3 ruck marches, distance runs). Do you recommend something like your Work Capacity plan or something different? My hope is to branch Infantry, so I will be looking for your RASP plan before I head off to IBOLC after OCS. I'd like to work towards a higher level of overall fitness while losing some weight, which I think will help my APFT scores. I'd obviously get back to the CF gym, but I am trying to limit my heavy lifting so I don't aggravate my hip to the point that I can't make it through OCS.
Any advice you have would be much appreciated.



Hi J – 
I think a good place for you to start – which will focus on your APFT Scores, and get your head right, is the Ranger School Prep Plan:
It includes dedicated pushup/situp/running work, bodyweight smokers, and rucking. 
Also, you need to fix your diet. 80% of bodyfat is diet-related. 
Here are my dietary guidelines.

6 Days a Week: Eat lean meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and drink water. Don't eat carbs (bread, spuds, rice) or sugar. 

1 Day a Week: Cheat like a mother! Beer, pizza, ice cream – you name it! We've found you can't eat clean over the long term without cheating. We've also found the longer you stick to this diet, the less you'll "cheat" on your cheat days, and the more cheating will hurt you – i.e. stomach ache, gas, etc.

– Rob



Rob, I was wondering if the APFT plan you have is free for military
personnel. I have a bunch of guys I work with that I would like to see score
higher on their APFT or even pass. Thanks for any help or information.-L


Hi L, 

Sorry, No.
– Rob




I hope all is well. The website remod look great.

I wanted to run my training plans by you, to get your opinion – thanks in advance for your time.

I am planning a Goruck HCL in early August (that is a Heavy-Challenge-Light in a row on the same weekend) followed by Goruck ‘Selection’ in October.

So, I hope to be ‘ready’ for ‘selection’ during the HCL event in August, minus some extra rucking miles I’ll ramp-up after the August event.

For the train-up to HCL, I was considering doing the last phases of the Ruck Packet plan – essentially 357 Strength + Run Improvement followed by Selection Program.

I then will take a week of bodyweight/mobility unload before starting back mid-program on the Selection Program to prepare for October ‘selection’.

Does this make sense?  I know you don’t have any base fitness to go by, but I am pretty solid on lower body strength standards, and close on upper body, struggle to hit sub-40min on 5mi runs, and can maintain 12mi ruck with 60# at sub 14:30-15’/mile on rolling hill terrain.

Thanks again as always for the no BS programming, and the advice. -S


Hi S, 

You're plan looks solid.
Good luck!
– Rob



Hi Rob,

I've got an upcoming TDY to an extremely austere location. I've heard there might be some type of weight lifting equipment but it'll be limited. I'll be there for about two months. Is it possible/feasible to do three plans at once? I'm thinking about doing body weight, the body weight core, and the run improvement plans. Any inputs or other thoughts on this are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, 



Hi Mike – 
You could do Body Weight ( and Run Improvement at the same time, but not bodyweight core ( …. it would be redundant with the Bodyweight plan. 
You may also want to consider the Sandbag/Weightvest/Dumbbell Training Plan:
It's pretty easy to build a sandbag out of an old duffle, and most places will have a pair of 25# dumbbells. 

– Rob



Hey there rob!
i had a question as to the sfod selection package. i already own all of the plans that are in it. so there is no need for me to spend the money again for the same programs. so i was wondering if there are any bits of extra material in the package that i do not have or know. i just want to have all of my bases covered and know EVERYTHING that i can before i start doing this.
if you can email me the extra info(if there is any) that would be awesome. can’t wait to hear back from you. -C


Hi C
Just look at the proposed schedule and honor the rest weeks and you're good. No need to purchase the packet.
Good luck!




I'm a 34 year old former MARSOC guy who still trains like i'm going to be deploying down range, I have finally deciced to get some surgical work done on my right knee which I have ignored for a few years, and I am worried about losing my fitness level during recovery.
Wondering if there were anything specific that I could do to maintain both strength and cardio levels especially early on in the recovery when I won't be able to do a lot with my right knee being out of commission a bit.
Thanks. I'm a big fan of your programs and the knowledge that you guys put out.


Hi Matt – 
We built our Leg Injury Training Plan just for guys like you:
– Rob



I've been cruising through your site and the various kudos, Q&A's, and reviews and would like to purchase one of your plans (or a combination) in order to prepare for TBS.
I've got around three months to train, and would be starting with a good strength base.  Areas that need work wound be endurance/stamina.  For reference, at 5'9" and about 183lbs:
Squat: 345×3 (No belt)
Deadlift: 405×3 (No Belt)
Bench: 245×3
3 mile run = 21:53
Pullups: 65lbs around the waist x 6
My thought was to start with running either the Rat 6 or 357 strength plan with the running improvement plan (Strength AM, Run PM) and then run the operator sessions afterwards until the start of TBS, or to simply run the operator sessions from now until then.  My question to you is what is the difference between these two plans (Rat6 and 357), and which course of action would you recommend for TBS prep.
Thank you in advance for your time.



Hi D – 
I'd recommend the Ranger School Prep Plan ( the 7 weeks directly before reporting to The Basic School. This plan will sport-specifically address running, rucking, bodyweight stuff, etc. 
Between now and 7-weeks out I'd recommend our Work Capacity Training Plan: This plan includes some strength and stamina, but is work capacity focused. Depending upon how you recover (soreness), you could add in some long runs and rucks 2-4x/week. 
Based on the numbers you sent me, I'd like to see you drop down to around 175#, and lay off the strength work. You're plenty strong, but The Basic School isn't a strength event – it's long stamina/endurance event. The extra 8# of muscle you're lugging around will be dead weight. You already run well – imagine how much swifter you'll be after dropping some mass. 
Strength will make you more durable, but don't think you can squat/bench and deadlift yourself to a fast/efficient ruck time. I certainly can't! Rucking and running are their own animals, and there's no short cut to become proficient at them. 
Good luck! 
I'm jealous!
– Rob



I plan on purchasing your Navy PST plan tomorrow.  I was wondering if I can throw any strength training in.  I was thinking a bench, squat, and deadlift.  I was wondering if that would be bordering overtraining.  If it is not how would you suggest I add them?  The reason I want to add them is I would like to maintain some strength because I am not the strongest.  I can't do a strength plan right now because I need to get competitive PST scores as soon as possible so I can ship out.  I would also like to possibly add dips to the program.  Any suggestions on how to add those things would be great thank you.-D


Hi D-
Perhaps, depending upon your fitness level, and if you don't want to maximize your results from the plan. If you want to truly increase your PST scores, do the Navy PST alone:
The plan is no joke.
If you want add those big lifts, add them in 2-3 days/week, and high weight, low volume – I'd recommend a 6×4 set/rep scheme.
– Rob



Hi Rob, I had a question for you about which plan you would recommend. I've been doing a power lifting routine for the last couple months and while I feel like I've made some decent gains in strength, I feel pretty fat and out of shape now. I'd like to shift gears and focus on getting my cardio back up and improving my running. I was thinking about doing your work capacity plan and then maybe follow it up with either your gym based stamina plan or your run improvement plan? If you have any other suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks for your help. -J


Hi J-

Work Cap would be a great place to start:
After work cap either the Stamina Plan ( or the Military Endurance Plan (
I'd recommend the Military Endurance Plan. Getting out of the gym for a little will help with the burden of constant fitness.
– Rob



I currently subscribe to the Operator Sessions and am planning on doing them until I'm six weeks out from my FBI Phase II PFT evaluation (which is when I would begin the FBI PFT plan I purchased a few weeks ago). My plan was to purchase the HRT Selection program from the site after that and see how I stand (figured it wouldn't hurt to be at that level prior to the Academy). 
Is this HRT plan still available for sale? I noticed it has been removed from the Mil Athlete store. If not, which do you recommend in place of it? 
Thanks for the great programming! -M


Hi M-

Yes – we started programming specifically for Law Enforcement Athletes at Here's the link to the FBI HRT Plan:
– Rob



lets say on a barbell complex it says 65#. does that mean i add 65# in plates or does that include the bar with the weight? -C


Hi C-
Barbell plus plates. Load prescribed is the entire thing.
– Rob



I am a Border Patrol Agent so my AOR is pretty rugged with mountains scattered throughout. A typical day will often involve extended hikes through mountainous terrain that could end up covering anywhere from 1-6+ miles. I saw that you have a Hotshot Program on Mountain Athlete that seemed like something that could benefit my fellow agents and I who are located in the more rugged sectors across the border. My question is if a program on Mountain Athlete would carry over well to our line of work within our specific area, or if you'd recommend sticking to the Military Athlete workouts. I've bought a good number of your Military Athlete programs in the past, but this would be my first Mountain Athlete program. Thanks!


Hi A-
There would be a lot of carryover from the Hotshot Plan (
Another option would be the Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Plan:
One note about both of these plans – both are designed as intense, pre-season or pre-deployment trainups. They aren't appropriate if you're in the middle of your buys hiking/patrolling season now. 
I'm not sure if you coming into the busy patrol season, or if it's always busy. If you have 6 or so weeks before it gets busy, either of these plans would work. 
However, if you're deep into patrolling now, you're already getting in plenty of sport-specific hiking, etc. What I'd recommend is complementing the hiking/endurance stuff you're doing in the field with some focused, efficient strength/power/work capacity in the gym – specifically the Busy Operator Training Plan:
These tight sessions are designed to be 30-45 minutes long.
– Rob



I'm doing the bodyweight 1 in a small room with access to a treadmill. Is their a substitute for the suicide sprints? -R


Hi R-

10 Rounds
30 Seconds Burpees
30 Seconds Rest
– Rob




Just did some research as I rest up this week preparing for the hybrid cycle next week. I noticed on both the mountain and military sides for base fitness hybrid cycles tend to be shorter than more singularly focused cycles (like a pure strength cycle tends to be on the order of 4-5 weeks). Is there any reason behind that?

Thanks. -C


Hi C-

Yes – these are just a quick hit, 2-week cycles. We're afraid too much strength/work cap would be lost if we did a back to back stamina to endurance cycle. These hybrids are placed between to keep recharge strength and work cap before dropping into Endurance.
Strength cycles are generally 3-4 weeks long. Same with Work Cap cycles. These hybrids are 2-weeks.
– Rob




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