Figure 4s

Dumbbell Complex

…Squat 6x Push Ups Instep Stretch   Most the time loading will be prescribed. Most women will begin with 15# dumbbells, and most men will begin with 25# dumbbells.…

Single Leg Raise

…the mobility and can hold your up leg vertical with the knee fully extended, do this rack/frame-free. Just hold your leg up in the air and raise your other.…

Sit Up

Sit Up.…

Renegade Rows

Scotty Bob without the push up.…


…creating tension in your core. Press your lower back to the ground. Keeping that tension tight, raise one leg keeping the leg straight. Do prescribed amount on each leg.…

Side to Side Sandbag Push Press

…press sandbag from one shoulder to the other. 1x Rep = A round trip – from starting shoulder back to starting shoulder, or 2x presses total over the head.…

Plyo Push Ups

Perform push ups on a medicine ball alternating hands on the ball…

Squat to stand

…This works on your thoracic mobility and your ability to get deep on your squats. To progress this just drop your heels further and further until they are flat.…

Bird Dog

…touch your knee and elbow underneath you. Each knee- elbow touch counts as one rep. Do all your reps on one side and then switch to the opposite side.…