Shoulder Scarecrow

Rotator cuff strengthening/maintenance exercise.…

Sandbag Double Eagle

…Place the bag into the tire, and drag back to starting point. Drag it back, backwards – facing the tires.–k6132fpQ   You might also like 5 Great Sandbag Exercises…


…barbell. In this case, put a 25# plate on one side of the barbell. 5x = 5x each side – 5x circles going right, then 5x circles going left.…

Standing Russian Twist

…the weight of the plate, not the plate plus the barbell. In this case, put a 25# plate on one side of the barbell. 5x = 5x each side.…

Sandbag Clean & Squat

Clean sandbag from the ground to your shoulder and drop into a deep squat. Drop the bag and clean to the opposite shoulder and squat. Both shoulders= 1 rep…

Virtual Shovel

put weight and collar on one end of the barbell. Mimc a shoveling movement. Set number of reps on one side and then the other.…

1-Arm Situp

…kettlebell or dumbbell in one hand directly overhead. With knees bent, do a sit up with the arm kept straight overhead. Do X reps and repeat with other arm.…

Curtis P

1x Curtis P = Hang Squat Clean + Lunge + Lunge + Push Press…

Plank Walkup

…as in walking your arms up and down. Reverse directions at the half way point. 10x Plank Walk Up = 10x Left Arm and 10x Right Arm, 20x Total…