
Front Squat + push press This exercise can be completed with a barbell as shown, dumbbells, kettlebells, or a sandbag.…

Headstand Crunch

…your legs up so that your torso is fully extended (thighs parallel to the floor) and then slowly lower your knees back down to your elbows. That’s one rep.…

Seated Box Jump

…be seated on a box that lets your legs go below parallel. Unweight your heels and explode as high as you can. Try to land as lightly as possible.…

Touch Jump Touch

…for example 30 sec work, 30 sec rest – or for reps. If done for reps, each jump counts as 1x rep. So 2x Touch/Jump/Touch = 2 jumps total.…

Calf Raise Intervals

20 seconds of calve raises 10 second hold at the top (on tippy toes)…

Dumbbell Pinch

Grasp the dummbell on the end, but don’t let your fingers slip into the numbers for extra grip.…

Power Clean

…up, shrugging your shoulders and fully extending the body. Drop underneath the bar catching it in the rack position (elbows high) in a quarter squat or anything above parallel.…

Donkey Kick

On your hands and knees, keep your knee bent at 90 degrees and kick heel to ceiling.…

Shoulder Dislocates

…overhead and behind you as far as you can reach. 3) This is a stretch, it shouldn’t hurt. If it does take your arms wider until it doesn’t hurt.…